"Bareco has shipped a billion pounds of macrocrystalline wax? So

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"Bareco has shipped a billion pounds of macrocrystalline wax?

So what?" So that's enough to fill more than 33,000 boxcars, or a train well over 300 miles long. More significant than astronomical statis­ tics, though, is the customer confidence and satisfaction this 1,000,000,000 pounds represents. Since 1935 wax users have repeatedly looked to Bareco as the specialized and leading source of microcrystalline waxes. Wherever wax uses or their application processes have required tailor-made or for­ mulated waxes, Bareco is there —with in­ novations or modifications to meet the most demanding needs. Through t h e years, this individualized customer service has contributed to t h e m a n u f a c t u r i n g experience a n d technical k n o w - h o w t h a t today make Bareco t h e world's largest producer of microcrystalline waxes. Scores of industries rely on Bareco's wide selection of specialized p e t r o l e u m waxes because of their versatility, controlled quality, consistent uniformity, and depend­ able supply. If you use wax, or if you contemplate using wax, let a portion of the second billion p o u n d s improve your p r o d u c t a n d y o u r profits. B a r e c o ' s r e s e a r c h facilities a n d technical assistance are yours for the asking. Write or call for samples and recommenda­ tions. No obligation.




917 Enterprise Building,Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 Offices and representatives in Ardmore, Pennsylvania · Atlanta, Georgia Chicago, Illinois · Los Angeles and San Francisco, California / London, England Paris, France · Sydney, Australia · Tokyo, Japan * Voorburg, Netherlands