hot... hot...hottest Oxy-Gas Hand Torch
NEWS Impurities a n d Surface Contaminants of Conductors a n d Insulators. A. J . A H E A K N . Review of M a s s M e a s u r e m e n t s . A. O. C. NIER.
R e c e n t Atomic M a s s Determinations in the Nickel-Zinc Region. H . E . D U C K W O R T H , P . C. E A S T M A N , AND G. R. BRIDGE.
The Bethlehem "POLYMIX"*; For working Pyrex*, Vycor and Quartz. *tested for 100 mm. tubing.
Friday, J u n e 1 Convenient Table for Determining M e t a stable Transitions. R. A. M E Y E R AND D . G.
For silver soldering, brazing, metal working. • Noiseless—surprisingly light weight
Report on P r o g r a m to Establish Reference Samples of Isotope Abundance. F . L.
• Operates on low pressure gas
M O H L E R AND V . H . D l B E L E R .
• Intense heating capacity Mount
Price $65.00 Ask for Bulletin
Review of R e c e n t Developments in M a s s Spectrometry in Europe. A. E . CAMERON. Section F . R. D . IV, A S T M D-2 on Spec troscopic M e t h o d s of Hydrocarbon Analysis of P e t r o l e u m P r o d u c t s . J. F . H I C K E R S O N , Chair-man
on any Glass or use manually
Preliminary Survey of Negative Ions F o r m e d by Electron Impact. R. M . R E E S E , V. H . D I B E L E R , AND F . L. M O H L E R .
Electron-Impact Studies. Cationated Cy clopropane Ring. iS. M E Y E R S O N AND P . N . RYLANDER.
Electron-Impact Studies. Origins a n d Structures of t h e CeH, a n d CsHj I o n s from
Alkylbenzenes. MEYERSON.
Observations on Acetylenic M a s s Spectra.
Apparatus Company, Inc.
E . A. H I N K L E , G. L. R O B E R T S , AND W . HAMNER.
Uranium Determination by t h e Isotope Dilution Technique. W. E . D U F F Y , F . H .
Other glassworking equipment described in Cat. C-54. Ask for it.
T l N G E Y , AND P . G o R I S .
Far further information, circle number 24 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A
NALGENE Polyethylene SINK TRAPS No other material used for chemical wastes is so TROUBLE FREE and LONG LASTING (even mercury does not affect it)
Several Exhibits at Summer Symposium The 3-day Summer Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, in addition to its three technical sessions and special events, will feature exhibits by several instrument manufacturers and dealers. The meeting, the ninth to be sponsored by the Division of Analytical Chemis try of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
and • Compact design to fit limited space β
Three inch deep catch-pot base
° Fits all sinks whether of thin metal or thick ceramic •
Resists all chemicals normally flushed down sink including mercury
• Installed without tools, washers or cements
1288 Complete but without stand-up pipe 525.50 each 1288A
Stand-up pipe, 7" tall for above, $2.85 each
Specify NALGENE Waste System in your next laboratory installation. Ask your furniture contractor or laboratory supply dealer. Replacements o r N e w Dimensional Blue Prints Available
NALGE CO., Inc. R O C H E S T E R 2 , N E W Y O R K , U. S . A .
For further information, circle number 24 A-2 en Readers' Service Card, page 69 A
24 A
held at the University of California at Los Angeles, June 14 to 16. Those who have scheduled exhibits are: Applied Physics Corp.; Beckman Instruments, Inc.; Braun Corp.; Cen tral Scientific Co.; Harold Kruger In struments, Nuclear Instrument and Chemical Co.; Perkin-Elmer Corp. The technical sessions will deal with analysis of industrial wastes, rapid methods of analysis, and analytical problems in biologieal systems. The complete program, including special events and a preregistration coupon, appeared in the April issue of ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
(page 17A).
Laboratory Course on Electron Microscope A summer laboratory course in tech niques and applications of the electron microscope will be given from June 11 to 23 by the Laboratory of Electron Microscopy, Cornell University. ANALYTICAL