bel art products - ACS Publications

cision. Operation is simplicity itself. Just press a plunger to sample, mix, transfer, dis pense and dilute. Instantly set with a knife-edge pointer o...
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE Filters a n d Associated Apparatus.


48-page illustrated catalog provides basic information on Millipore niters, filter holders, accessories, analytical kits, field monitors, and technical litera­ ture and service. Millipore Filter Corp., Bedford, Mass. 01730. 622 Laboratory




complete line of modular test equip­ ment for quickly assembling program­ ming, control, and response measure­ ments are covered in a 24-page illus­ trated booklet. Included are logic units, time interval generators, power supplies, etc. Scientific Prototype Mfg. Corp., 623 West 129 St., New York 27, Ν. Υ. 623

Automate Your Lab Procedures the easy way...

L/l Automatic Dilutors and REPIPETS (REpetitive PI PETS) automate any lab procedure without change in technique. Hundreds of industrial and biomedical labs use these all-pyrex


routinely to increase efficiency and pre­

Research Metallograph. A 6-pagc folder describes the Reichert research metallograph. This inverted-design in­ strument's usefulness has been en­ hanced by the addition of Nomarski interference contrast equipment and polarization interferometer. Wm. J. Hacker & Co., Inc., P. O. Box 646, West Caldwell, N. J. 07007. 624 Spectropolarimeter. An 8-page bul­ letin introduces optical rotatory dis­ persion as it is used to characterize complex molecules and describes the principal functional components and controls of the Durrum-Jasco auto­ matic spectropolarimeter Model ORD-5. A list of references is in­ cluded. Bulletin 51. Durrum Instru­ ment Corp., 925 East Meadow Drive, Palo Alto, Calif. 94303. 625

cision. Operation is simplicity itself. Just press a plunger to sample, mix, transfer, dis­ pense and dilute.

Instantly set with a

knife-edge pointer on a scale of 100 divisions, the instruments

are easily

checked and cleaned. Air filters keep reagents free of airborne contaminants. Repeatability within a few lambdas. Dilutors $89.50; REPIPETS $45. Immediate delivery in 1, 10, 20 and 50 ml sizes for dilutions to 1:50,000.

Micro and

macro tips included.

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Company Periodicals Requests for copies of the following publications, catalogs, etc., should be sent directly to the address shown. Business or professional letterheads are requested. JEOL News. Vol. 2, No. 3. This 16page publication describes the JEM-7 electron microscope, the Model JLI-01 interferometer (incorporating a laser source), and JUM-5A ultra microtome. Information is also included on ap­ paratus for NMR, ESR, and column chromatography. Japan Electron Optics Laboratory Co., Ltd., 461 River­ side Ave.; Medford 55, Mass. The Analyzer. Vol. V, No. 3. This 20-page issue contains articles on microanalysis in clinical laboratories, new medical instrumentation, under­ graduate analytical chemistry courses, and airplane fuel system leak detection. Scientific and Process Instruments Di­ vision, Beckman Instruments, Inc., Fullerton, Calif. 92634.

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