Azo and diazo chemistry (Zollinger, Heinrich) - Journal of Chemical

Azo and diazo chemistry (Zollinger, Heinrich). DeLos F. DeTar. J. Chem. Educ. , 1962, 39 (8), p A609. DOI: 10.1021/ed039pA609. Publication Date: Augus...
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Azo and Diazo Chemistry

Heinrich Zollinger, Zurich, Switzerlend. Tmnslatecl by H a v y E. Nwslen, University of Leeds, Great Britain. Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1961. 444 pp. Figs. and tables. 17.5 X 25 rm. $113.50. Since Dr. H. Zollinger has been a consultant for the dye industry and has cont,rihutrd extensively to the chemistry of the coupling reartion and other reartions of diazonium salts, he is very well qualified to write about diaso and aso compounds. His book contains an extensive rompilation of useful information; aliphatic eompounds are considered as wdl its aromatics. I t is nat,ural to compare the present book with I