Portable and Completely. Self-Contained. Circle No. 33 on Readers'Service Card. BETHLEHEM IHSTRIIMEHT MERCURY. BEST IN PURITY. To qualify as ... in th...
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For Gas Chromatography



The precision digital integrator at $3600 J Featuring • Built-in Digital Printer

Chromalog 2

• High Effective Count Rate 40,000 Counts/Second • Infinite Count Capacity • Wide Dynamic Range 0-1000 mV or 0-100 mV • Automatic Baseline Correction • Retention Time Printout • Slope Sensitivity Automatically Changed During Chromatogram

Only Chromalog 2 packs so many features into a completely self-contained digital integrator . . . no extra units to buy . . . nothing to add. Low price made possible by unique c o m b i n a t i o n of analog and digital techniques. Send for complete data . . . compare specifications with higher priced units . . . then try Chromalog 2. Instruments available for free trial in your laboratory.

• All Solid State with Integrated Circuits


• Computer Compatible • Portable and Completely Self-Contained



Circle No. 33 on Readers' Service Card

Liquid C h r o m a t o g r a p h y D e t e c t o r

BETHLEHEM INSTRUMENT MERCURY BEST I N PURITY To qualify as Instrument Mercury, the total residue after complete evaporation of a 200 gram sample may not exceed one part impurity per ten million. All BETHLEHEM Instrument Mercury fully meets this rigid standard—and proves it with the analysis certification included in each shipment.

CONTINUOUS V A C U U M , TRIPLE DISTILLATION ALL BETHLEHEM INSTRUMENT MERCURY IS PURIFIED IN THESE STILLS which operate in three continuous stages under vacuum and controlled low temperature.

BEST I N P A C K A G I N G BETHLEHEM Instrument Mercury is available in five different polyethylene bottles, with plain cap on the 16-lb. and 65-lb. bottles, and the unique dispensing tip on the 9-oz., 1-lb., and 6-lb. sizes. (Five and 10-lb. glass bottles are also available.)

BEST I N SERVICE BETHLEHEM exchanges dirty or scrap mercury for Instrument Mercury. We supply empty flasks free for safe storage and inexpensive shipment to us.

Over one million pounds shipped to manufacturers, laboratories

process and control

research industries.

BETHLEHEM APPARATUS COMPANY, INC. HELLERTOWN, PA. Circle No. 20 on Readers' Service Card 112




Laser Raman system, Model 25-300, combines in a single unit the latest developments in the field. Scattered light is less than 10 1 0 . High resolution is obtained by twin Czerny-Turner optical paths, incorporating extremely small included angles, which reduce coma to negligible proportion. Gratings are mounted on a common pivot ensuring perfect tracing over the entire wavenumber range of the instrument. A flexible optical path permits the laser beam to be directed down through, straight through, or up from the bottom of the sample. The plane of polarization of the laser beam may be altered accurately for depolarization measurement. Jarrell-Ash Co., 590 Lincoln St., Waltham, Mass. 02154 421

This micro-adsorption detector measures the heat of adsorption of the solute as it passes through an adsorbent in the detector cell. I t is applicable to ion exchange, partition chromatography, gel filtration, and adsorption chromatography. The sensitivity of the detector is 10~9 gram/second. Components include the detector cell, a water bath for temperature control, and a detector electronics module. The instrument is ideal for determining optimum separating conditions for compounds for the detector cell acts as a micro column. Varian Aerograph, 2700 Mitchell St., Walnut Creek, Calif. 94598 422 Hybrid Controller/Programmer

Model 77-P combines speed and flexibility of analog with logic and memory of digital methods. Three separate inputs enable the instrument to look at any variable. Three power output channels switch in five combinations to control any action in on-off, fast-slowoff, high-low, servo, and incremental modes. Remote programming, timesharing with priority interrupt, and other features approximate computer performance in automation of batch and continuous operations. Luft Instruments, Inc., Old Winter St., Lincoln, Mass. 01773 423