Baker — Headquarters for METALLIC SALTS in tonnage quantities

Nov 5, 2010 - Article Options. PDF (155 KB) · Abstract. Tools & Sharing. Add to Favorites · Download Citation · Email a Colleague · Add to ACS ChemWor...
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Baker — H e a d q u a r t e r s for METALLIC SALTS in tonnage quantities Every day new demands confront industries which require tonnage quantities of Metallic Salts. These Salts have wide application and use in the manufacturing of colors and pigments, electronic and fluorescent products, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and frequently as catalytic agents. Many Baker Metallic Salts are of standard manufacture. But Baker also supplies chemicals with tailor-made characteristics when sufficient quantity for economic manufacturing is needed by specific industries. If your processing requires salts of tin, nickel, lead, cadmium, cobalt, molybdenum, bismuth, zinc, manganese, etc., you will be interested in talking with your Baker representative. Baker's know-how and wide experience in manufacturing Metallic Salts of exacting purity are helping many companies gain troublefree processing. It will pay you to make Baker your headquarters for Metallic Salts, and let us quote on your requirements. J. T . B a k e r C h e m i c a l C o . , Executive Offices and Plant Phillipsburg, N e w Jersey.


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