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Nov 12, 2010 - A Study of Antimetabolites . D. W. WOOLLEY. xiii + 269 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., New York 16, N. Y. 1952. $5.00...
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Study of Antimetabolites. D. W . WOOLLEY. xiii -+- 269 pages. John W i l e y & Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth A v e . , N e w York 16, Ν . Υ. 1952. $5.00. R e ­ v i e w e d by D . D . WOODS, University of Oxford.

T H E discovery that t h e antibacterial ac­ tion of the sulfonamides w a s d u e to in­ hibition of t h e utilization of a bacterial growth factor (p-aminobenzoic a c i d ) , to which they are structurally related, refocused attention o n t h e biological action of t h e class of substances which have come to b e known as antimetabolites, com­ pounds which apparently interfere w i t h the function of substances essential for normal metabolism because they are chemically related t o them. Dr. Woolley has himself played a most distinguished part in t h e experimental d e ­ velopment of these ideas and especially of their possible deeper meaning in cell physiology. H e has n o w written a most fascinating account not only of the p h e ­ nomenon itself and its more theoretical background, b u t also of its significance in the design of therapeutic agents and in the explanation of drug action, its value as a tool in biochemical investigations and its possible importance in t h e coordinated control of physiological and biochemical processes. This is not a textbook (though it serves admirably in that respect t o o ) ; it is that all too rare and particularly e n ­ joyable thing, a technical yet personal book, designed to provoke thought and therefore to induce n e w experiments. In this it should succeed admirably. Vom Kristall Zum L e b e w e s e n . HAMS VOGEL. 3 2 0 pages. Verlag Hans Carl. N u m b e r s , Germany. 1952. D M 12.50. Reviewed





Cancer Institute. F R O M Crystal to L i v i n g Organism" is a very readable, albeit unpretentious, ac­ count for the nonspecialist of the gradual transition from the inorganic world to the simple forms of life, in short, biogenesis. The author, known for several technical books, has in this volume successfully v e n ­ tured into the field of general scientific writing aimed to be clear and easily understood b y a large circle of readers. Related writings include "Antibiotics/* "From Atom to Cosmos," and "From Amoeba to Man," a n d so the present book is limited to a description of the physical, chemical, and geological conditions that in all probability set t h e stage for the d e ­ velopment of the living state, followed b y a largely biochemical definition and analy­ sis of the latter in conventional but wellbalanced terms: macromolecules, proteins, nucleoproteins, lipoids, enzymes, vitamins, hormones, genes, cytoplasmic particles, viruses, specialized pigments; and proc­ esses such as osmosis, permeability, respira­ tion, fermentation, chemosynthesis, photo­ V O L U M E

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synthesis, ni-trogen fixation, autotrophism, genetic mecfcianisrns. There is o n l y a final, short coda o n dif­ ferentiation among single-celled organ­ isms, and development therefrom of multi­ cellular organisms. The author grinds f e w , if any, axes of his own. Readability and reasonable -up-to-dateness replace pro­ found originality. The only specific refer­ ences are a final page listing several re­ lated books appearing since 1 9 4 7 , and there is no Liidex. A mild warning to t h e reader: Be prepared for an occasional straddling o F science with the divine. A peculiar- merit of this book, undoubt­ edly entirely unanticipated b y its author, is that it will give any English reader w h o has learned l i i s German the hard w a y t h e comforting iclea that h e can really read German prertty well. The book would make a g o o d present from a professor wishing to encourage a student of this language, arid a splendid supplementary text in any c o u r s e of scientific German.



Chemistry oE Organic Compounds. C. R. NOLLER. î-x 4- 885 pages. W . B. Saunders Co., "West Washington Sq., Philadelphia 5, Pa. 1951. $7.00. Elementary fc-extbook on current ideas concerning mechanism of organic reactions and forces vsHiich determine chemical and physical properties of organic compounds. First Chemical Sales Clinic. 128 pages. Salesmen's Association of t h e American Chemical Industry, Inc., R. L . Ericsson, Sales Clinic Chairman, 6 East 45th St., N e w York: 17, M. Y. 1953. $1.00 t o SAACI members; $1.50 to nonmembers. Verbatim trazriscript of clinic held October 1952. Ionic Processes in Solution. R. W . G U R NEY. ix —f- 275 pages. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 3 3 0 West 4 2 n d St., N e w York 36, Ν. Υ. 3.953. $6.50. Directed prrmnarily to graduate students and research workers in electrochemistry. Includes fundamental principles and d e ­ tailed experinnental data. A Policy f o r Scientific and Professional Manpower- xix -f- 263 pages. Columbia University Press, 2960 Broadway, N e w York 27, N \ Y . 1953. $4.50. Comprehensive evaluation of scientific and* professional manpower problems. Con­ sists of rec-ommen dations b y National Manpower Council and facts and issues upon which recommendations were based. A Popular Gmiide to Government Publica­ tions. W. JP. LEIDY. xxii -f 2 9 6 pages. Columbia University Press, 2 9 6 0 Broad­ way, New "York 27, Ν . Υ. 1 9 5 3 . $3.00. Compilation o f 2500 titles arranged under 100 subject headings. Excludes strictly statistical, technical, or legal documents. Teamwork in* Research. G. P. Bush and L. H. Hattery, editors, xii -f 191 pages. The American University Press, 1901 F

» » » » M A Y 25, 1 9 5 3

St., N . W . , Washington 6, D . C . 1 9 5 3 . $4.00. Adapted from proceedings of third insti­ tute o n administration of scientific research and development presented by American University, National Research Council, and American Association for the Advance­ ment of Science. Paperbound Abstracts of Theses. 156 pages. Massa­ chusetts Institute of Technology, Office of Publication, Cambridge 3 9 , Mass. 1953. $2.00. Abstracts of 7 9 theses accepted for doctor's degree at MIT in June 1 9 5 1 . Also lists titles of theses presented for engineer's and master's degrees in June 1 9 5 1 . Engineering—A Creative Profession. 3 2 pages. Engineers' Council for Profes­ sional Development, 2 9 - 3 3 W e s t 39th St., N e w York 1 8 , Ν. Υ. 1 9 5 3 . 2 5 cents. Replaces "Engineering as a Career," career booklet for high school students. GOVERNMENT


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