Bibliography for general chemistry from several ... - ACS Publications

The purpose of this bibliography and its method cf compila- tion are outlined in Part I, J. Chem. Educ., 13, 76-81 (1936). gineering Chemistry. lizer,...
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e m , the standard fifty-pound cakes may be obtained almost anywhere in the United St& a t a maximum cost of five cents per pound. The consumer should calculate on a fifteen per cent. shipping loss per twenty-four hours. Shipment is usually made by truck or railway express. Information regarding the location of shipping points may be obtained by writing t o the offices of the Liquid Carbonic Corporation, 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York

City. Cutting the fifty-pound blacks adds considerably t o the expense and the local ice cream stores may be of service in filling small orders. The dry ice may be stored cheaply and conveniently in a nest of three or four concentric pasteboard cartons separated by excelsior. It may be broken up either in a laboratory ice crusher or by pounding it in a cloth bag with a mallet.


HUBERT N. ALYEA Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey The manofacture of oil of lemon and citrate of lime i n Sicily. E. M. C x ~ c e . Ind. Eng. Cham.. 1, l a 2 7 (1909).-Geoararrbieal location of lemon factories, sponge and machine =&hod oipriducing lemon oil, eitrate of lime machinery. 1 map, 11 pictures. Populm: rnw mdclials.. . 4 r o d u ~ Ilillle ~ . chrmirtrv. 2 h n . The rare earths-their prodoction and application. H. S. MlNm A N D M. C. WBITAKDP. Imd. Ewg. Chbm., 1, 235-45 (1909).Occurrence of monazite rand, history of gas illumination, Auer's thoria-cerin mantle, indvstrial production of mantles. 1 portrait. 7 picture*. Popular: hinoricol, row m d s i o l s , prorcsrcs, Products. 2 h m 50 mi*. The Perkin Medal Award b C. M. Ball. 2nd. Enp. Chnn.. 3, 143-51 (19111.-C. P. MCKBNNA:meaning of the Perkin Medal. C. P. C a ~ ~ n ~ history s a : of produetion of aluminum. C. M. H ALL: history of his discovery, Gnandal deanngs. Remarks by P. E. H s a o u ~ rT. , W. Rmamos, and others. 1 picture. Populor: h i n o r i d . pocer$es. Chemical: rrrrorrh. 2 hrs. 30 mi*. The csntensry of glucose and the early history of starch. B. Hearrsrw. 2nd. Ens. Cham.. 3, 1 5 8 4 8 (lQll).--Starch before the nineteenth century, dertrin. Kimhbof dirover. cooversion of starch to aurar by acids. his priority disputed, industrial application, themy of reaction, cost of starch sugar, glucose in England and America. development since 1820. Popular: historicel. raw mnleiols, tocesxcr, plodurlr, rconomirs, no mgnnic rc@irsd. Chsmicd: research. 3 i r r . 15 mix. Research as a 6mncial aaaet. W. R. Warnrsu. I d E m Chcm., 3, i 2 l - 3 3 (1VIIJ.-lncrrrrinp uses 01 c h r r n h l wmps undr. metals. abrf n rcocnrch lalmrntory doc.. intrrrchrion of i,rol,lem\ io different hborrtorle,, difficult" to rnLa5u.c uront,m,c v l l u c "1 re3ean.h. research work in German. English, and Amcri-nindustries. Popular: Draduds, economics. Chcmicol: rcreovch. I hr. 30 min. The earning power of chemistry. A. D. L n r ~ a . Ind. Eng. Chrm.. 3, 59&BO7 (1911).-Contributions to tivililation such ao liquid air, Davy lamp, pure water, fertilizers. textiles, lighting; earning power of chemical research in preventing industrial waste, and replacing costly processes. Populor: historicel, row molariolr. prarcstcs, ~~~

4roduds. aconomirr.

Chsmicd: rcsnrrh. ~



2 -

lizer. mining, coal, low-grade ores, p o d b l e us- for many rare elements, immense ore deposits, alloys. value of research. Populor: raw m l n i d r , Proccsrcs. 9roducls, Proonlias, economics. 2 hrs. I0

mi". Perkin Medal Award to A. Rasch. Ind. Ens. Chnn., 4, 132-47 (1912).-C. F. C n m m s a : pre=entntion address, historical resume of Prasch's accomplishments. X. PR*ecn: types of oil, desulfurizatlon. roasting. California oil, the first attempt t o obtain sulfur by the Prasch process. difficulties with the AngloSicilian Compsny. A. P. Lrrcns: geology of sulfur and rulfur oil deposits of theeosstal plain. F. H. Pooca: sulfur mines of the Union Sulfur Compsny in Louisiana, with details of equipment design. 1 portrait. 4 pieulr-.

