H. W h i p p a n d F . W . B a m h a r d t explained control of size a n d its effects in t h e use of asphalt emulsions. T h e r e w a s extensive discussion, pointing t o a lively interest i n this field. C. J. Stairmand presented t h e final paper on a new sedimentation apparatus, which i s controlled as to convection by a water jacket. S o often this factor is neglected t h a t it is well to emphasize it. Profuse illustration, g r a p h s , a n d tables of data, combined with a well balanced treatment, in spite of t h e many authors, make this a valuable reference work for those n o w in the field.
The Chemical Elements and Their Comprocedure. Another criticism is t h e frepounds. 2 volumes. N. V. SIDGWICK. quent use i n sentences of formulas inxxxii -+- 835 pages a n d iv + 849 ( 8 5 5 stead of names, such as " D 0 " for heavy 2 to 1 7 0 3 ) pages. Oxford University water. Press, 114 Fifth Ave., N e w York 11, These, however, are minor shortcomings N. Y. 1950. $14 the set. Reviewed by Charles I). Hurd, Northwestern Uniin view of t h e general excellence of covversity. erage and presentation. T h e book is indeed one which chemists will want to T H E author states: "This book is an atown and to have available for ready tempt t o discuss in detail t h e properties reference. of the elements and their compounds in Steel Casting Design the light of modern ideas of atomic a n d Symposium on P a r t i c l e Size Analysis. molecular structure . . . . T h e basis of (Supplement to Transactions, Vol. 25, Practices Recommended 1947). Institution of Chemical Engiclassification is, of course, the Periodic A 32-page primer of f u n d a m e n t a l pracneers and Society of Chemical IndusTable, t h e simplest arrangement for extices useful t o designers a n d foundrymen try. 5(i Victoria St., London, S.W.I. hibiting the relations of the elements . . . . has been published by Steel Founders' 145 pages. $5.88. Reviewed b y Lincoln T h e references 1 have tried to bring u p to T. Work, consultant, Maplewood, N . J. Society of America. E m p h a s i s of the t h e summer of 1948 . . . ." Volume I booklet "Fundamentals o f Steel Casting takes u p the first five groups of the O N F e b . 4, 1947, there was held a joint Design" is directed particularly t o conPeriodic Table. Volume II is devoted to symposium o n particle size analysis under siderations looking to r e d u c e d production groups 6 , 7, a n d 8. Subject a n d author the auspices of the Institution of Chemical costs, elimination of unnecessary weight, indexes t o both volumes appear only in Engineers a n d t h e Road and Building improved casting quality, a n d castability. Volume I I . Materials Group of the Society of ChemiMore than 50 p h o t o g r a p h s , drawings, cal Industry. There were two sessions: In achieving his stated purpose Prof. charts, a n d tables are i n c l u d e d in t h e text, (1) Methods of Measurement, and ( 2 ) Sidgwick is extraordinarily successful. His copies of which m a y be o b t a i n e d from F . Industrial Applications. Preprints have flair for writing is well known and the Kermit Donaldson, executive vice presihad limited distribution earlier, b u t the present volume maintains his high standdent, Steel Founders' Society of America, current appearance of this volume brings ards. Sidgwick's books have always been 920 Midland Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio, additional technical matter, offered sepapioneering works for which there w a s a for 20 cents each. rately a n d as discussion. Prof. Andreasen genuine need. T h e author's modesty is contributed a n unscheduled paper on sedinoted (pages 529, 6 9 7 ) in referring to mentation fineness of barium sulfate, Taylor a n d Baker's "Organic Chemistry chromic oxide, a n d pyrolusite. H. Heyof Nitrogen." The rest of t h e world still wood reviewed t h e methods a n d their refers t o this classic as "Sidgwick." Atomic-Molecular T h e o r y . L. K. NASH. standardization with critical analysis of A r e a l need has existed for a comprev -j- 115 pages. H a r v a r d University many salient factors. C. N. Davies dehensive inorganic chemistry reference Press, Cambridge 38, M a s s . $1.35. tailed t h e physical factors