BECKMAN advanced development

Beckmanrepresentative.Offices in major cities worldwide. Call 800/742-2345 in the US. Or write Beckman Instruments, Inc.,. Altex Division, 2350 Camino...
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Now, advanced methods development is System Gold easy. System Gold™ the Personal™ Chromatograph, is the most advanced, easiest-to-learn, easiest-to-use HPLC.

And now it offers the fully automated convenience of our new Model 168 Diode Array Detector Module and new Model 507 Autosampler You get rapid acquisition of complete UV/VIS spectra through diode array detection. And you get the programmable versatility of the 507 Autosampler. All with a level of convenience and automation never before available with any HPLC. And it's System Gold easy Find out for yourself how easy methods development can b e with System Gold. Contact your local Beckman representative. Offices in major cities worldwide. Call 8 0 0 / 7 4 2 - 2 3 4 5 in the US. Or write Beckman Instruments, Inc., Altex Division, 2350 Camino Ramon, P Q Box 5101, San Ramon, CA 94583.

BECKMAN Australia, Sydney Austria, Vienna C a n a d a , Toronto F r a n c e , G a g n y Germany, Munich H o n g K o n g , A b e r d e e n Italy, Milano. Japan, Tokyo M e x i c o , Mexico City N e t h e r l a n d s , Mijdrecht P u e r t o R i c o , Carolina S i n g a p o r e . S o u t h Africa, Johannesburg. S p a i n , Madrid S w e d e n , Bromma S w i t z e r l a n d , Nyon. Taiwan, Taipei U n i t e d K i n g d o m , High Wycombe. ©1989, Beckman instruments, Inc AX88-1043A