Populol: hirrorirol, row m d n i o l r , proccrscr, 9ropcrlicr. rconomicr. Chemical: rescorch. Page? 1 3 6 4 0 ond 143-7 rcrommnd~d. 4 hrs. ... Miscellaneoos mineral wastes. C. L. Pursons. Ind. Eng. Chrm..

.3n m;.L .~ ~ ~~

4, 18&8 (1912).-Need t o prevent waste of material by faulty industrial pmcewes, numerous elements and a few subrtnnces being briefly described. PoPalw: raw moreiolr, 9roparirs, acanomics. 1 h.. 20 mi..

.. The prodvation of synthetic ammonia. F. H m e a AND R. LB Rossrowo'. h d . Eng. Chrm., 5 , 328-31 (1913).-Equilibrium eonditions of temperature and prepsure, structural details of catalyst chamber, uranium and osmium catalysts. 4 Bguren. Chemical: oduanccd. Enpincning: eyuipmcnl drrign. 50 min. Synthesis of precious stonea. I. H. LSVIN. Ind. En#. Chcm., 5. 495-500 (19131.-Type. of precious stones and methods of broducing diamonds. emeralds, rubies, and sapphires. B pictures. 2 figures. Popular: hidoricd, pmrrsrcs. products. Chamicd: n r r a r d . I h". 20 mi". P e r k Medal Award b I. W. Hyatt. Ind. EWE.Chrm.. 6, 15&82 (19141.-0. W.T n o s r ~ s o presentation ~: address, scientific imagination, Hyatt'p life history, the ~ a t e n t son celluloid. the Parks and spill patent. I. W. ~ G n r r :discovery of cellu~oid,industrial d i velopment, sugar-cane mill. P. V A N ~ ~ ~ R F O personal OL: reminir eencv, of the Hyatt brothers. 1 portrait. Popular: hi~orical.


hrr. -~ lo m i n~. ~ ~~


Mineral wsates: the chemists' opportunity. C. L. P~asons. Ind. Eng. Chcm., 4, 125-31 (1912).-Economy suggested by chemical research in a number of industries ineluding stccl, flue dust. feni-

* Contribution from the Frick Chemical Laboratory of Princeton University. t The purpose of this bibliography and its method of compilation are outlined in Part I, J. CHEM.EDUC., 13, 76-81 (1936). Numbers 1400 are reserved for Chemical rgi6al Engineering; numbers 301-6M), assigned t o Industrial end Engifleering C h c m i s l r y .

oroccrsar, Produas, propsrlicr, research. 2 hrs. 30 mix. 314.

no organic repaired. chsmicd:

Modern chemical induetw. P. H ~ s n s . 2nd. Enp. Chcm., 6, 32%30 (19141.-Zirconium oxide in place of rtanuie oxide in the enamel industry, m-thorilrm from monasite sand, blast lamp nnd Bunsen bumcr flame, manufactme of formic and oralie acid. by



combustion, fixation of nitrogen, oxidation of nitrogen, synthesis of ammonia. Chemical: ploccsscs, rerearch. 2 hm. The war and the chemical industry. WY. H. NICROLS. I*d. Eng. Chnn., 7, 1318 (1915).-Resume of chemical industries in United States up to time of World War, political ohstaeler to progress of American industry. See alno, A. D. L z r r ~ e . The d y s s M situation and its lesson. Ibid., 237-9. Contrast between American and German coal-tar color industries. Popdor: acaomics, liltlc chcmislry. 2 hrs. 40 min. Par!& Medal Award to E. Weston. Ind. Ens. Chmm.. 7, 243-E4 (1915).-C. F. CHANDLBB: presentation address, Weston's life histom. I.. Edward D: Weston's inventions. E. -~ -~H. B - A ~ X-B L A N WBSTON: electroplating nickel; dynamos, the arc Light, carbon filament lamps, alloys far deetried work, the standard cadmium cell. C. Hearrro: rome of Dr. Edward Wenton's achievements in the field of electricity. 1 portrait. Populon hirlo*icnl, prorcrrcs. propnlicr. Chemical: rcscnrch. 3 hrr. 45 mi%. Extraction and recovery of radium, uranium and rsmadivm from carnotite. C. L. PARSONS. R. E. MOOR&, S. C. LIWD. AND 0. C. S c n r a v a ~ . Ind. Eng. Chrm.. 8, 4&53 (1916).-Treatment of ore. refinins radium, purifying uranium, recovering vanadium, percentage yields. eost. 6 pictures. Chcmicol: prorcsscs. Enginwing: c g ~ i p m ~ ndesign. t ~ c a o m i c r . See olio pager 284. 469. 660. 1 hr. 30 mi". Perkin Medal Award to I. H. Baekeland. Ind. Eng. Chcm., 8. 177-90 (1916).-W. M. G a o s w m n : introductory address, former medalists. C. F. CHANDLER:presentation address, industrial processes developed by Americrn chemists, bakelite. Baekeland'n patents. R. A. Awmouv: the discovery of Dr. Eaekeland. E. H. Hooaea: an appreciation of Dr. Baekeland. L. H. BAliaeLANo: ~ r a c t i c dlife as a complement to university education. History of velor, uncertainties of patents, eleetrolytie noda, synthetic resins, and hakelite, developing a new chemical industry, American banks illprepared for new chemical enterprises. 1 portrait. Poprlor: hidoricnl.. .drodudr. 4robntics. rconomicr.nooraoni~~eowiiid. Chami. cal: rrraorch. 4 h;; 20 mi".. The war and American chemical industry. R. F. BACON. Ind. Eng. Cham. 8,547-53 (1916).-war influences mindustry; manufactured pmduets formerly imported from Europe, rvch as coal-tar pmduda, carbolic add, naphthalene, dyes, potanh, barium produet.: effect of war on industries ~rodueing.mineral adds. ammonium sulfate, sodium compounds. glass, carbon, chlorides, oxalie acid, special steels, zinc, tin, aluminum, antimony, and mercury; industrial preparedness. Popular: *om molninlr. proccrrss, rconmics. 2





,.,.."" ,,..,.. Gibbs Medal Award to W. R. Whitney. L-.





Ind. Eng. Chmm.,

8, 559-64 (1916).-G. Txuemoaa: presentation addrena, research in the General Electric Company under the guidance of Dr. Whitney. w. R. Wmraev: Incidents of applied research. Status of applied reqeareh in America and in the General Electric C o m ~ a n y .unerpectedness of new knowledge; research on carbon arcs, high iaeuum, tungsten filament lamps, argon lamps, need for ~ t u d e n t in r chemical science in America. 1 portrait. Popdo?: oradudr, propnliss. Chcmicol: rerearch. 2 hrr. The metallurgy of the rarer metals. J. W. RrceAaos. Ind. Eng. Chem., 8, 736-40 (1916).-Method and eost of production, possible uses for beryllium, mrgnerium, alkriine earths, boron, chromium, titanium, molybdenum, zirconium, cerium. Popular: raw molniolr, producls, p~opnlies,cconomics. Chemical. I hr. 40 mi". Perkin Medal Award to E. Twitchell. Ind. En& Chcm., 9. 192-9 (1917).-J. A ~ s x m o s a :introductory address, medalist's inventions in the U. S. and abroad. C. F. cannrorna: presentltion address. E. T W I T E ~ ~ Lhis L : discovery of n meeial catalyst for hydmlvzinp

Chemical industry in Canada. H. E. Howe. Ind. Eng. Chcm., 9, 5 4 8 5 1 (IQl7).-Chemical production, drugs and dye% wood produ cts, research organizations; Canadian resources: agriculture. forests, mineralr, game, water power, fuel; need for co6peration with U.S. Popular: row molnials, cconomicr. 35 mi%.

