BEYOND T H E FLYLEAF Distillation. Technique of Organic Chem istry. Vol. I V . Arnold Weiss berger, editor, xxvii -f- 668 pages. Interscience Publishers, I n c . , 2 5 0 Fifth Ave., N e w York 1, IN. Y. 1951. $14. Reviewed by A. E . ScHUBEivr, General Electric Co. I N this volume the organic chemist has been presented with a most complete as semblage o f the theoretical a n d practical considerations pertaining to distillation. A very competent group of contributors, each a specialist in his field, has covered p r a c tically evcr-y point involved in t h e design, construction, and operation of fractionating equipment for u s e in laboratory work. The chapter o n theory covers t h e sub ject .so comprehensively that it will be useful to cheinical engineers as supple mental material to t h e usual books from which distillation is taught. This c h a p t e r is the first: work which has brought to gether in condensed form the voluminous literature o n batch distillation theory, a n d the treatment o f this subject is thorough from t h e analytical point of view a n d prac tical for application. The construction a n d operation of labo ratory columns a r e reduced to simple terms by the d a t a , and information in t h e c h a p t e r covering ordinary fractional distillation. T h e selection of packing materials, lengths
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and diameters of columns, still-pots, reflux-ratio devices, and other column auxiliaries is m a d e relatively easy, since t h e available choices h a v e been discussed. T h e inexperienced chemist will find m u c h practical help in the section of this chapter covering procedure. T h e treatment of extractive distillation in t h e chapter on extractive and azeotropic distillation is of v a l u e in indicating the usefulness of this t e c h n i q u e in separations. Since this unit operation is applied on laboratory scale w i t h extreme difficulty, and because t h e f u n d a m e n t a l d a t a on systems other than a few h y d r o c a r b o n separations are not available, t h e organic chemist cannot b e expected to make appli cation of extractive distillation except as p a r t of a process development program. Azeotropic distillation, on t h e other h a n d , can b e readily applied to laboratory sepa rations, and t h e theory and p r a c t i c e of this type of distillation will b e very useful. T h e other c h a p t e r s of t h e book cover liquefied gases and low-boiling liquids, dis tillation under m o d e r a t e v a c u u m , distilla tion u n d e r high v a c u u m , and sublimation, which are all s o m e w h a t specialized aspects of t h e subject of distillation. In all cases, however, t h e completeness of t h e treat m e n t of these topics leaves t h e r e a d e r fully equipped to u n d e r t a k e work in t h e s e fields, and t h e references to specific m a n u facturers' items in m a n y places in t h e book are particularly helpful. This book will b e useful to chemical research and d e v e l o p m e n t workers in all fields of organic chemistry, and the editor a n d his contributors a r e to be c o m m e n d e d for putting together such a complete vol ume. T h e material will go b e y o n d t h e needs of most laboratory workers, w h o a r e mainly concerned w i t h batch distillation u n d e r simple conditions, b u t the occa sional really difficult p r o b l e m can be solved by utilizing t h e information included. Fundamental Mechanisms of Photo graphic Sensitivity. J. W . Mitchell, editor, viii -f- 3 4 7 pages. A c a d e m i c Press, Inc., 125 E a s t 23rd St., N e w York 10, Ν. Υ. 1 9 5 1 . $9.50. Reviewed b y T . H. J A M E S , E a s t m a n Kodak Co. T H I S book is m a d e u p of 4 8 p a p e r s w h i c h w e r e presented at a n international con ference held at t h e University of Bristol in March, 1950. T h e p a p e r s are g r o u p e d i n five sections: physical properties of silver a n d alkali halides, production and p r o p erties of silver h a l i d e grains in p h o t o graphic emulsions, p h o t o g r a p h i c sensitivity, latent image formation, a n d nuclear track emulsions. T h e p a p e r s are of u n e q u a l quality, b u t this is t o be expected for a book m a d e u p of symposium p a p e r s . N o discussion of t h e p a p e r s is recorded, b u t Mitchell has m a d e u s e of t h e discussion in a paper o n " L a t t i c e Defects a n d L a t e n t I m a g e Formation in Silver Halides" w h i c h
