BEYOND THE FLYLEAF - Chemical & Engineering ... - ACS Publications

Nov 5, 2010 - A Manual of Plastics and Resins. In Encyclopedia Form. WILLIAM SCHACK. 547 pages. Chemical Publishing Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1950. $10...
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of Plastics and Resins.

Encyclopedia F o r m .




547 pages. Chemical Publishing Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1950. $10. R e v i e w e d by FiiA?sTK W . R E I N H A R T , National Bureau of Standards. 1 HIS publication in the form of a brief encyclopedia covers rather well t h e technology of plastics a n d resinous materials. T h e author has h a d the help of a large n u m b e r of experts in this field. Selected bibliography is given for certain highly technical subjects. T h e descriptive matter for t h e terms discussed is clear, concise, and relatively accurate. An extensive list of American, foreign, a n d obsolete t r a d e names is given in t h e back of t h e volume together with charts on m a c h i n i n g data for the various types of plastics. This book would b e of value to those working in plastics technology, in particular to t h o s e chemists, physicists, a n d engineers w h o are entering this field a n d those who are working in related a n d corollary fields. Basic Refractories — Their Chemistry and Their Performance. J. R. R A I T . 408 pages. Interscience Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Ave., N e w York 1, N . Y. 1950.



LATHE, National Canada.




Research Council of

T H I S important work is likely t o b e criticized b y some practical m e n as mainly of academic interest, a n d b y highly trained experimentalists as insufficiently accurate or complete. Nevertheless, to those able and willing to apply phase equilibrium data t o their own practical problems, t h e book contains a wealth of information, much of w h i c h has not previously been published. Essentially, Rait reviews t h e m a n u c a c ture, constitution, a n d performance of all important types of basic refractories, including chrome a n d forsterite, in t h e light of phase e q u i l i b r i u m data. I n so far as possible, h e has d r a w n on t h e literature, b u t where the desired information was lacking or of questionable accuracy h e has n o t hesitated t o u n d e r t a k e comprehensive investigations on t h e m u t u a l relations of C a O , M g O , S i 0 2 , ALOa, a n d FeaOa. Cylinders of t h e desired compositions were sintered for sufficient t i m e to bring about complete crystallization, a n d the phases present w e r e t h e n identified by x-ray and petrological methods. The melting points of eutectics w e r e determined and their practical significance analyzed. In the reviewer's opinion, this book explains, b e t t e r t h a n any other, w h y specific basic refractories do or d o not give good service in particular applications, and points the w a y to further improvements in manufacture. Many m a y not agree with all of t h e conclusions d r a w n


or implied, b u t manufacturers and users of refractories will alike find in t h e book m u c h food for t h o u g h t . W h i l e a few typographical errors, out-of-date analyses, a n d i m p o r t a n t reference omissions have been noted, these do not seriously detract from t h e value of t h e book. The Chemical Formulary, V o l . I X . H . Bennett, editor-in-chief. xvi -+- 6 4 8 p a g e s . C h e m i c a l Publishing Co., Inc., 2 6 Court St., Brooklyn 2, N . Y. 1 9 5 1 . $7.






F o s t e r D . Snell, I n c . 1 HIS volume, t h e n i n t h in t h e series, presents formulas u n d e r 20 title listings. T h e introduction is t h e same as in each of t h e other volumes. Sections also give trade-mark chemicals a n d sources of s u p ply for most of t h e materials used in the formulas. As in t h e case with all t h e other volumes in this series, this volume is a miscellaneous conglomeration of formulas old a n d n e w , good, b a d , a n d indifferent. T h e r e is no a t t e m p t at critical evaluation. In some cases 12 or 15 formulas for the same t y p e of p r o d u c t a r e given, with no indication of their a d v a n t a g e s or d r a w backs. It might b e expected t h a t a volume of this type, w h i c h h a s supplementary volumes issued at intervals, would contain u p - t o - d a t e formulas of m o d e r n products. Yet, in t h e c h a p t e r on cosmetics a n d drugs t h e r e seems to b e nothing in t h e w a y of m o d e r n hair d y e formulations, liquid synthetic d e t e r g e n t shampoos, a m m o n i a t e d dentifrices, or chlorophyll-containing p r o d u c t s . T h e same criticism a p plies to t h e other subjects. It is our feeling that anyone engaged in t h e commercial development of a n y of t h e types of formulations given w o u l d b e m u c h a i d e d b y source references, since these w o u l d give a more critical evaluation of t h e formulas. I n general t h e r e are specialized reference works a n d literature from suppliers of r a w materials which w o u l d b e more useful for any specific t y p e of formulation. This volume seems best suited for t h e cellar, kitchen, or garage experimenter. The American Fiat Review of German S c i e n c e 1 9 3 9 - 1 9 4 6 . Yol. 12. Physics of t h e Electron Shells.


