AWARDS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nominees sought for Mosher Award. Nominees are sought for the 1994 Harry & Carol Mosher Award. The award is presented by the ACS Santa Clara Valley ...
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JANUARY 24, 1994 C&EN

Nominees sought for Mosher Award Nominees are sought for the 1994 Har­ ry & Carol Mosher Award. The award is presented by the ACS Santa Clara Valley Section to recognize and encour­ age outstanding work in chemistry, to advance chemistry as a profession, and to recognize service to ACS. The award consists of an engraved plaque and $1,000. Travel expenses incurred by the recipient and spouse to attend the award presentation will be paid upon request. The recipient will be expected to present an award address. Five copies of a nominating letter, sec­ onding letter, and supporting documents should be forwarded to the award com­ mittee. Supporting documents include a brief biographical sketch; vita and list of publications and patents; specific identifi­ cation of the work and service upon which the nomination is based; and eval­ uation and appraisal of the nominee's ac­ complishments, particularly the work and service to be recognized by the award. Candidates must be U.S. residents

and ACS members. No self-nominations will be considered. Send nominations to Chairman, Mosher Awards Committee, ACS Santa Clara Valley Section, P.O. Box 395, Palo Alto, Calif. 94302. The deadline is May 15. Π

Nominations for 1994 Linus Pauling Award Nominations are invited for the 1994 Li­ nus Pauling Award. Sponsored by the ACS Oregon, Portland, and Puget Sound sections, the award is presented in recog­ nition of outstanding achievement in chemistry. Nominations should consist of a curriculum vitae that includes signifi­ cant publications and a list of honors and awards, and a summary (400 to 1,000 words) of scientific achievements includ­ ing explanations that outline the impor­ tance of the work. Seconding letters are encouraged. Send seven copies of the nominating documents by March 1 to Michael Heinekey, Department of Chemistry, BG-10, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. 98195. Π

Polymer curriculum development awards In cooperation with participating indus­ try, POLYED, the joint education com­ mittee of the ACS division of Polymer Chemistry and of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering, awards grants for special projects directed toward the development of new polymer curricula or new curricular materials. In the past, these awards have ranged from $2,500 to $10,000 and typically have been for a two- or three-year period. The larger awards have been for projects that have broad impact, whereas other awards have been for projects having primary impact on a particular institution. POLYED es­ pecially encourages projects that use these grants as seed monies or as match­ ing funds. The topics funded by these awards change from time to time. Past awards have been granted for projects such as new courses in polymers, especially those involving laboratory work; development of polymer laboratory experiments; prep­ aration of classroom materials, interactive computer programs, or instructional vid­ eotapes; and cooperative projects between universities and local elementary, middle,

and high schools. This list is illustrative, neither exhaustive nor limiting with r e gard to the types of projects that POLYED will support. POLYED encourages inno­ vative proposals that will have a wide im­ pact on polymer education. Interested individuals are encouraged to submit a one-page description of the proposed project to Kris Matyjasezewski, Department of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University, 4400 Fifth Ave., Pitts­ burgh, Pa. 15213; phone (412) 268-3209. The preliminary proposal should include a brief abstract of the proposed project, an estimate of the level of funding that would be requested from POLYED, an estimate of the time period for the grant, and any anticipated matching funds for the project. Authors of successful pre­ liminary proposals will be asked to sub­ mit a more detailed proposal. Prelimi­ nary proposals may be submitted at any time, but the deadline for spring 1994 consideration is March 1. Information can be obtained from POLYED, Depart­ ment of Chemistry, University of Wis­ consin, Stevens Point, Wis. 54481; phone (715) 346-3703. Π