best with Davison Silica Gel - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. Cite this:Chem. Eng. News 37, 45, XXX-XXX · First Page Image. Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Ch...
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separate best with Davison Silica Gel Tell us what you wish to separate. We'll supply you with a selective adsorbent of very high capacity; one that will maintain a low dew point and have excellent physical strength. It will nave low pressure drop—the ability to recover hydro-carbons, if needed. The chromatographic properties of Davison Silica Gel make i t ideal for the determination of aromatic compounds; the precision separation of water from gas, of 2 compounds in a single system or any of count-

less others. Davison Silica Gel formulated to your needs will be the finest separator you can use—give you real economy over long life. For the best, write Dept. 3811 today· We'll supply you with full information. DEPARTMENT 3811

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