BEYOND THE FLYLEAF - Chemical & Engineering ... - ACS Publications

Nov 5, 2010 - Applications of Interferometry. 4th ed. W. EWART WILLIAMS viii + 104 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. ...
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BEYHNH T H E FLYLEAF Applications of Interferometry.

4th ed. trade shows a n d conventions. T h e r e is 104 not even a chapter o n t h e subject of sales pages. John Wilcv & Sons, Inc., 4 4 0 letters a n d business correspondence, topics Fourth Ave., New York 16, Ν. Υ. 1950. which are at least as important ti> a sales $1.25. Reviewed by William F . Meg­ engineer as t h e art of public speaking. gers, National Bureau of Standards. Many sales executives might also quarrel T H I S is one of Methuen's monographs on with t h e author's point of view on ( 1 ) physical subjects initiated in 1928. " A p ­ the ultimate wisdom of by-passing pur­ plications of Interferometry" presents a chasing d e p a r t m e n t s a n d ( 2 ) t h e ease brief discussion of optical interference· with which a b u y e r will divulge a n ex­ phenomena and describes t h e classical in­ penditure budget to a sales engineer. T h e terferon inters designed by Fresnel, Lloyd. inclusion of a bibliography, t o o , would Raleigh, Jamin, Mack, Michelson, Fabry have been helpful. a n d Perot, Lummer, and Gehrcke. Some In this reviewer's judgment, t h e se­ early applications to refractometry, gage quence of chapters could b e improved testing, measurement of meters, wave upon a n d , lastly, ' h o index is too sketchy. lengths, a n d stellar diameters a r e included. Selected references, dating from 1809 to S o l v e n t s . 6th ed. T H O M A S H. D U R R A N S . 1929, are given to supplement t h e cur­ xv + 2 4 2 pages. D. Van Nostrand Co.. tailed sections. Although t h e 1950 print­ Inc., 2 5 0 Fourth Ave.. N e w York, Ν. Υ. ing is called t h e fourth edition, it is 1950. $6.00. Reviewed b y Carl C. Monrad, Carnegie Institute of Tech­ identical with t h e first edition printed in nology. 1930; it perpetuates at least o n e typo­ graphical error a n d ignores all new ap­ 1 ins book is a rather minor revision a n d plications of interferometry during t h e enlargement of a previous edition p u b ­ past 20 years. This booklet was primarily lished in 1944. In general, revision has intended for the university student, b u t it been m a d e by insertions of n e w material •was hoped that t h e various technical ap­ in each chapter together with a few addi­ plications described in it would make it tional references to bring t h e book more of some value to chemists a n d engineers. up t o d a t e . N o attempt has b e e n m a d e to It still retains much academic* appeal, but change material already included in t h e would b e of greater value to chemists and earlier edition. engineers if it were revised to include T h e purpose of this work apparently is modern technical applications t o optical to present several c h a p t e r s on t h e simpler and mechanical testing, researches in theoretical aspects of solvents a n d t o fol­ aerodynamics, nuclear physics, crystallog­ low this with the specific properties of raphy, a n d metallurgy. various solvents, particularly those used in the cellulose-lacquer industry. In a sense, Sales Engineering. 2nd eel. ΒΚΗΝΆΙΪΙ) therefore, the major part of t h e book is LESTEH. ix -f- 226 pages. John Wilev & a short handbook o n t h e more important Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., New York solvent properties. 16, N . Y. 1950. $3.00. Reviewed bv Howard Farkas, U. S. Stoneware Co. T h e theoretical part of t h e book in­ cludes discussions of such subjects as 1 HIS book covers a profession which is solvent action and power, plasticizers, vis­ still much neglected in t h e curricula of cosity, vaporization rates, inflammability, most scientific schools. T h e technique of and toxicity. These chapters show little selling engineering equipment in this change from t h e earlier edition. T h e sec­ highly industrial a g e is a subject to which ond p a r t of t h e book dealing with t h e many advanced students in technical col­ specific properties of various solvents has leges might well devote their major spe­ been enlarged in scope to permit addition cialized effort, from a career standpoint. of some newer solvents a n d to give a Practically all aspects of sales engineer­ somewhat greater discussion of methods ing are covered in minute detail. Topics of preparation. I n general, t h e revisions like t h e planning of the interview, the are minor, b u t there has been considerable subsequent follow-ups, the strategy t o fol­ improvement in t y p e , paper, a n d other low with different types of purchasers, and mechanical details. T h e book should b e the methods of overcoming many sales of interest as a quick reference 4 for im­ obstacles are all presented clearly and portant properties of t h e more common concisely. Even the experienced sales solvents but it is in no sense a compre­ f engineer will profit from h e great many hensive treatise on t h e subject. illustrative examples and anecdotes to b e found in almost every chapter a n d selected Radiographic Testing from actual case experiences. Recommendations A critical reviewer can, however, point out some omissions. For instance, very All persons interested in radiographic little space is devoted to export sales, to testing a r e invited to submit criticism a n d dealings with governmental agencies, to comments on a n e w R e c o m m e n d e d Prac­ methods of digging u p n e w inquiries, a n d tice for Radiographic Testing which h a s to t h e development of business through been developed b y t h e American Society W.







