difference in the bank. SGE INJECTORS, SYRINGES AND COLUMNS give your Capillary Chromatography the 1, 2, 3 . . . . More performance in less ... CIRCLE...
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Give Your Capillary Chromatography The 1,2, 3 More Performance, in Less Time, for Fewer Dollars


powerful combination of innovative Capillary Chromatography accessories. The performance of our vitreous silica columns is enhanced by the new OCI-2 on-column injector and the 5A-SOC syringe. This winning combination will deliver a powerful punch to the quality of your Capillary Chromatography. And speaking of delivery, you’ll be impressed by SGE offers


response to your needs. In most cases, our injectors, syringes and columns will be on the way in less than 24 hours after your order is received. And when you order, subtract the price of our products from the competition’s and put the difference in the bank. SGE INJECTORS, SYRINGES AND COLUMNS give your Capillary Chromatography the 1,2, 3.. our



2 Head Office; Scientific Glass Engineering Pty. Ltd., 7 Argent Place, Ringwood, Victoria, 3134 Australia. Tel; (03) 874-6333

U.S.A. Sales Office: Scientific Glass Engineering Inc., 2007 Kramer Lane, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78758, U.S.A. Tel: (512) 837-7190

More performance in less time for fewer dollars. To order this winning combination, contact your nearest SGE sales office or distributor.

UK Sales Office: Scientific Glass Engineering, (U,K.) Ltd. Potters Lane, Kiln Farm Milton Kevnes MK11 3LA Tel: (0908) 568844

German (BRD) Sales Office: Scientific Glass Engineering GmbH., Fichtenweg 15, D-6108 Weiterstadt 1, Tel: