BEYOND THE FLYLEAF - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Eng. News Archives ... Hiffe & Sons, Ltd., London, England; The British Book Centre, Inc., 122 East 55th St., New York 22, N. Y. 1950. ...
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BEYOND T H E FLYLEAF view of the immunologist, biochemist, physical chemist, virologist, and morphologist. A critical reviewer could find many small omissions of points of view, methods of study, and alternative hypotheses. In a book such as this, how­ ever, such omissions may be assets since they stir and stimulate the perceptive reader. In a similar fashion, some hetero­ dox views expressed may be irritating to a few but may be looked upon in the long run as a stimulus to inquiry and productive of more stable concepts. T h e contributors are all active workers in their fields; they are dealing with current prob­ lems, and many details they refer to are now appearing in the general literature. This book may be taken in the spirit of a congenial meeting, unfortunately missed by many but fortunately printed in full to the benefit of all that are interested in the organization of the bacterial cell.

Phenolic Resins. P. ROBITSCHKK A N D A. L E W IN. 261 pages. Iliffe & Sons, Ltd., London, England; T h e British Book Centre, Inc., 122 East 55th St., N e w York 2 2 , Ν. Υ. 1950. $6.75. Reviewed by Frank \V. Reinhart, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. JL HE authors of this book have been suc­ cessful in achieving their purpose ". . . to integrate theoretical knowledge and in­ dustrial practice, thus providing a link wherever possible between the science a n d techniques of phenolic resins." T h e treatment is not comprehensive but rather that of an explanatory digest. T h e lists of references do not include everything avail­ able on the various topics but only those n e e d e d for additional amplification. The topics include the following sub­ jects: historical, raw materials, chemis­ try, physics, kinetics, resins, molding compositions, casting resins, laminates, pulp-resin preforms, resin-wood products, molding, testing, properties, and applica­ tions. Those concerned with the chemis­ try involved arc particularly well treated, although the treatment of most of the topics appears to be adequate. Although written by English authors, t h e production data presented are only for the U. S. and then only through 1943. Is there an "iron curtain" on production figures for other nations? W h y not in­ clude the production data of the U. S. for t h e last six years? T h e authors neatly solve the problem of trade secrets about commercial resin formulas and molding compositions by using the German in­ formation liberated by English and Ameri­ can chemists. The text is clear, concise, and easy to read. This book can b e recommended to trained scientists (particularly chemists) regardless of their experience in the field of plastics, for information on the chem­ istry and technology of phenolic resins.

C o m p l e t e Files of Nonsecret A t o m i c Energy Reports A v a i l a b l e Thirty-one American libraries in all parts of the country have been named as official depositories for complete sets of atomic energy declassified and unclassified re­ search reports, the Atomic Energy Com­ mission announced recently. At present there are approximately 3,500 reports in a full set and about 1,500 n e w reports are issued every year. In addition to providing each depository library with a full set of documents, the AEC will fur­ nish a catalog card index. In agreeing to be named as a depository, each library undertakes to provide access to the atomic energy reports, reference service with regard to them, and photo­ copies to users in accordance with its es­ tablished prices for such service. The list of depository libraries was sug­ gested by the Board on Resources of American Libraries of the American Library Association. The complete list of depository libraries follows:

The Nature of the Bacterial Surface. A. A. Miles and N. W . Pirie, editors, vii + 179 pages. Charles C Thomas, 3 0 1 East Lawrence Ave., Springfield, 111. 1950. $3.00. Reviewed by R. G. E. Murray, T h e University of Western Ontario.

