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Beckman. The only LIMS that works. On IBM. On DEC. And on H-P. Need we say more? Probably not! Because that tells you what's most important about our CALS™ LabManager System. It tells you that you get genuine computer i n d e p e n d e n c e in your laboratory. And that means you can select the mini-computer you desire . . . IBM* DEC**or H-P. But it also tells you that CALS Executive LabManager, operating on your IBM 4300, 3080 or 3090 under MVS operating system, will store your laboratory information . . . and make it available across labs, across the country, and a r o u n d the world. In other words, you can keep the lab and mainframe hardware

you now have. And you can a d d whatever new equipment your computer environment requires. Because with CALS LabManager, your computer a n d software investments a r e protected. In your lab, the CALS LabManager will schedule testing, control methods, collect data, process the results and g e n e r a t e reports. A n d outside your lab, CALS Executive LabManager allows easier GLP a n d G M P c o m p l i a n c e . . b e c a u s e management has ready access to the laboratory archive. But enough said. At this point, seeing is believing.

You are invited to see the CALS Executive LabManager or CALS LabManager at one of our 150 installed operating locations. To set u p your appointment . . . or to request further information . . . call or write. Computer i n d e p e n d e n c e , plus 150 working installations a m o n g 70 customers, should tell you something about our CALS LabManager. Need we say more? Computer Inquiry Systems, A Beckman Instruments Company, 160 Hopper Avenue, Waldwick, NJ 07463, (201) 444-8900.

* IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation * * DEC is a trademark of Digital Eoupment Corporation © 1987 Beckman Instruments. Inc