Basic chemistry

Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Garden Street,. Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. $350. ... prime subjects for this particular treatment. The ...
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Basic Infrared Spectroscopy Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. 5350. With the advent of audio-visual teaching aids the modern methods of chemical analysis such as infrared spectroscopy were prime subjects for this particular treatment. The latest series contains six programs on Basic Infrared Spectroscopy all technically validated by the Cohlentz Society

1004 solid ~ a m p i i n g j ~ a rIt and s 11(54 slides) 1005 Quantitative Analysis/Part I: The Beer Lambert Law (32 slides) 1006 Quantitative Analysis/Part 11: Performing the analysis (36slides)

Each program is presented by s. series of 35 mm color slides with the accompanying narration on cassette tape. The synchronizsi tian of slide with voice is accomplished manually from signals suoerimnosed on the audio tmes. Averaee leneth is .. nroeram .. about 20 mi". A* w i t 1 other a~~dic-vis~nl sy,;temi the ~ ~ V I O I L S ~dvnntigcssurh a5 the parc uf learning, etc., can bc cuntn.llrd by the user. These six programs probably represent the most comprehensive treatment of practical Infrared Spectroscopy on the market. Selection of examples to illustrate the various points under d i e cussion are extremely informative but the clarity of the slides vav-sometimes too little information to even warrent a slide, sometimes overcrowded. The overall presentation of the slides leaves 8. lot to he desired. Surely the cost involved demands the slides mounted under glass for protection? On the whole, hawever, the six programs have been well designed and executed with perhaps too much emphasis on the solid sampling section. In conclusion, this set of six programs can he recommended for instruction in Practical Infrared Spectroscopy-a somewhat more apt title to properly convey the contents. The cost of 8350 for this series might well deter its purchase and use. A series on Basic Infrared Interpretation would be an even more welcome program. Other programs now available from Sadtler include

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