CALIFORNIA Berkeley, University of California Los Angeles, University of California at Los A n eel es COLORADO Denver, Denver Fublic Library CONNECTICUT New Haven, Yale University DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington, Library of Congress GEORGIA Atlanta, Georgia Institute of Technology ILLINOIS Chicago, University of Chicago Chicago, John Crerar Library Urhana, University of Illinois IOWA Ames, Iowa State College LOUISIANA Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University MASSACHUSETTS Cambridge, Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ nology MICHIGAN Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Detroit, Detroit Public Library

T H I S excellent book is a detailed report of a symposium held in April 1949 under the auspices of the Society for General Microbiology. T h e main papers are printed in full and t h e discussion of them is included, together with references to literature and some excellent illustrations. The object of the symposium was to dis­ cuss and relate as many as rjossible of the observations bearing on superficial struc­ tures of bacteria. Although this ambition could not be realized in full, considerable success was attained, since extensive dis­ cussion is put forward from the points of V O I U M E

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MINNESOTA Minneapolis, University of Minnesota MISSOURI Kansas City, Linda Hall Library St. Louis, Washington University NEW JERSEY Princeton, Princeton University NEW YORK Ithaca, Cornell University New York, Columbia University New York, New York Public Library NORTH CAROLINA Durham, Duke University OHIO Cleveland, Cleveland Public Library Columbus, Ohio State University PENNSYLVANIA Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania Pittsburgh, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh TENNESSEE NiLshville. Joint University Libraries TEXAS Austin, l.'niversity of Texas WASHING TON Seattle, I'niversitv of Washington WISCONSIN Madison. University «>f Wisconsin

NEW BOOKS Analytical Applications of Periodic Acid and Iodic Acid and Their Salts. G. FREDERICK SMITH,

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108 pages. Ci.

Frederick Smith Chemical Co., 8 6 7 Mc­ kinley A v e , Columbus, Ohio. Paperbound, gratis; permanent-bound, $1.00. A.S.T.M. Standards on Petroleum Prod­ ucts and Lubricants. 7 5 1 pages. Ameri­ can SocietN for Testing Materials, 1916 Haee St., ' Philadelphia 3, Pa. Cloth $6.15; paper, $5.50. A-W Chart of Nuclear Data. FRANCIS BITTER. Addison-Wesley Press, 308 Kendall Sq. Building, Cambridge 42. Mass. 5 0 cents. Dairy Science; Its Principles and Prac­ tice. W. E. PETERSEN. 6 9 6 pages. J. B. Lippincott Co., 2 2 7 South 6th St., Philadelphia 5, Pa. $5.00. Die Kohlenwasserstoff-Synthese nach Fischer-Tropsch.


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322 pages. Springer-Verlag, 20 Heichpietschufer 20, Berlin W 3 5 . $9.43. General Chemistry. P. W . SELWOOD. 69S pages. Henry Holt & Co., Inc., 257 Fourth Ave., N e w York 10, Ν. Υ. $4.60. German-English Dictionary for Chemists. 3rd ed.


xviii -f- 541

pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., N e w York 16, Ν. Υ. $5.00. Heating and Cooling, Mixing, Centrifuging, Extraction and Distribution, Dialy­ sis and Electrodialysis, Crystallization and Recrystallization, Filtration, Sol­ vent Removal, Evaporation and Drying. Arnold Weissberger, editor. 670 pages. Interscience Publishers, Inc., 215 Fourth Ave., N e w York 3, Ν. Υ. $10. Organic Chemistry. 2nd ed. L. F. FIESER AND


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D. C. Heath and Co., 2 8 5 Columbus Ave., Boston 16, Mass. $7.50. Our Oil Resources. 2nd ed. L. M. Fan­ ning, editor. 4 3 0 pages. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 330 West 42nd St., New York 18, Ν. Υ. $5.00. Physical Chemistry of High Polymeric Systems. 2nd ed., vol. II. H. MARK AND A. V. TOBOLSKY. xi -|- 5 0 6 pages.

Interseienee Publishers, Inc., 215 Fourth Ave., N e w York 3, Ν . Υ. $6.50. Practical Survey of Chemistry. Rev. ed. \V. S. D Y E R A N D M. E . MUELLER.


pages. Henrv Holt & Co., Inc., 257 Fourth Ave., N e w York 10, Ν. Υ. $3.60. Qualitative Analysis. Part 3 , Analytical Procedures. J. C. HACKNEY, viii + 145 pages. Author, Indiana University, Calumet Center, East Chicago, Incl. $1.75. Thermodynamics in Physical Metallurgy. 319 pages. American Society for Metals. 7301 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. $5.00. 2615