which has a stainless steel body and operates from a 110-volt a.c. supply, has a 9-cm. path length. Tempera- ture is measuredwith a coaxial or metal s...
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H I G H TEMPERATURE (TO 2 6 0 0 ° F . - 1427°C)

combustion tube furnace features 4 8 step control for e a c h z o n e . . . fast heat up...low power consumption Heated infrared gas cell, Model GH-5, is used to study gases and vapors from ambient to 2 5 0 ° C. The cell which has a stainless steel body and operates from a 110-volt a.c. supply, has a 9-cm. path length. Temperature is measured with a coaxial or metal shielded thermocouple. The unit is insulated by use of an asbestos V block. NaCI windows are used. Limit Research Corp., 557 Post Rd., Darien, Conn. 442

Pressure F i l t r a t i o n Funnel

All stainless steel funnel with Teflon seal ring speeds up filtration of solutions difficult to filter by vacuum. Easily assembled, 200-ml. capacity funnel works up to 100 p.s.i. Glass fiber prefilters and Polypore membrane filter are used. Gelman Instrument Co., 106 North Main St., Chelsea, Mich. 443

Hevi-Duty Type G furnaces are especially convenient for the operator. The compact self-contained u n i t s i n c l u d e a base which houses all controls and instruments necessary for operation. The furnace shown is equipped with two zones of temperature control (two end circuits in parallel as one zone, and a center zone) and uses 16 Silicon Carbide elements. Excellent temperature uniformity is achieved. Investigate this furnace for any installation requiring easy control of high t e m p e r a t u r e . Write for Bulletin 5403.


H I G H TEMPERATURE (2200°F^-1205°C) * A-


combustion tube furnace features vestibules to reduce heat losses and extend length of uniform temperature zone

Micro-buret is completely automatic and direct reading. The borosilicate glass buret with precision-fitted Teflon plunger is easily removed for filling, cleaning, or interchanging units. Controls and power supply are housed in a separate unit permitting remote control operation. A three-position switch controls the motorized buret which has a capacity of 0.25 ml. Delivery rate ranges from 0.32 to 0.06 ml. per minute. Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., Bloomfield, N. J . 444

Available in both hinged and solid types, the Hevi-Duty Type MK furnace is well suited for use in carbon d e t e r m i n a t i o n , organic analysis and other laboratory research where an accurate, uniform source of heat is required. T h e hinged design provides easy observation, fast cooling, convenient placing of the tube and many other advantages. Long life "Multiple Unit" heating units provide fast heatup and heat release. The unit is available in d i a m e t e r s of 1V4, 1%, 2%, 3, 3 % , 5, 5%, 7 and 8 and can be supplied in lengths up to 40 inches. Write for Bulletin 5401.

HEVI-DUTY ® Electric and Fuel-Fired Industrial Furnaces and Ovens

Hevi-Duty Heating Equipment Division BASIC PRODUCTS CORPORATION Watertown, Wisconsin

Circle No. 42 on Readers' Service Card VOL 34, NO. 8, JULY 1 962


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