for Testing Materials. T h e proposed recommended practice is an expansion of material formerly i n c l u d e d in t h e now withdrawn methods of radiographic test­ ing E-15. T h e new d o c u m e n t is to b e dis­ tributed for criticism, a n d copies are n o w availahle from AST M H e a d q u a r t e r s . 1916 Race St.. Philadelphia, at 50 cents each.

feiEW e®osc§ A.S.T.M. S t a n d a r d s , 1 9 4 9 . 6 volumes. Over 8,000 pages. American Society for Testing Materials, 1916 Race St., Phila­ delphia o, P a . $ 5 4 . Anleitung Zur D a r s t e l l u n g Organischer Praparate mit Kleinen Substanzmengen. HANS L I E B AND W O L F G A N G


xi + 1 6 1 pages. Springer-Verlag, W i e n 1, Molkerbastei 5 , Austria. $2.50. Annual Reports on t h e Progress of C h e m ­ istry for 1949. Vol. X L V I . vi + 3 3 3 pages. T h e Chemical Society, Burling­ ton Mouse, Piccadilly, L o n d o n , W . l , England. $3.50. Anorganisch-Praparative C h e m i e ; Arbeitsmethoden unci A u s g e w a h l t e Beispiele. HEIUBKHT GnuBiTscH. xxiii -f- 4 7 9 pages. Springer-Verlag, W i e n 1, Molk­ erbastei 5, Austria. $7.00. Atomic Attack—A M a n u a l for Survival. J.



J R . , A N D G.


HEWES. 5 5 pages. Distributed for Council on Atomic Implications, I n c . , by Culver Products C o . , 3 6 3 1 E a s t h a m Drive, Culver City, Calif. $1.00. Bau u n d Betrieb C h e m i s c h e r F a b r i k e n ; Erfahrungen u n d E r i n n e r u n g e n . O T T O AUSPITZER. iv -f- 90 pages. SpringerVerlag, W i e n 1, Molkerbastei 5, Aus­ tria. $2.00. Destillier- u n d Rektifiziertechnik. EMIL KIRSCHBAUM.

xvi -{- 4 6 5 .


Verlag, Reichpietschufer 2 0 , Berlin W 35, G e r m a n y . Paper, $10.71; cloth, $11.79. D i e Neueren Ergebnisse d e r Starkeforschung. Kuirr H E Y N S . 148 pages. Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, Verlag G.m.b.H., Braunschweig, Burgplatz 1, Germany. $1.45. Evolution of Scientific T h o u g h t from Newton to Einstein. 2 n d ed., rev. a n d enl.



XX -{- 4 8 1


Dover Publications, I n c . , 1780 Broad­ way, N e w York 19, Ν . Υ. $3.75. Les Hautes T e m p e r a t u r e s et L e u r s Utili­ sations en Chimie. 2 volumes. P . L E BEAU

ages. graires





Masson & C i e . , Editeurs, L i d e L ' A c a d é m i e d e Médecine, 120 Boulevard Saint-German, Paris— VIe, F r a n c e . $26.10. Manual of O r g a n i c Chemistry' for Advanced S t u d e n t s . Vol. I. G. M. DYSON. xiii + 9 8 4 pages. L o n g m a n s , Green and Co., Inc., 5 5 Fifth Ave., N e w York, Ν. Υ. $12.50. Penicillin: I t s Practical Application. 2 n d ed., rev., rewritten, a n d enl. Sir Alex­ ander Fleming, editor. 5 0 4 pages. C. V. Mosbv Co.. 3523 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. $7.00. Physical Constants. 5 t h e d . W . H. J. GUILDS. John Wilev & Sons, Inc.. 4 4 0 Fourth Ave., N e w York 16, Ν . Υ. $1.25. Selected Topics from O r g a n i c Chemistry. 2nd









vi -f- 4 1 8 pages.

Dastane Brothers' H o m e Service. L t d . , 456. Ravi war Peth, Poona 2, India. $2.11. Vber L o s u n ç u n d H y d r a t a t i o n des Anhydrits. JOACHIM ΟττΕ*ίΑΝΝ. 2 3 pages. Akademie-Verlaa G.m.b.H.. Schiffbauerdamm 19. Berlin N W 7, Germany. $1.50. AND ENGINEERING