CHEMICALS Packing Kit for G C Columns As a new aid for gas chromatographers, a series of inexpensive packing kits for (1C columns are available. Selected coatings on Chromopak are furnished in three assortments. Trial packings in 25-gram bottles include materials suitable for séparation of low, medium, or high boiling samples and are sullicient for preparing the average length column. Complete information on these kits as well as the comp;\nv's line of adsorbents and inert supports for gas chromatography are available. W. H. Ctirtin it Co., P. O. Box 154(i, Houston 1, Texas. 501
Red Blood Cell Reagent A new red blood cell reagent provides one-minute verification of negative Coombs test results. Called Checkcell, the new reagent consists of especially sensitized Group Ο red blood cells. It is used after negative Coombs tests to determine whether the Coombs test system is reactive and capable of agglutinating or clumping red blood cells. Checkcell is packaged in o-, 7-, and l.i-ml. vials. Chas. Pfizer it Co., Inc., 2oô Last 42nd St., New York 17, Y.Y. 502
Desiccant Desiccant 812, newly developed, is the potassium salt of a sulfonated scyrene-divinylbenzene copolymer. A nonpolar organic solvent passed through a short column filled with this new desiccant is dried to a very lowwater content, often under 1 p.p.m. The effective drying capacity under these conditions is about 20 grams of water per 100 grams of the desiccant. The desiccant is regenerated readily by drying at a temperature of llô° C. Dept. Ell, .1. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N. J. 503
Phosphorus Reagent A new clinical reagent has been developed for phosphorus determinations. Accurate and reproducible results are possible in ten seconds or less, according to the company. Analytical Peagents Corp., 880 Willis Ave., Albertson, NY. 504
Get top accuracy readings in seconds...for a fraction of a cent per test. Whether you're testing alcohols or extra dense flint glasses . . . the versatile Bausch & Lomb Abbe 3-L Refractometer provides dependable quality control over an extended range of N D 1.30 to N D 1.71. And it's 1-2-3 simple too, just "LOAD-LIGHT and LOOK." Coarse and fine adjustment knobs give instant readings to .0005 (with reliable estimates to .0001) . . . dissolved solids to . 2 % (estimates to . 1 % ) . Production testing as fast as every 20 seconds . . . with instrument costs less than 29(S a day! B&L offers you the industry's most complete line of refractometers . . . as listed in the coupon . . . for precision testing in every index range. Make sure you're meeting the standards of purity and concentration you need for quality and profits. Write or mail the coupon for information and on-the-job demonstration, to help you select just the right _ ^ _ refractometer for your needs. BAUSCH & LOMB ι
BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATED 81044 Bausch Street Rochester 2, Ν. Υ.
Send me Catalog D-202 containing complete information on: • Abbe 3-L • Precision • Hand • High Range [~J Butyro |~J Juice Abbe 3-L • Industrial • Dipping • I'd like a demonstration of the models checked above. Name, Title Company Street Address City.
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In Canada, write Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Ltd., Dept. 810, Scientific Instrument Division. 16 Grosvenor St., Toronto 5. Canada Circle No. 37 on Readers' Service Card
VOL. 35, NO. 9, AUGUST 1963 ·
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