bel-art products - ACS Publications

A captive snap-on cap keeps cup clean and ready for use. Side air-vent, below the cup, acts as a valve for air re-fill of free spacein bottle. This pr...
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safety products

New Books workers have contributed chapters on their specialized field of work. The literature references have been vigor­ ously pruned to those which are perti­ nent to the actual presentation of the facts and arguments presented, while those of historical or ephemeral value have been relegated to the "Additional Bibliography," which also contains some references to useful papers which appeared while this volume was at press. The book is divided into two sections, The Structure and Reactions of Starch (12 chapters) and Amylases and Their Action on Starch (5 chap­ ters) plus an author and subject index.

Die Analyse der Luft und ihrer Verunreinigungen in der freien Atmosphare und am Arbeitsplatz. Wolfgang Leithe. xiii + 228 pages. Wissenschaftliche. Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 7000 Stuttgart 1, Postfach 40, Ger­ many. 1968. DM 58


U. S. Government Publications

Theoretical Mean Activity Coefficients of Strong Electrolytes in Aqueous Solutions from 0 to 100°C. Walter J. Hamer. NBS Publication NSRDSNBS 24. ν + 271 pages. $4.25

Values of the mean activity coeffi­ cient, a basic physical-chemical param­ eter that measures the departure of a real solution from ideality, are here tabulated for strong electrolytes in water, as calculated from 7 theoretical equations widely referred to in the literature. They are those of (1) Debye-Huckel, frequently referred to as the limiting law of Debye and Hiickel, (2) Giintelberg, (3) Davies, (4) Scatchard, (5) Bjerrum, (6) what may be called a modified or extended Giintelberg expression, and (7) a modi­ fied or extended Scatchard expression. Separation and Purification Section: Summary of Activities July 1967 to June 1968. David H. Freeman, Ed­ itor. NBS Technical Note 459. xi + 45 pages. Paperbound. 60 cents

DIRECTIONS IN 4 LANGUAGES Eye injuries treated on the spot... fast and effective. Just apply pressure on flexible bottle. Can be used in standing or supine position. A captive snap-on cap keeps cup clean and ready for use. Side air-vent, below the cup, acts as a valve for air re-fill of free space in bottle. This prevents draw­ back of contaminated wash into bottle. In two sizes... 16 oz. and 32 oz.

The following publications can be ordered from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402; the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Va. 22151; or from local U. S. Department of Commerce Field Offices. (Note: Foreign remittances must be in U. S. exchange and should include an addi­ tional one fourth of the publication price to cover mailing costs)

Microwave Spectral Tables, Vol. 4: Polyatomic Molecules without Inter­ nal Rotation. Marian S. Cord, Jean D. Petersen, Matthew S. Lojko, and Rudolph H. Haas, xii -f 418 pages. 1968. $5.50

EYE WASH SAFETY STATION . COLORFUL . ATTRACTIVE . DISTINCTIVE Molded of high-impact plastic, station is readily identifiable and convenient to use. Socket holds eye wash bottle se­ curely and keeps discharge tube in place. Bottle is easily released for quick emergency use. At your local supply house. Send for NEW 80 page catalog 469 For your FREE copy write Dept. Λ-4



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This 4th in a 5-volume NBS Mono­ graph contains data on the microwave spectra of 166 polyatomic molecules incapable of exhibiting internal rota­ tion. Measured frequencies, assigned molecular species, and assigned quan­ tum numbers are given for about 14,000 spectral lines observed by co­ herent radiation techniques. Molecular data such as rotational constants, dipole moments, and various coupling constants, determined by such tech­ niques, are also tabulated. References arc given for all included data, and the contents are indexed according to empirical formula and according to chemical name.

Spectrochemical Analysis Section: Sum­ mary of Activities July 1967 to June 1968. Bourdon F. Scribner, Editor. NBS Technical Note 452. xii + 80 pages. Paperbound. $1

Clearinghouse Offers New Docu­ ment Service A new subscription service for ob­ taining microfiche (sheet microfilm) copies of scientific and technical docu­ ments grouped by field of interest will soon be available from the Commerce Department's Clearinghouse for Fed­ eral Scientific and Technical Informa­ tion. Beginning March 1, 1969, Clear­ inghouse customers will be able to order, from any of several hundred basic categories, unclassified reports and translations of foreign technical literature sponsored by over 100 Fed­ eral agencies and other organizations. Orders can be placed by subject cate­ gory, by originating agency (DoD, NASA, AEC, etc.) or by subject cate­ gory within an agency collection. The new service, Selective Dissemination of Microfiche (SDM), will be a faster and more economical method of obtain­ ing copies of the latest scientific and technical documents in selected fields of interest. Detailed information on the categories, cost, and method of ordering SDM are available upon re­ quest from the Clearinghouse (152.15), U.S. Department of Commerce, Spring­ field, Va. 22151.