M A N et ah 171 p a g e s . T h e O. W . Leibiger Research Laboratories, Inc. P e t e r s b u r g , N . Y. 1950. $5.30. Reviewed





investigation of molecular structure by nonspectroscopic methods. About 350 references a r e quoted. It is evident that a moderate a m o u n t of work w a s done in G e r m a n y in this field during the period of time covered by t h e review. X o striking discoveries are reported, b u t a n u m b e r of interesting pieces of work are described. T h e book as published indicates that the authors did their work well and the translators d i d their work poorly. T h e r e are scores of errors in translation: t h e vapor of a metal is called "steam," a ruled grating is called a "lattice," a high v a p o r pressure of a metal is referred to as "high natural-gas pressure," hydrogen polysulfides are called "yellow-stained polyhydrogen sulfides," diborane is referred to as " d i b o r a t e , " and nitrite as "nitride." Proper n a m e s are given incorrect spellings: Russel, T y n d a l , van d e r W a a l . M a n y sentences can be understood only b y t h e process of making a literal translation back into G e r m a n , a n d t h e n a t t e m p t i n g to u n d e r s t a n d t h e G e r m a n , a n d occasionally this trick fails. The Practice of Sanitation. E D W A R D S. H O P K I N S AND F R A N C I S B . E L D E R , vii


4 2 3 p a g e s . T h e Williams a n d Wilkins Co., Mt. Royal Ave., Baltimore 2, Md. 1951. $7.50. Reviewed by W I L L I A M STERICKER, Philadelphia Quartz C o . T H E authors h a v e u n d e r t a k e n to cover all t h e p h a s e s of environmental sanitation in o n e volume a n d h a v e s u c c e e d e d remarkably well. Although t h e authors apparently p l a n n e d to write a textbook, chemists a n d chemical engineers may find it of value as a reference book giving concise, a c c u r a t e information on subjects comprising all t h e fields of sanitation. R e cent developments, which frequently are omitted in books of this type, are included a n d the information given is u p to d a t d T h e book is well printed in clear t y p e . T h e n u m e r o u s illustrations have b e e n carefully chosen to a u g m e n t t h e text. Although this is not a chemistry textbook, it is of interest because it tells about t h e m e t h o d s of preparing t h e a i r w e b r e a t h e , t h e food we eat, and the w a t e r w e drink as well as those for disposing of of waste p r o d u c t s , both domestic a n d industrial. M e t h o d s of controlling insects a n d rodents ensure b e t t e r health for all of us. As citizens we should know s o m e thing a b o u t the regulations a n d enforcement of sanitary measures. T h e a u t h o r s of this book presented all this and more in r e a d a b l e form. It is hard to imagine any chemist or chemical engineer w h o would n o t find something of personal interest in this volume.