in organic annlysis, melting-point determinations. and applications in cement, ceramics, foadn, metellurgy, paints, paper, and textiles. I 0 pictures. Populor: prorarrrr. Chrmical: rescorch.. I hr. The potteries a t Shak Woan near Canton, China. C. N. L ~ n o . I d Enp. Chcm., 10, 5 6 8 7 1 (1918).-Miring the batch: forming articles on the wheel, mold, and by hand; coloring with copper, cobalt, and lead: kiln firing: organization of the "illage. 6 pictures. Popular: raw mdcriolq prorrrscr, produas, ~conomics. 30 mi". Potash from Searles Lake. A. D e Ropp, Ja. Ind. E l g . Cham.. lo, 839-44 (1918).-Geographical locations of salt deposits, eqnipment for pumping, and evaporating brine. 3 maps. 11 pictures. Ensineerins: design. . .brocrrrcr.. rouibmrml . . - . row mdcriolr. 30 mi". per!& ~ e d Award d to F. G. Cottrcll. Ind. Enp. Chnn.. 11, presentation addrus. widespread 147-54 (1919).-C. F. CHANDLBB: application of Cottrcll precipitator. F. G. C o r r a s ~ Induetrial ~: liquefaction and separation of permanent gases. Oxygen, helium, and other rare aaser: ~ a t e n difficulties. t Navy a ~ ~ r o o r i a t i o and ns control during ihe great war. B. Speeo: a&p&iation of Dr. Cottrell. Bibliography. 1portrait. Popdo,: hirror~aI,cco"omicr, 7esearch (-01 much nbo3 dcclrical prccipilolio"). I hr. 10 mi*. Chlorine adsorption and the chlorination of a l t e r . A. WOLXAN AND L. H. ENSLOW. Ind. Eng. Chnn., 11, 2W-13 (1919).-Inadequate city control of chlorination; chlorine adsorption: amount available, rate of adwrrption, eolor, turbidity, oxygen consumed; effective disinfectant doraze. ~- . with oninions of others: 5 or 30 minute adsorption tests. 3 gnphs, 4 fabler. Chcmicol: propnlirr, re. rrorch. 50 mi". Report of the alien pmpezty custodian. A. M. P ~ ~ r s aInd. . EWE. Chem.. 11, 3 5 P 6 5 (1919).-History of German chemical industr". esoeeiallv dver and drum. economic structure. its cont m ~~ i ' a ~ ~induntry, e r i ~ ~ ~ ~ trans=tions, ~rotective actions of the Chemical Foundation. Populor: hista&al, economics. 2 hrr. I5 mi". The American spirit in chemistry. E. P. S m m . I d Eng. C h m . , 11, 405-10 (1919).-Young followers of Joseph Priestlcy: Woodhouse, bakiop-"hemist; Robert Hare's clecfrie furnace and Other rerearchex, excerpt. from scientific journals of their time, their maeni6cent soirit. 12 oicturcr. Po4ulor: hirlo~ical. ~rocesscs. research. 50 mi". Chemistry in the Nary. R. Em'=. Ind. E n s Chrm., 11, 924-7 (1919).-New products: flashless ponder, special crplosives, new motive power lor torpedoes, nitrogen fixation. helium for balloons, s ~ e c i aalloys, l ~yrotechnies,aar and gar marks. 1 victnre. Pooulor: Plodurrr. p;op;&r, research 40 mi*. P e r F i Medal Award to C. P. Chandler. Ixd. Enp. Chcm.. 12, 1 8 8 9 5 (1920).-M. C. Wwlrrxsn: personalities. M. T. Bocssr: presentation address. Chsndler'o life history 81 a stwdcnt, educator, indurtrial chemist, founder, and pvhlic servant. C. F. C H A N ~ L ~ R : life history; investigations of kernsene, drinliing waters, poisonovs cosmetics. 1 portrait. Papular: hisroriral, 9roporics, rescorch. Conunsdionnl. 2 hrr. 10 min. The Chandler lecture. Medal address: the littlest things in chemistry. W. R. Wamrrsu. Ind. E l g . Chrm., 12, 599-608 (1920).Suroension in liauids: . . colloid=. dimensions of molecules, stvdiea i x uncu.: electrons in ele"troly.i., luminescence, and wireless; gas ionization, electric arcs, atomic structure: x-ray spectra, quanta, vnleney: isotopes and canal rays. 1 portrait. Populnr: f l o w liar. Chcmicol: rescorrh. I hr. 20 mi". The direct synthetic ammonia process. R. S. Toaa. Ind. E n s Chem., 12, 844-52 (192O).-Equilibrium conditions for Haber pmcens, produetion of water-gar and pmducer-gas; oxidation of earboo monoxide, catalyst8 used; purification of hydrogen by removing orides of carbon; ammonia nynthesir: ga. compodtion, heat interchange and catalysis. removnl of ammonia, dmulation of gps. operating quantities, operation at Sheffield, Alabama. 6 pictures. 1 flow-sheet. Chcmicd: ~ ~ o r r r r c r .6ropnlirr. Enpincninp: a c e nomirs, ~purpmcnl design. 1 hr. 10 mi*. (Research problems): National Research Council report of the chairman at tho snnval meeting of the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. Ind. Ens. Chcm., 12, 911-8 (1920).Baking, turpentine, protoplasm, war garer, special sugars, normal' weight, structural rocks, clay, pressure phenomen~ inside the earth, thuoder-storms, surface colors, Brownian movement, adsorption of gases, criteria of purity, quicksands, metallic.lurtcr. educational tests, eonelusionr. Populor: produdr, propnlics.