he wrote after the conclusion of t h e con ference. T h e book will b e of more interest to t h e specialist than to t h e general reader, since most of t h e papers a i m specifically at p r e senting t h e results of t h e authors' research on t h e particular p r o b l e m s . A f e w p a p e r s are of m o r e general s c o p e a n d p r e s e n t an integrated picture of t h e present state oJ k n o w l e d g e in the fields of optical sensiti zation, chemical sensitization, a n d t h e u s e of p h o t o g r a p h i c emulsions in t h e investi gation of problems in n u c l e a r physics a n d cosmic rays. T h e b o o k is p r i n t e d o n p a p e r of satisfactory quality a n d is well illus trated. X-Ray Crystallography Monograph. J. B o u m a n , editor. xv -f- 3 7 5 p a g e s . North-Holland P u b l i s h i n g Co., Amster d a m ; Interscience Publishers, I n c . , 2 5 0 Fifth Ave., N e w York 1, Ν . Υ. 1 9 5 1 . $11. Reviewed b y A. J. K I N G , Syra cuse University. 1 IÎJS is the third v o l u m e in a series of monographs on theoretical and applied physics e d i t e d by J. d e Boer, H . Brinkm a n , a n d I I . B. G. Casimir. T h e m o n o g r a p h is a review of t h e individual r e searches of its 14 contributors w o r k i n g at t h e Delft X-ray Institutes. In its 2 5 c h a p ters a n u m b e r of examples of t h e application of x-ray crystallographic m e t h o d s a r e clescribed. A survey of t h e results of p a r allel workers in e a c h field is included in t h e discussion. T h e material is classified u n d e r e i g h t separate headings. P a r t A ( B o u m a n , d e Jong, v a n Reijen, a n d M a y ) covers t h e reciprocal lattice, F o u r i e r and intensity space, t h e function of Patterson, t h e theory a n d use of t h e retigraph, t e r m i n a tion effects of F o u r i e r syntheses, b r e a d t h of Debye-Scherrer lines, a n d calculation of pole figures of c u b i c lattices. Part Β ( B o u m a n , Arlman, Burgers, T a n Koen Hiok, and L e b b i n k ) deals w i t h d i s tortions in crystals, a simplified theory of diffuse spots, a s t u d y of single crystals of tin, lattice defects in silver chloride crys tals, and sheared a l u m i n u m single crystals. Part C ( Sandee, M a y , a n d Burgers ) concerns itself w i t h t w i n n i n g a n d r a t e of nucleation during t h e recrystallization of aluminum. Part D (Burgers, Mesritz, a n d K o o y ) gives t h e results of investigations of p h o t o graphic emulsions, particularly a s t u d y of t h e alleged lattice dilation of silver b r o m i d e d u r i n g exposure, t h e ripening of sil ver bromide emulsions, a n d t h e effect of C d and P b halides on t h e p h o t o sensitiv ity of silver halides. Part Ε ( P r i n s ) describes t h e experi mental methods u s e d a n d discusses t h e r e sults of an investigation of t h e a m o r p h o u s s t a t e of H g , Sb, S e , a n d S. Part F (deWolff) is a discussion of t h e principles of errors involved in q u a n t i t a tive measurements b y t h e p o w d e r m e t h o d a n d describes a m u l t i p l e Guinier c a m e r a w i t h adjustable c u r v a t u r e crystal m o n o c h r o m a t e r designed for u s e in s u c h m e a s urements. Part G ( A r l e m a n a n d G o p p e l ) covers
pages. Charles C Thomas, 301-327 East mans, Green & Co., 55 Fifth Ave, New the techniques used and the results ob Lawrence Ave., Springfield, 111. 1951. York 3, Ν. Υ. 1951. $1.40. tained in a study of the degree of crystal$6.00. The Surface Chemistry of Solids. S. J. linity of natural rubber. Microscopy, Principles and Appli GREGG, ix -f 297 pages. Reinhold Pub Part H (Kreger) gives the results of an Phase cations. ALVA H. BENNETT, H E L E N lishing Corp., 330 West 42nd St., Newinvestigation of a number of plant waxes JUI^JNIK, HAROLD OSTERBERC, AND OSCAR York 18, Ν. Υ. 1951. $8.50. arid includes chapters on the submicroW. RICHARDS, xiii -\- 320 pages. John Tables for Microscopic Identification of scopic structure of wax rods in sugar cane, Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., Ore Mineral. \V. UYTENBOGAARDT. 249 New York 16, Ν. Υ. 1951. $7.50. pages. Princeton University Press, the chain structure of starch, and the de Princeton, N. J. 1951. $5.00. sign of the micro-diffraction camera used Quantitative Organic Microanalysis. A L STEYERAIARK. xii -j- 3S9 -pages. T h e Textbook of Organic Chemistry. CARL h. in these studies. Blakiston Co., 1012 Walnut St., Phila NOLLKH. 643 pages. \V. B. Saunders Although the monograph is not a text delphia 5, Pa. 1951. $7.00. Co., West Washington Sq., Philadelphia as its title may suggest, it will be found Science for Everyday Use. VICTOR C. 5, Pa. 1951. $5.75. of use to those whose particular interest SMITH AND Β. Β. VANCE. 744 pages. Trace Elements in Plants and Animals. J. B . Lippincott Co., 227 South 6th St., 2nd edition. WAI.TKH STILES. 200 lies in the fields ol application covered by Philadelphia 5, Pa. 1951. $3.20. pages. Cambridge Universitv Press, the authors. Statistical Methods for Chemists. W. J. Cambridge, Mass. 1951. $3.00. YOUDEN. x + 126 pages. John Wiley & Wood Preservation during the Last Fifty Correction Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., New York Years. VAN CHOENOU H. BROESE AND In our review of "German-English and 16, Ν. Υ. 1951. $3.00. H. W. L. VAN D E N RISCIIEN. 318 pages. English-German Dictionary for Scientists" Surface Chemistry; An Introduction to I t s Stechert-IIaliicr, Inc., 31 East 10th St., Principles and Applications. ALBERT New York 3, Ν. Υ. 1951. $8.00. by O. W. Leibiger and 1. S. Leibiger EKNEST ALEXANDER. 77 pages. Long (Continued on page 4644) which appeared on page 3034 of the July 23, 1951, issue the number of pages con tained in the volume was incorrectly stated as 360. This error occurred because the two sections of the book were num bered separately and in looking at the second section the last page number was assumed to be the total number of pages; instead it was the total for the second sec N ^ ^ V ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ' V ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' » ^ ^ ^ * tion. The total should be 741 pages.
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. Vol. 2. G. K. Kollefson, editor, and H. E. Powell, associate editor, ix -\- -162 pages. Annual Reviews, Inc., Stanlord, Calif. 1951. $6.00. Basic Organic Chemistry. JULIUS HAE
use . . .
332 pages. Blakiston Co., 1012 Walnut St., Philadelphia 5, Pa. 1951. $4.50. Copper in Stainless Steels. No. 9 Welding Research Council Bulletin Series. HEL THIELSCH.
Research Council of the Engineering Foundation. 29 West 39th St., New York 18, X. Y. 1951. $1.00. The High Pressure Mercury Vapour Dis charge. W. ELENBAAS.
185 pages. I n -
terscience Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Ave., New York 1, Ν. Υ. 1951. $4.00. Industrial Furnaces. 4th edition. Vol. 1. W. THINKS, xi -f- 526 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., New York 16, Ν. Υ. 1951. $10. Manpower Resources and Utilization. A . J. JAFFE AND CHARLES D. STEWART.
ix + 532 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., New York 16, Ν. Y. 1951. $6.50. Microbial Decomposition of Cellulose. RALPH
G. H. SIU. xi
531 pages.
Reinhold Publishing Corp., 330 West 42nd St., New York 18, Ν. Υ. 1951. $10. The Nature of Disease Institute, Third Annual Report.
J. E. R
lviii -f- 451 pages. Messrs. William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd 9 9 Great Russell St., London, W.C. 1, Eng land. 1951. 21s. Nobel, the Man and His Prizes. Edited by the Nobel Foundation. 620 pages. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Okla. 1951. $6.00. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 31. R. S. Schreiber, editor-in-chief. 122 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Ave., New York 16, Ν. Υ. 1951. $2.75. Outline of Fundamental Pharmacology. DAVID FIELDING MARSH, V O L U M E
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