governing sediwork of purchasable size, yet of advanced C h y m i a : Annual Studies i n t h e History of mentation, dealing with particle shape, content. This is t h e first available book Chemistry. Vol. 3. H . M. Leicester, Brownian motion, and turbulence. S. J. editor-in-chief, ix -f 2 5 1 pages. Uniin English meeting these modest qualificaversity of Pennsylvania Press, 3436 W a l Gregg dealt with liquid and gaseous abtions. n u t St., Philadelphia, P a . $4.50. sorption a n d heat of wetting; a n d he The hook should b e regarded as a Chemistry—Visualized a n d Applied. A. concluded L hat gaseous absorption yielded presentation of chemistry rather than inJ . C O U R C H A I N E . xiv -f- 687 p a g e s . G. values that were more than relative while organic chemistry in t h e usual sense beP . Putnam's Sons, 2 W e s t 4 5 t h St., heat of wetting a n d absorption from liquid N e w York, N . Y. $5.50. cause carbon "as t h e best known and most Measuring t h e Attitude of Employees. were limited. F . M. L e a reviewed perimportant of t h e elements," to quote from C L A U D E ROBINSON. 18 p a g e s . Research meability methods in some detail and t h e preface, is given its full treatment Division, California Personnel Manageshowed the practical value of these tests. along w i t h t h e other elements. m e n t Association, 442 F l o o d Bldg., 870 D. G. Skinner a n d S. Boas-Traube comTo expound the chemistry of all the Market St., San Francisco 2 , Calif. $1.00. pared light extinction methods with others, elements in 1,628 pages ( t h e r e are 74 M o d e r n Chemical Processes. Industrial favoring gross turbidity over sedimentaand Engineering Chemistry, v -f- 222 pages of index), obviously calls for selecpages. Reinhold P u b h s h i n g Corp., 330 tion types. W. H . Walton showed the tion of material. Therefore, some readers W e s t 42nd St., N e w York 1 8 , N . Y. values in high resolving power attained will d e s i r e more extended treatments oi $4.00. with t h e electron microscope. certain topics, or perhaps more critical Nuclear Data. National B u r e a u of Standappraisals of existing data. For example, O n applications, C. J. Stairmand reards, xiv -f- 309 pages. Superintendent of Documents, U. S . Government sodium hydride a n d thiophene are menviewed elutriation and sedimentation parPrinting Office, W a s h i n g t o n 2 5 , D . C. tioned (pages 66, 8 8 2 ) without suggestticularly as related to practical problems. $4.25. ing t h e recent industrial importance of A. C. C. N e w m a n discussed t h e applicaReporting t h e Work of t h e Personnel these compounds. Again on page 5 3 0 : tion to pigments in paints, giving some Department. D A L E Y O D E R . 15 p a g e s . "We o w e our knowledge of these [free hope that size measurement a n d its effect Research Division, California Personnel alkyl radicals] mainly t o Paneth and his in paints could be brought closer toManagement Association, 4 4 2 Flood Bldg., 870 Market S t . , San Francisco collaborators." In the two pages of discusgether if there were a planned study to 2, Calif. $1.00. sion a n d 24 references only one fleeting correlate available data. R. K. Schofield Structural Plastics. 1st e d . H. C. E N G E L , mention is m a d e to F . O. Rice's work. and E . W. Russell believe that other facC . B . H E M M I N G , AND H . R. M E R R I M A N . On p a g e 680 the only two methods sugtors as pore space as affected b y disperix -f- 301 pages. M c G r a w - H i l l Book gested for t h e preparation of hydroxylsion and consolidation are more important Co., 330 West 42nd S t . , N e w York 18, N. Y. $4.50. amine from i t s salts a r e pyrolysis of the than particle size in agricultural soils. W o r k i n g O u t Employee Pension Plans. phosphate or treatment of t h e chloride Mervyn L. Smith reviewed particle noR O N STEVER. 9 pages. Research Diviwith sodium methoxide followed by dismenclature a n d showed nine classes of sion, California Personnel Management tillation. Actually, crystallization from powders in t h e radio industry w h e r e parAssociation, 4 4 2 Flood Bldg., 8 7 0 Marmethanol or butanol is a m u c h better ticle size qualities as used are important. ket St., San Francisco 2, Calif. $1.00.