Benzimidazo[2,1-b]quinazolin-12-ones. New class ... - ACS Publications

Nov 1, 1971 - W. H. W. Lunn, R. W. Harper, R. L. Stone. J. Med. Chem. , 1971 ... Richard D. Carpenter, Kit S. Lam, and Mark J. Kurth. The Journal of O...
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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1971, Vol. i4,N o . if 1069


30"), and filtered, and the solvent' was removed under reduced was added, and the flask was tightly closed and left a t room temp. At the end of the required reaction time the solvent was removed pressure above a wat'er bath. The whit,e product was st,ored over under reduced pressure, and the product was purified as described P200;~2:: 3450 (broad) and 1095 cm-' (OH); [ c Y ] ~ ~ D 21" ( c 0.25). in Table I. Method C.-In a flask as above and using a condenser, d-piloCompd 26 (R = p-CsHsCsH4CHOHCH?).-3-(N-p-Phenylphenacy1)-d-pilocarpinium bromide (23) (0.24 g, 5 X 10-4 carpine (0.02 mole) was dissolved in Me&O (10 ml) with constant stirring while heating t o about 50". A freshly prepd soln of 0.025 mole) was dissolved in MeOH (20 ml) with stirring, and PiaBH., mole of the halo organic reagent in 10 ml of RIe2C0 was then mole) was added. The mixt was kept for 90 (0.12 g, 3 X slowly added and the mixt was heated to reflux for 30 min (reflux min at' 30°, work-up as above. For the sepn and purifn, dry was not necessary for 9). After cooling, the soln was transferred CHC13 was used producing a yellowish hygroscopic solid (0.22 g, t o a dry flask with 20 ml of dry MezCO and kept tightly closed at 90yo) which was stored in a desiccator over P20:: v::: 3450 room temp for the required period. The Me2CO was then re(broad), and 1095 cm-l (OH); [ C Y ] ~ ' D 21.6" (c 0.25). moved under reduced pressure above a H20 bath, and the residue Pharmacological Methods.-Anticholinergic activity was detd on a piece of guinea pig terminal ileum suspended in a 5-ml organ was dried. For purification of the products see Table I. I n the case of 23, d-pilocarpine was added to a suspension of the halo bath filled with Tyrode soln a t 35". C~ntract~ions were induced org reagent in dry Me2C0 a t reflux temp, and the product was by 20 ng of ACh at intervals of 2 min. The height of the coiitraccollected by filtration. tion was estimated before and during the presence of the test Method D.-In a flask equipped as above, a soln of halo org compd. In the case of 21 and 22 the concn was 1 gg, for 19 and reagent (0.02 mole) in 2-methoxyethanol (20 ml) was heated to 26 it was 2 gg, and for all other compds, 10 gg. Amounts refer 50' with stirring; then a soln of d-pilocarpine (0.02 mole in 25 ml to final concn in ml of bathing fluid. Antagonism was expressed of the same solvent) was added dropwise. The mixt was heated as % redn of the control response to ACh, and represents the with stirring t o 80" for 30 min and left tightly closed a t room temp average of 2 assays in 2 separate prepns. for the required period. The solvent was removed a t 80" under A number of compds were examined as substitutes to atropine reduced pressure, and the residue was dried over PnOo. For 4 in exptl organophosphate poisoning. Groups of 6 male mice of no heating was required and the molar ratio was 1.3:l. 20-g body weight were used. The test compds were injected ip Whenever min amounts of the HBr of the pilocarpine were at a preselected dose which did not cause observable abnormaliobtd as a side product, the sepn from the quaternary compds ties. This was immediately followed by adminstratioii of 40 was accomplished from an aq soln a t pH 7.5. The free pilocarmg/kg of pralidoxime methanesulfonate. Five min later, pine was extd with CHC13 leaving the quaternary compd in the animals were injected sc with 3 X IDj0 of tetraethyl pyrophosaq layer which was then lyophilized. phate (TEPP). Solns of the materials were made up in saline Compd 25 (R = p-BrC6H5C6HOHCH2).-3-(.V-p-Rromophen- immediately before use and injected at a max vol of 0.2 ml. acyl)-d-pilocarpinium bromide (20) (0.24 g, 5 X mole) was Compds 20 and 23 were dissolved in propylene glycol and injected dissolved in MeOH (30 ml), and NaBH4 (0.12 g, 3 X mole) in a vol of 0.03 ml. was added and stirred for 1 hr. The soln was then filtered and adjusted to p H 7 (with HC11:4). The solvent was removed under reduced pressure, and the residue was dried overnight in a Acknowledgment.-We thank Professor A. IIahdeldesiccator over P20i. This residue was then dissolved in a min baum from the Technion, Israel Institute of Techquantity of abs EtOH and filtered. After evapn of the solvent, nology, Haifa, Israel, for advice and discussions on the the yellowish product (0.29 g, 937,) was redissolved in abs mass spectra. EtOH, decolorized with activated C (Darco G 60; 15 min a t




Benzimidazo[2,1-b]quinazolin-12-ones.A New Class of Potent Immunosuppressive Compounds W. H. W. LUNN,*R. W. HARPER, AND R. L. STONE The Lilly Research Laboratories, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 Received June 1, 197'0 The benzimidazo [2,1-b]quinazolin-12-ones constitute a novel group of compounds, only the parent unsubstituted tetracyclic compound being known previously. They were prepared as part of a search for new immunosuppressive agents and have proven markedly active in the sheep erythrocyte antibody in mice (SEAM) assay. They are much more active than azathioprine in this assay.

