BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATED - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 17, 2012 - BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATED. Anal. Chem. , 1962, 34 (13), pp 43A–43A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60193a734. Publication Date: December 1962...
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the parameters involved in the separation of technetium from EBR-II "fissium" components. A. R. Eberle, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, studied various methods for determining tungsten in reactor materials, and presented a more precise method using 8-quinolinol. F. J. Miller, ORNL, reported a new and more sensitive method for the spectrophotometric determination of technetium, using 1,5diphenylcarbohydrazide. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY OF THE ACTINIDES

Primary standards for plutonium analysis were considered. F. J. Miner, Dow Chemical Co., Denver, Colo., recommended the use of dicesium plutonium hexachloride which can be prepared easily, is readily soluble in dilute acids and water, has a constant composition, high equivalent weight, and is stable. C. F . Pietri, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, New Brunswick, N. J., described studies of plutonium sulfate tetrahydrate which has many of the characteristics required for a primary plutonium standard. V. M. Sinclair discussed methods used at the UKAEA Establishment at Dounreay for determining the oxygen-to-metal ratio of reactor fuels consisting of solid solutions of U 0 2 and P u 0 2 . The methods included gravimetric, x-ray diffraction, hydrogen and oxygen cycles used with thermogravimetric studies, and measurement of C 0 2 formed on reduction of super-stoichiometric oxide to M 0 2 with CO. J. Corpel, Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Fonenay-auxRoses, described a titrimetric method for uranium and plutonium in H N 0 3 medium in which the element is reduced with titanium(III) in the presence of sulfamic acid and then titrated with cerium(IV). John Hines, Argonne National Laboratory, described two ion exchange methods for actinide separation. In one, the actinides are separated by elution from an anion exchange resin with a methanol-nitric acid solution. He also reported on the elution behavior of small amounts of transuranium elements in the classical EDTA-rare-earth, cation exchange system. The separation of Pr 1 4 7 from Am 241 was reported with 99% pure Pm achieved by two elutions with diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid solution in a cation exchange system. D. A. Costanzo, ORNL, described studies of the chemistry of plutonium solutions by absorption spectrophotometric methods, using digital computing techniques to resolve complex spectra of solutions containing tri-, quadri-, and hexavalent

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