Chemical: rrrrorch. &"icl., and thermal properties, and use for j . work. 1 chart. Popular: raw marrrinls, propalias.


On the relation between the physical properties and chemical compositions of glass. M-Etch flgures. E. W. T~LLOTSON, JB. Ind. Enn. Chcm.. 9. 937-41 (1917).-Di-verv of. and theorie. concanimp, etch figurer: photomicrographs and experiment. which prove etch figurer are crystal. deposited on the glass. not an ynynynen eating away of the glass. 20 pictures. Chcmird: hirloricol, bo9nliar. research. 30 mi%. Chemical misrossopy. E. M. C a ~ u o r . Ind. Eng. Chcm.. 10.8~%6 (1918).-Mierosropie methods not appredated, stand by Amerieanmnde instrument% ease, cheapness, and quickness of miemsmpy

I hr. 5 min.

Per& Medal Award to W. R. Whitney. Ind. Eng. Cham.. 13, 158-86 (19211.-A. D. L m B : Willis R. Whifncy, his devotion to research, his inspiration. C. F.CHANnLsa: presentation address, products of the General Eleetric Research Laboratory, Whitney's publications. W. R. W ~ T N B Y The : biggest things in chemistry. Experience. as a student; bigger things include widening scope of chemistry, productive teaching, new alloys; organic, agricultural. and medical rerearch; growth of mind and re1igiovs understanding. 1 portrait. Pooular: hidoricnl, phaosophical. Chemical: rescorch. I hr. 15 mi". *339. The American notash industru and its ~roblems. J. E. T ~ s a s . ~ n d .~ n g chmm. . 13, 249-5i (lml).-conoumptioi. production. and location of ~ o t a s hin the U. S.; Searlen Lake deposits, equilibrium diagrams, double salts, separation of potash from borax. *338.

