Bausch & Lomb

140 Water St., P. O. Box 441. South Norwalk, Conn. 06856. Exhibiting: Internal reflection (ATR) attachments, GC-IR accessories; py- rolysis-IR equipme...
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Serum Protein

Cerebral Spinal Fluid

MigraSion time—55 minutes

(no concentration necessary) Miration time—I hour

NIH Wilks Scientific Corporation 140 W a t e r St., P. O. Box 4 4 1 South Nor w a l k , Conn. 0 6 8 5 6

Exhibiting: Internal reflection (ATR) attachments, GC-IR accessories; pyrolysis-IR equipment; and NQR-1 nu­ clear quadrupole resonance spectrom­ eter.

W i l l Scientific, Inc. 3 9 Russell St. Rochester, Ν. Υ. 14607

LOH Isozymes

Abnormal Hemoglobin M.'ji'jtiu" l i f e

Migration time—55 minutes Incjbaiion lime - 60 mim.tes

oc m iiii'ss

Exhibiting: Bronwill Biosonik III; CTC Jr.; Ambco Clini-Meter; Schleicher & Schucll electrophoresis ap­ paratus; Bausch & Lomb digital con­ centration readout; Will Mini Stir and Gyra therm I I I ; Bronwill MSK cell ho­ mogenize^ constant temperature cir­ culator (Model 20), and UFL War­ burg. Lipoproteins Yellow Springs Instrument Co., Inc. P. O. Box 2 7 9 Route 6 8 South Yellow Springs, Ohio 4 5 3 8 7


(Ori-A'ainbu ΛΙΪΠ Sudan B'ack) Miqral-dn'."".ι: 7G f i u i e s

Exhibiting: Models 53 and 55 biolog­ ical oxygen monitors; Model 65 radi­ ometer with increased sensitivity acces­ sory; Model 46 tele-thermometer; Model 777 transfer standard ther­ mometer; and Models 400 and 500 Se­ ries thermistor probes.

Carl Zeiss, Inc. 4 4 4 Fifth A v e . N e w York, N. Y.

1001 8

Exhibiting: Spectrophotometer P M Q II with automatic sample changer; photomicroscope with interference con­ trast equipment; universal microscope with phase-fluorescence; and micropro­ jection equipment.

Zitzewitz Electronic Labs., Inc. 140 Greenwood A v e . M i d l a n d P a r k , N. J . 0 7 4 3 2

Exhibiting: Lyrec-Nueount TR-43 tape recorder for nuclear medical appli­ cation; Lyrec-TR-60 tape recorder for auto correlation studies; Lyrec-Medicord-TR-80 tape recorder for physio­ logical recordings and specifically for intensive care monitoring; DISA Type 55D01 and Type 55D05 constant tem­ perature anemometers for flow and tur­ bulence research in blood and respi­ ratory studies; and DISA Type 55A06 random signal indicator and correlator. See ACS Laboratory Guide for All Products/Sales Office Circle No. 45 on Readers' Service Card -

Only SPECTROPHORI can do routine Serum Protein Electrophoresis . . . without staining, without



Qualitative and quantitative determinations of 8 samples of serum protein in 90 minutes or less . . . and operator time is never more than 30 minutes per run. You're assured more reliable results with far greater simplicity of procedure than you can get with any other sys­ tem. Repeatability is within 2%. N o staining. N o difficult prepara­ tions. N o pip counting or calculations necessary. Some Spectrophor 1 procedures can indicate albumen loss in wasting diseases, gamma globulin increase in hepatic conditions, dis­ appearance in agammaglobulinemia. Diagnoses multiple myeloma. Separates hemoglobin for Sickle Cell disease and Hemoglobin F. L D H determinations diagnose and follow the course of treatment of a wide variety of clinical disorders... myocardial infarction, liver disease, etc. Write for Catalog 34-2138, Bausch & Lomb, 81045 Bausch Street, Rochester, Ν. Υ. 14602.

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BAUSCH & LOMB In Canada, Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Ltd., 16 Grosvenor St., Toronto, Ontario. S e e o u r Booth #50 at t h e N . I . H . S h o w , Oct. 2*5.
