Dependable quality control is high-speed rou- tine with a B&L Abbe-3L Refractometer . . . and the price is the lowest in the field. You can easily tes...
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LOAD! Front horizontal prisms for easiest load­ ing ever.

Just L o a d - L i g h t - L o o k . . . get top accuracy readings in seconds! D e p e n d a b l e q u a l i t y control is high-speed rou­ t i n e w i t h a B&L Abbe-3L Refractometer . . . a n d t h e price is the lowest in t h e field. Y o u can easily test several samples a m i n u t e . H o r i z o n t a l prism assembly is r i g h t u p front, loads or w i p e s in a w i n k . Duo-Speed c o n t r o l gives you r a p i d scan­ n i n g or fine line setting at t h e touch of a finger. Precision scale reads instantly to .0005; reliable estimates to .0001. Practical r a n g e : n j j 1.30 to n D 1.71. ( N E W ! H i g h R a n g e Abbe-3L, n D 1.45 t o nj-) 1.84 r a n g e , for h i g h - i n d e x liquids. W r i t e for q u o t a t i o n . )




LIGHT! Comfortably lowpositioned hold-down switch lights scale.

LOOK! See accurate read­ ing instantly on illumi­ nated scale.



BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. | 88529 St. Paul Street, Rochester 2 , N. Y. j Send me complete data on the following B&L Refractometers: • Abbe-3L Π Industrial ρ Hand Π High Range Abbe-3L Π Butyro Π Juice • Precision Π Oil Grading Π Dipping Π I'd like a demonstration of the models checked above. NAME, TITLE COMPANY ADDRESS

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technicians were beginning to disect cadavers in the lecture hall and, to use a m o d e r n and inelegant expression, "making a monkey of the learned p r o ­ fessor." Students are not nearly so stupid as their mentors believe, and what was exposed before their eyes be­ came a realistic a p p r o a c h to t h e p r a c ­ tice of medicine and surgery. T h e p r o ­ fessors droned on, quoting t h e alleged location of t h e heart, liver, spleen, and the spirit, b u t t h a n k s to the technicians, their true location and function were a p p a r e n t to anyone who could see. T h e lectures continued u n a b a t e d , as mellifluous as a sonorous Gregorian chant, b u t the students sought out t h e technicians and learned as m u c h as they could from them. I n t h e contemporary traditions of the union hierarchy, this could have led to a serious jurisdictional dispute, b u t all honor to the medieval professors of medicine (or was it good business sense?) ; the professors p u t their robes in m o t h balls and joined the techni­ cians, and medicine became an experi­ mental factual science, leaving specula­ tion, theory, and divination to the philosophers and the theologians. Let us m a k e no mistake ! T h e recent emphasis on mathematics and the sound grounding on fundamental prin­ ciples has paid off handsomely. N o in­ telligent person would insist u p o n a closed loop of string bearing three, four, and five knots, equally spaced, in order to prove P y t h a g o r a s ' principle, even if the practical E g y p t i a n s did use t h e scheme t o lay out precise right angles for their pyramids. W h a t we may rightly object to, is t h e inference, or t h e downright claim, t h a t all t h e laws of physical science came as a revelation to the h u m a n mind—as if they were handed down by Moses along with t h e sacred tablets. Our science has been a magnificent interplay between sound measurement and inspired dreams. T o the scientist who, in contemporary style, likes to dress u p lousy measure­ ments (we use the t e r m advisedly) with second-order differential equations and a b u n d a n t statistical analysis, let us point out gently t h a t there are never more t h a n three or four outstanding theoretical giants in a century. The rest of us m u s t measure, count, and compare, with patience and diligence— and never more t h a n 3 feet away from our technicians. W h e n we continue to hear such pon­ tifical statements from high places, statements which are in flat contradic­ tion to the most elegant practices in physical science, we can begin to under­ stand the nervous freshman's Spooner­ ism as he sought an interview—"Is t h e Bean dizzy?"