Institute of Technology. X H E a u t h o r s of this book h a v e presented in 171 pages a review of work carried on in G e r m a n y d u r i n g t h e period 1939 to 1946, dealing with various problems relating to extranuclear electronic p h e n o m ena. T h e subjects include atomic and molecular spectra, x-ray physics, a n d t h e

2 9, N O . 2 9 » > » > J U L Y

16, 1 9 5 1

Brode on Chemical Spectroscopy T h e 1950 A S T M E d g a r Marburg L e c ture " C h e m i c a l Spectroscopy" by W a l l a c e R. Brode of t h e National B u r e a u of Standards h a s b e e n published in the form of a 5 2 - p a g e profusely illustrated booklet. Dr. Brode discusses t h e d e v e l o p m e n t


BEYOND THr FLYLEAF and use of spectroscopic methods in analytical control. T h e use of both emission spectra and absorption spectra procedures are outlined a n d t h e method limitations indicated. In colorimetry and color description, t h e application of these methods is considered as well as the use of spectrophotometer procedures in infrared and ultraviolet regions of t h e spectrum. Part of the lecture is devoted to t h e field of emission spectroscopy, including t h e development of rapid analysis procedures a n d t h e recent a d v a n c e in photoelectric recording instruments. A somewhat elementary approach has been employed so that t h e subject can b e easily followed. The booklet can b e procured from American Society for Testing Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia 3. Pa., for $1.35.

Ready Reference t o Insecticides A 200-page "Pesticide H a n d b o o k " has been compiled by D . E . H. Frear, professor of agricultural a n d biological chemistry a t Pennsylvania State College. T h e book is a continuation and expansion of "Pest Control Materials" published in 1949 and revised in 1950. T h e tremendous n u m b e r of pest control materials which have a p p e a r e d on t h e market in recent years a n d their wide r a n g e of composition have created many problems of identity and some confusion even among technically trained workers. T h a t the publication of such information filled a great need is indicated by t h e fact that over 22,000 copies of the earlier editions were distributed. Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, rodenticides, adjuvants, diluents, and application machinery are listed b y trade names b y composition, a n d bymanufacturers. T h e book is available from Commercial Printing, Inc.. State College, Pa., for $1.00.

purchased separately, 15 cents. T h e pric:e of the questionnaire, ten cents. A d e d u c tion of 25 per cent for purchases of 2 5 or more is allowed.

Bibliography on Ceramic Engineering A selected bibliography on ceramic e n gineering listing more than 150 items u n d e r 15 classifications has been published by the Engineers* Council for Professional Development. T h e bibliography is Section IV of a seven-part "Selected Bibliography of Engineering Subjects," prepared tor the E C P D b y the Institute of CeramitEngineers as a guide to those w h o wish t o continue studies in engineering and allied fields and those w h o are building their own private libraries. Other sections n o w tinder revision a r e Mathematics, Mechanics and Physics; Chemical and Industrial Engineering; Electrical and Mechanical Engineering; a n d Metallurgical and Mining Engineering. Copies of the eight-page bibliography o n ceramic engineering may be obtained from E C P D , 29 West 39th St., New York 18, N. Y.. for 2 5 cents each.

Packaged Medicines A booklet which presents a brief a c count of the growth of the packaged medicine industry and the elaborate controls which keep the contents of the h o m e medicine chest pure, safe, and effective, h a s been published by the Proprietary Association, 310 18th St., N . W . , Washington 6, D. C. T h e booklet summarizes, for t h e layman, t h e present laws governing t h e selling of narcotics, legal safeguards against adulterated foods and drugs, a n d t h e setting up of standards.

Engineering Guidance Manual Published

C o r r e l a t i o n of Forest Products Research

A g u i d a n c e m a n u a l for engineers w h o are aiding young m e n interested in t h e engineering profession h a s been published b y t h e Engineers' Council for Professional Development. T h e 15-page pamphlet, prepared b y t h e E C P D guidance committee, urges members of local engineering societies a n d sections and chapters of national engineering societies t o establish g u i d a n c e committees to aid high school pupils to determine w h e t h e r they a r e qualified for careers in engineering. T h e present critical engineering manpower shortage emphasizes t h e need for guidance of the type indicated in this manual. T h e g u i d a n c e m a n u a l is s u p p l e m e n t e d b y an appendix, "Shall I Study Engineering?" w h i c h is a questionnaire to b e filled out b y t h e student for use of t h e engineer w h o is advising him. Copies of t h e m a n u a l with questionnaire m a y b e o b t a i n e d from E C P D , 2 9 West 39th St., N e w York 18, N . Y. Price of combination, 20 cents. Cost of m a n u a l

