Beckman Instrumen ts, Inc

energy recording, power regulation, fluorescence analysis, and ... physical forms of powder, floe, and paper,. Whatman specialty ... meter production ...
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E I S S L I O R I Y E S build


versatility with U V accessories

Increase the range, sensitivity and convenience of your present spectrophotometer simply and at reasonable cost with easyto-install Beckman "building block" accessories. You may select from a complete line of Beckman accessories that includes adapters for flame photometry analysis, diffuse reflectance measurement, energy recording, power regulation, fluorescence analysis, and photomultiplication. For specific accessory applications information contact your local Beckman laboratory apparatus dealer, or write us for Data File 15-2-03.

Spencer Microstar microscope, and AC) Spencer Fluorestar microscope.

developments, Dowex ion exchange resins, KDTA and associated indicators.

A M E R I C A N STERILIZER C O . Scientific and Industrial Department Erie, Pa.


Exhibiting: Freeze drying equipment for laboratory research, pilot plant, and light production. This apparatus has been developed as a process for preserving labile chemical and biological materials. Also shown will be a flexible film labora­ tory dry box and water distilling equip­ ment. ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS INC. North St. Wolcott, Conn.

Exhibiting: Potcntiostat for controlled potential or controlled current electrolysis, high-precision, wide-range electro mechan­ ical current integrator for eontrolledpotcntial coulometric analysis. H. REEVE ANGEL & CO., I N C . 9 Bridewell Place Clifton, N . J.

Exhibiting: Whatman filter and chroma­ tography papers, Whatman cellulose ion exchange products including diversified physical forms of powder, floe, and paper, Whatman specialty products including glass fiber papers and silicone treated papers, Reeve Angel filter papers, and Reeve Angel Amherlite ion exchange resin loaded papers. APPLIED PHYSICS CORP. 2 7 2 4 S. Peck Rd., M o n r o v i a , Calif.

Exhibiting: New Cary-White Model 90 infrared spectrophotometer with wavenumber range 400(1 c m . - 1 to 450 cm."' 1 ; new accessories for Gary spectrophotometers: program control for repeating a spectral scan over a preselected period, absorptivity recorder for recording ab­ sorptivity of a sample while the spectro­ photometer records the absorbance of a dilution of a sample: new hydrogen flame detector (used with Gary electrometers which measure ionization currents to 10~ 1; ampere) for use with gas chromatograph. APPLIED RESEARCH LABORATORIES, I N C . P.O. Box 1 7 1 0 , Glendale 5, Calif.

Exhibiting: Model 25000 vacuum X-ray Quantometer, Model 24000 recording console, Model 28000 single purpose source unit, Model 29000 1.5 meter production control Quantometer, Model 22100 Speetroline scanner (projection comparator - microphotometer), Sofica photo-gonio-diffusometer, Bleuler rotarv mill. BAIRD-ATOMIC, INC. 33 University Rd. Cambridge 3 8 , M a s s .

Exhibiting: Latest infrared spectrophotom­ eter, spectrographic, and direct reading instruments.


Scientific and Process Instruments


Beckman Instrumen ts, Inc. Fullerton, California

Circle No. 197 on Readers' Service Card

88 A



J. T. BAKER CHEMICAL C O . Phillipsburg, N . J.

Exhibiting: Significant organic and inorganic,

reagents, both new packaging

Exhibiting: Cras chromatography equip­ ment using argon and flame ionization detectors. BARNSTEAD STILL A N D STERILIZER C O . 2 Lanesvilie Terrace Boston 3 1 , M a s s .

Exhibiting: New high purity stiil which produces water of one to five megohms electrical resistance and with a very low oxygen and C 0 2 content, "purifier equipped" stills, disposable cartridge demineralizers with five types of inter­ changeable cartridges, water and air filters, and other purification accessories. BAUSCH & LOMB, I N C . 6 3 5 St. Paul St. Rochester 2 , Ν . Υ .

Exhibiting: World's largest display of grating instruments, including spectro­ graphs, spectrophotometers, monochromators, and colorimeters. BECKMAN INSTRUMENTS, INC. Scientific and Process Instruments Division 2 5 0 0 Fullerton Rd. Fullerton, Calif.

Exhibiting: New ( iC-2A high sensitivity gas chromatograph with hydrogen flame detector, >/s" column and stream splitter, new IR-5A low-cost infrared spectro­ photometer, 1)B spectrophotometer, far UV I)K spectrophotometer, expandedscalo p H meter with sodium electrode, new Hygromite laboratory moisture meter, laboratory recorder, and other analytical laboratorv i nst ru ment s. THE BENDIX CORP. CINCINNATI DIVISION 3 1 3 0 Wasson Rd. Cincinnati 8 , Ohio

Exhibiting: A model 12 Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer with a Knudsen eell will be in operation. Vapor pressures and heats of vaporization of very low vapor pressure solids can be determined. The effluent of a gas chromatograph will also be monitored for identification of chroma­ tographic peaks. BETHLEHEM APPARATUS CO., I N C . 8 9 0 Front St. HeMertown, Pa.

Exhibiting: New GL50A glass lathe, a small unit with capacity up to an 8" flask, featuring the double-chuck for holding and centering tapered tubes and irregular shapes, designed for the pro­ fessional and amateur. Also line of gas oxygen burners, mercury cleaning appara­ tus, and various new developments. BIO-RAD LABORATORIES 32nd & Griffin A v e . Richmond, Calif.

Exhibiting: Chromatographic materials for research including new ion exchange crystals for alkali metal separations and