Baker - Headquarters for METALLIC SALTS in tonnage quantities

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Every day n e w demands confront industries w h i c h require *onna^e quantities of Metallic Salts. These Salts have wide application aaid use in the manufacturing of colors and pigments, electronic ajnd fluorescent products, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and frequently as catalytic agents. Many Baker Metallic Salts are of standard manufacture. Biat Baker also supplies chemicals w i t h tailor-made characteristics wrmen sufficient quantity for economic manufacturing is needed by specific industries· If your processing requires salts of tin, nickel, lead, cadmiimm» cobalt, m o l y b d e n u m , bismuth, zinc, manganese, etc., yon. will be interested in talking w i t h your Baker representative. Baker's k n o w - h o w and w i d e experience in manufacturing MetaJlic Salts of exacting purity are h e l p i n g many companies gain, troutble· free processing. It w i l l pay y o u to make Baker your fcieadquarcers for Metallic Salts, and let us q u o t e on your requirements· J . T . B a k e r C h e m i c a l C o . , Executive Offices and Fiant Phillipsburg, N e w Jersey.

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AERO" ACRYLONITRILE IN RUBBER Stretching Rubber's Usefulness Rubber in the form of the many useful and essential rubber products is the true changeling of the chemist —it takes as many forms as it has functions. It can be hard or soft, cellular or solid, resistant to oils and solvents or soluble in them, a good electrical insulator or a conductor, resistant to heat or thermally conductive. Butadiene-acrylonitrile copolymers are among the special synthetic rubbers which may be fabricated into end products possessing outstanding resistance to greases, oils and solvents. These copolymers containing 15-55% of acryionitrile, when properly compounded and vulcanized, give rubber products which meet the needs of many special applications. During World War II acryionitrile rubbers helped solve many serious

In-flight refueling of high altitude jet fighters calls for rubber hose that resists deterioration in contact with fuels and oils—properties that acryionitrile can impart to rubber.

problems for our armed forces. Practical self-sealing gas tanks for our aircraft removed a great hazard from combat operations. Ships on convoy across Arctic routes were able to refuel

at sea through the use of acryionitrile rubber hose, which was resistant to the action of oils and remained flexible at extremely low temperatures. The same properties make acryionitrile rubber extremely useful in the fuel and hydraulic systems of high altitude jet fighters today, and in the refueling of aircraft aloft.

copolymer makes the woven fabric easier t o clean and also reduces loom chafing.

Can Acryionitrile Copolymers Solve Your Rubber Problems? Chances are they can, when properly compounded. Need rubber hose to carry fuels, coolants, solvents through machines and plant equipment? Need rubber to withstand shock, heat and continuous immersion in oils or fats? Need rubber that's both cellular and hard, lightweight and strong, resistant to heat and non-absorbent to many liquids? Acryionitrile rubbers are performing many jobs where these properties are needed. The use of a wide variety of acryionitrile copolymer rubbers greatly improves the properties of an ever increasing number of products. For instance: they increase the adhesion and oil resistance of cements and adhesives ; impart better scrub-resistance, higher film-hardness and more desirable application characteristics to latex-type specialty coatings; give softness as well as oil resistance to flexible dipped goods such as gloves, boots and the like. Problems of staining, bloom and evaporation disappear when an acryionitrile copolymer is used as an internal vinyl plasticizer. Paper, fabric, and leather which are coated or impregnated with an acryionitrile copolymer have greatly improved oil resistance. As a size for a variety of synthetic fibers still another acryionitrile

Bellows o f acryionitrile rubber on a helicopter rotor spinner protects working parts o f rotor from rain w a t e r and salt s p r a y . Acryionitrile rubber w a s used because o f its g o o d resistance to the deteriorating effects of oils, greases, a g i n g and extreme temperatures. Photograph courtesy o f B. F. Goodrich Chemical C o .

The entire operation of a diesel-powered train d e p e n d s on the performance of the electrical control jumpers between the diesel locomotive units. Acryionitrile rubber protects cable a n d contacts from oil and abrasion under severe railroad service conditions. Photograph courtesy B. F. Goodrich Chemical C o .

* Trade-mark

CYANAM!D-the first to offer ACRYLONITRILE in commercial quantities in this country 2754





AERO* PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE A SOURCE OF A WHOLE FAMILY OF EXCELLENT PLASTICIZERS Among the many prcxiucts made of resins compounded with β Ο Ρ and DOPI are shower curtains; acLhesives, shoe products and extruded tubing.

Proper Choice^of Plasticizers V i t a l to G o o d V i n y l Formulation To compound vinyl resins with the required flexibility, light stability, and resistance to embrittlement, cracking or peeling with age, proper selection of a plasticizer is important. A E R O Phthalic Anhydride is a source for two excellent vinyl plasticizers, DOP (di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate) and DOPI (di isooctyl phthalate). These plasticizers offer low heat loss, low brittle point and good com­ patibility. They have excellent light stability, permanence and high retentivity over a wide temperature range.

Phthalic Esters Also Useful Plasticizers

Rainwear, shower curtains and other items of vinyl sheeting are among the many prod­ ucts that gain flexibility, light stability and resistance to cracking when formulated with one of the plasticizers derived from Phthalic Anhydride.

AERO Phthalic Anhy