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eral considerations of technique, in- strumentation, quantitative aspects, and statistical treatments of GLC headspace data are also presented. Therma...
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Books coffee, tea, cocoa, beer, and wine. General considerations of technique, instrumentation, quantitative aspects, and statistical treatments of GLC headspace data are also presented. Thermal Methods in Polymer Analysis. S. W. Shalaby and M. W. Miller, Eds. 204 pages. The Franklin Institute Press, Box 2266, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. 1978. $18.95

This is the first of six books that resulted from the 17th Eastern Analytical Symposium held in New York City on Nov. 31-Dec. 2, 1977. The book presents experimental findings, critical reviews, and examples of industrial problem solving. Some of the topics covered are: characterization of the amorphous phase in polymers, characterization of polymeric liquid crystals, precision in determining thermodynamic parameters of polymers, fiber manufacturing and morphology, performance of elastomer systems, and the relationship between polymer structure and char formation. Atlas of Metal-Ligand Equilibria in Aqueous Solution. J. Kragten. 781 pages. Halsten Press, 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1978. $77.50

This atlas is intended primarily for those analytical chemists who work with metal-ligand equilibria and need equilibrium constants. It is a collection of plots of side reaction coefficients for 45 metals in combination with 29 ligands. The introduction deals with the theory, some practical points, and applications of the plots. The chapters are alphabetized by the metal's chemical symbol with the lowest oxidation state appearing first, followed by the next oxidation state in a different chapter. Each chapter gives the following information: the hydrolysis constants, reliability attributed to the plot, pM'-pH plot for the metal without complexing ligands other than O H - ions, and plots of log a vs. pH of the various ligands in alphabetical order. Graphs for a single metal-ligand combination are superposable with graphs of multiligand systems. A major assumption in the preparation of the atlas is that metal-ligand species are not polynuclear even though some metal-ligand combinations form polynuclear species in concentrated solution. Care is taken in selecting values for constants from the literature. Depending upon the accuracy of the data, some uncertainty in the position of the lines on the plots is to be expected. Formation constants of proton-ligand complexes are given at the end of the text.

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