Apart from establishing some of the general structural requirements for maximal immunosuppressive activity in benximidazo [2,1-b]quinazolin-12-ones, we attempted to modify the in vivo transport of these compounds by making carrier derivatives. These derivatives were designed with a view to their undergoing cleavage in vivo t o a n active immunosuppressive component and an inactive carrier portion which served only t o alter the in vivo distribution of the active component. It is clear that the activity of a presumably reversible compound cannot be ascribed, with any certainty, t o the fact that the expected cleavage did indeed precede the demonst,rated activity. Immunosuppression may well have arisen from the intact molecule. Studies with labeled compounds would be required to distinguish between these two modes of action. As will be

seen, there are results which are consistent with the idea that cleavage of the reversible carrier compounds is, at least in some instances, a prerequisite to immunosuppression. Details of the sheep erythrocyte antibody in mice (SEAM) assay used in these laboratories have been described elsewhere,' except to add that the dose levels used constituted the geometric series 50, 25, 12.5, 6.2, 3 . 1 , 1.6. . , mg/kg. For better readability, the activities of the compounds are discussed throughout the paper rather than in the form of a single table. The number in parentheses next to a molecular diagram in the minimum dose, in mg/kg, which, when administered intraperitoneally at three optimal times (72, 48, and 24 hr (1) C J . Paget, K. Kisner, R L. Stone, and D C DeLonp 3 .?fed. Chem., 12, 1010 (1969).

1070 Joitrnal of Medicinal Chenizsfry, 1571, Vol. 14, AYo. 11

prior to antigen), gives 4-fold or greater suppression of antibody response. The corresponding minimum eff ective doses of azathioprine and cortisone are 100 mg/kg (24, 48, and 7 2 hr after antigen) and 200 mg/kg (72, 48, and 24 hr prior to antigen), resp. We now turn to structure-activity relationships, in particular the effects of substitution on the two aromatic rings (Table I). The parent member of the series (1) is T m ~ Ic

N E D mg kg


6 2

1 2 3

3-XO2 (8 and 9)-C1


7,8-Benzo 2-1 2,8,9-(cH1)1 3-CH3 7,10-C12-8,9-(CHa)r X,9-(CHI) 2 2,3-Benzo


6 7 8

9 10

12 i

6 3 1 0

2 1 6 8


inactive a t 50; 21, X-CHZCOOH, 12.5; 22, X-CH2COO-K+, inactive a t 50. These data raise an important question. Does the very property of gross H2O insolubility result in a sperificity of the action? For example, the uptake of the HzO-insoluble compounds in the particulate form by phagocytic cells might be expected to result in distribution parallel to that of antigen, whereas H?O solubility could promote rapid excretion, This view is supported by subsequent investigations involving other routes of administration.? Alternatively, the alkyl substituents on the aromatic rings, leading to enhanced lipophilicity, might be postulated to promote distribution and/or cell penetration by means of interaction with lipid in tissue fluids or at cell surfaces. The parent tetracyclic compound 1 has a pK, of 10.5. Since the anion of 1 is quite stable and should be capable of acting as a leaving group, it was hoped that the potentially reversible carrier derivatives made would cleave by either of the following mechanisms. rx

Ry - 3OH

0.4 0 4

0 2 0 1

active at 6.2 mg/l1400 and >2000 mg/kg, and 4 , 5 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 1 3 , 1 9and , 31 have been administered a t 50 kg/mg with no deaths within 7 days These data would indicate that the therapeutic indices of the group as a whole is quite high. They are structurally very different from immunosuppressive compounds such as azathioprine, cortisone, cyclophosphamide, and methotrexate, and may serve to provide further insight into the complexities of the immuneresponse phenomenon. Experimental Section A4partfrom the two salts 20 and 23, methods of preparg the compounds mentioned in this paper are described e l s e ~ h e r e . ~ 6 4 3-DimethylaminopropyI)benzimidazo[2,1-b] quinazolin-12(6H)-one Hydrochloride (20).-The free amiiie (1.6 g) was stirred iii i-PrOH (30 ml) while nq HCl (5.1 ml, 1 S)\vas added dropwise. The amiiie dissolved, arid the mist \vas evapd to dryness under reduced pressure. Addril i-PrOH ( 8 0 1111) was added, and the mist again was evapd t o dryness wider rediiced pressiire to remove traces of H20. The resiilting solid was recrystd twice (AIeOH-CC14); yield 1.1sg. 9 n a l (CI,H&lN40) C, 11, X,C1. 6 4 Carboxymethy1)benzimidazo[2,1-b]quinazolin-l2(6H)-one Potassium Salt (22).-The free acid (1.0g ) was stirred with KOA (0.23 g) in hIeOH (8 nil) aiid IT20 ( 3 ml). The resiiltiiig soln was evapd t o dryness under reduced pressure. i-PrOH (30 nil) was added to t,he residue, and the mixt, was again evapd iinder rediiced pressiire. Anal (C,61T,&30sK)C, H, S .

Acknowledgment.--We wish to thank Dr. Koert Gerzon, of these laboratories, for helpful discussions. (5)

W.H. W.Lunn and R . W.Harper, J . Heterocgcl. Chem., 8 , 141