As an aid in the correlation of forest products research, and to help prevent unnecessary duplication of research a c tivities t h e National L u m b e r Manufacturers Association has issued "Forest Products Research G u i d e " in its fourth edition. This 335-page manual m a y b e ordered from the association, Washington 6, D. C , for $10.


process, a n d product in accordance with t h e theories of statistical mathematics to provide t h e most efficient and least costly operation from a standpoint of objectives a n d results. T h e abstracts in the booklet include those of articles selected from the following fields: food, refining, pulp and p a p e r , a n d rubber. T h e booklet is available from Chemonomics, Inc., 40D Madison Ave., N e w York 17, N. Y.

Extinguishing Tank Fires "A Study of Some Mechanical Foams a n d Their Use for Extinguishing Tank F i r e s " is t h e title of an 89-page booklet issued by t h e Naval Research Laboratory w h i c h is available from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Comm e r c e , as P B 103 645 for $2.50. T h e book is well organized a n d copies of filing cards are provided with t h e contents of the book abstracted for quick reference.

O r g a n i c Symposium Abstracts Available Abstracts of the papers presented before the twelfth organic symposium held in Denver, Colo., last month are available at $1.00 p e r copy. Requests should be addressed to the secretary of t h e division, Nelson J. Leonard, 213 Noyes Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111.



Civil Defense in M o d e r n W a r . A. M. PRENTISS. 4 2 9 pages. McGraw-Hill Book C o . , 330 W e s t 42nd St., N e w York 1 8 , N. Y. 1951. $6.00. D i e Organischen Fluorverbindungen in I h r e r B e d e u t u n g F u r D i e Technik. G U N T H E R ScfflEMANN. xi 4- 221 pages. Verlag Von Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff, D a r m s t a d t , Germany. 1951. Paper, D M 24, b o u n d , D M 26. Essentials of Chemistry. A. B. G A R R E T T , J. F . H A S K I N S , AND H. H. S I S L E R .


Articles on statistical engineering in t h e chemical process industries have been abstracted and compiled in a 48-page booklet b y James R. Thomen of t h e statistical engineering division of R. S. Aries & Associates. According to t h e introduction, the utilization of statistical methodology has been relatively neglected in chemical experimentation compared to its use in other fields. Statistical engineering comprises the engineering of experiment,








2 4 6 pages. T h o m a s Y. Crowell Co., 4 3 2 4th Ave., N e w York 16, N. Y. 1 9 5 1 . $2.50. Galvanizing

(Hot Dip).

3rd ed.


BABLIK. xiv -f- 5 0 2 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., NewYork 1 6 , N . Y. 1950. $10. General College Chemistry. 3rd ed. J. A. BABOR

Statistical Engineering in Chemical Process Industries


5 6 9 pages. Ginn & Co., Statler Bldg., Boston 17, Mass. 1 9 5 1 . $5.00. E x p e r i m e n t a l Studies in Basic College






pages. T h o m a s Y. Crowell Co., 432 4 t h Ave., N e w York 16, N . Y. 1951. $5.00. Grubengasanalyse Im Kohlenbergbau. D R . R. K A T T W I N K E L . 80 pages. Walter D e Gruyter & C o . , Berlin W 35, Germany. 1950. D M 8,40. Linear Computations.




xi -f- 3 4 4 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 4 4 0 F o u r t h Ave., N e w York 16, N . Y. 1 9 5 1 . $6.50. Tecnologia d e los Aceites Vegetales. Tomo I I . P . G. GAROGLIO. 1377 pages. Ministerio d e Educacion, Universidad Nacional d e Cuyo Mendoza, Republica Argentina. 1 9 5 1 . $ 2 5 . ( C o n t i n u e d on page 2971 )