Belgium to support scientific research - Journal of Chemical Education

Belgium to support scientific research. J. Chem. Educ. , 1928, 5 (4), p 468 ... New apparatus for boiling-point determinations. Journal of Chemical Ed...
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odors from the kitchen tempted us to stay, but it was evident that the dimensions of the house were not arranged for guests. After my return to America it occurred to me that the professorof botany might get me a picture for the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION. Here it is. I was astonished to find that not one of the many chemists in Europe and America to whom I told this story knew anything about "Gold Street." For that matter, neither did I find any chemists outside of France who had seen the excellent statue of Lavoisier located just behind the Madeleine in Paris. I didn't know of it either, until my wife dug up the information and led me to the shrine.

SUGGESTION FOR SIPHONING DISTASTEFUL LIQUIDS ELBERT C. WEAVER, BULKBLEY HIGH SCHOOL, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT For siphoning distasteful liquids, the following device is in use in our laboratory. A piece of ordinary soft glass tubing is bent in the shape of a distorted S. A hole is melted through the lower loop by means of a small flame, and the ends fire-polished C as shown in the diagram. To start the siphon ( A B) place the finger over the hole a t B, A in the liquid to be siphoned, and suck in a t C with the mouth or a suction pump ' until the liquid reaches B when the finger is removed. A This device offers a quick and convenient method for science teachers to start a demonstration siphon on the lecture table when teaching that principle. A household application may be made easily. The use of this device B will enable one to neatly remove the cream from a bottle of milk. The necessary adjustment of the length of the leg A may be made by an elastic band across the loop above it. For this purpose 8 or 10 mm. tubing is a convenient size.

Belgium to Support Scientific Research. Belgium, taking advantage of its industrial prosperity, is raising a 200,000,000 franc fund ($5,600,000) for the promotion of scientific research along mechanical and chemical lines, according to information received by the U.S. Department of Commerce. The fund will be administered by the government.-Science S~M'CE