Beckman. INSTRUMENTS, INC. SCIENTIFIC AND PROCESS INSTRUMENTS DIVISION. Fullerton, California. International Subsidiaries: Geneva, Switzerland; ...
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fastest, easiest to read (take 16 readings in two minutes) price $985 Speed and convenience never before possible in fluorescence work is yours in the new Beckman Ratio Fluorometer. In fact, you can take up to 16 successive readings—without opening the sample compartment — in 2 minutes or less ; and sensitivity is better than one part per billion (quinine sulfate). Load samples, change filters, and read concentrations quickly and easily ! The sample basket holds eight tubes. Push-pull lever to

change samples in a series. Flip the knob at the side to switch filters and change the wavelength. Readout concentrations directly from the meter, or ratio-record by attaching your standard recorder— no modifications required. No other instrument can offer comparable performance and versatility. Ask your Beckman Laboratory Apparatus Dealer for a demonstration. Or write direct for Data File LF-15-163.


INSTRUMENTS, INC. S C I E N T I F I C A N D PROCESS I N S T R U M E N T S D I V I S I O N Fullerton, California

International Subsidiaries: Geneva, Switzerland; Munich, Germany; Glenrothes, Scotland Circle No. 43 on Readers' Service Card