overcoming foaming during evaporation, vacuum distillation. other problems, need for tariff protection. Chemical: mw malrridr. pracesrer, ccaomicr. research. 40 mi%. The p l a c e d chemists i n b u ~ i n e s ~ A. . D. L m ~ n . I d Eng. Chcm.. 13, 388-90 (192l).Service of chemistry in agriculture, antitoxinn, transportation, abrasive. sulfur, oil refining, dynamo, gold mining. and explosive industries; industries a t Niagara Falls; chemi~try in reeonrtruction, an aid to the manuraetvrrr. 1 partrait. Papular: producls, economics. Chmirol: rrrrwch. 40 win. I n c e n d i ~ d e sin modern warfare. A. B. RAT. Part 1: Ind. Eng. Chcm., 13. 641-6 (1921).-Chemical wmporitian of incendiary materials including phosphorus, thermite, oxidizing agmt-eombustible mixtures. Bammable solids and liquids, "solid oil," opontaoeourly 5mmnble liquids. Populon hidmicd. producls, W o p n tics. Chrmirol: vcscarch. 1 hr. 50 mi*. Chemistry and the state. F. P. GARVAN.h d . E w . Chcm., 13,866-73 (192l).-German activity in setting up coal-tar industries, drug boycott, U. S. industry must be protected, resurch laboratories to be erected: chemiatrv and war. war material., future weapons; the creative ch&st.s t a r t I portrait. PoDulor: himoricol.. 0rod"cD. ccaomirr. ProDos-ondo. I hr. 10 min. Pyrex: a triumph for chemical research and industry. W. H. Cuans. Ind. Ens. Chcm.. 14, 338-7 (1922).-Elstory of dcvelopment of pyrex glass with superior mechanical strength and temperature resi~tance by Corning Glass Works. Populor: prohrlics. rrrcarch. 20 mi". The flower and the organic chemist: perfumes-turd and synthetic. M. T. Booear. Ind. Eng. Chrm., 14, 35944 (1922).9 types of odors, nmn~ingsensitivity of olfactory organs, historical importance of perfumes; preparation by mechanical methods, distillation with steam, extraction with volatile solvents, ede-ge: production in Prance. 1 portrait. Popular: hislaricol. raw mnIcriolr. POCCSSES, ~ r o d a d~~~, o w o m i ~50 s . mi". The manufactme of reflecting telescope discs. D. E. Snbap AND w. H. R r s r ~ c . Ind. Ens. Chcm., 14, 511-5 (1922).-Equipment for casting 40-inch discs, the mold; electric and gar furnaces, casting, advantage of Low expansion glasn. 4 pictures. 2 figurer, 1 graph. E n g i n ~ n i l g :quipmcnl design. 40 mi". Chandler Medal Award to B.. P. Smith. Ind. Eng. Chcm., 14, 5m-60 (1922).-E. F. S r r r a : Samuel latham Mitchel-A father i n American chemistry. intensely American, champion of phlogiston; scpton, universal biochemical decomposer. 2 portraits. Podulor: hidaricd. Chcmicol: rcrcord. 45 mi". an ootline of the history of chemistm symbolically represented in B Rookwood fountain. H.S. Fa?. I d Eng. Chrm., 14,868-72 (1922).-Tenets and aceomplishmentr of famous chcmisfs in prchktorie, alcbemicnl, medicinal, phlogiston and quantitative periods of chemical history richly illustrated. 2 pictures. Popular: hislaicol. 40 min. The human side of chemistry. E. E . S ~ o s s o n . Ind. Eng. Chrm., 14, 887-93 (1922).-Large number of new 3ynthctie products, the present revolutionary era of creative science, witbin the atom, the f u d problem, harnessing the sun; chemistry an w e n t for dcmocracy, a sociological influenee: metaphysics, need for popularization. 1 portrait. Poprlar: historicd, cconomirr, philoxophicd. Chcmicd: resaarch. 1 hr. 10 min. Early c h a m i d i n d u a m in America-a few campari.ans of pest and present conditions. C. A. B ~ o w ~ aInd. . Ens. Chcm., 14. 108671 (1922).-Chemical operations carried out by the Indians, French and Spanish smelting, John Winthrop and chemical industries in New England, economic factors, colonial chemical indurtry stimulstcd by trouble with Englnnd, early struggles for protection.. .oatents. 5 oieturca. 1 oortrait. 1 . maoh. Pa4don . historird, produclr, ~c&micr. 50 j r . Photosynthesis and the paseible use of solar energy. H. A. S e o ~ a s . Ind. Eng. Chem., 14, 1 1 4 2 5 (1922).-Photosynthesip, a waste of solar energy; dvty of reienee to preserve available energy source% and discover new ones. Populor: row m d n i d r , cconomicr. 40 ~



.mi" ...... Ernest S o l v a y m appreciation. W. H. NICHOLS. I d Eng. Chcm., 14, 1 1 5 6 4 (1922).-Boyhood, conception and development of Solvay pmcers. An obituary. 1 portrait. Populor: hisrarical. laur c h r m i s ~ ~ y25 . min. Robert Brown and the discovery of the Brownian movement. L. C. N s w m ~ . Ind. Eng. Chcm., 15, 1279-81 (1923).-Biographical. ~ r o w n ' sexperiments. 1 portrait. ~ o p d o r :hirroriroi, lirur rhamirlry. 50 min. See also: Some cartoons of san't HOE. R. H. MCKBB. I d 1 Sketch. I portrait. 6caricafuros. Popular: hidmirol. 20 mi*. Gulvin C. Y e r p h & ' s account of alchemy in old New York. C. A. Bnoww. Ind. Eng. Chem., 16, 90-1 (1924).-The otory of Jan Max-Lichenstein, Nex York alchemist. Popular: hislmicnl, lilllc chcminry. 30 min. Dalton Memorials in Manchester. England. A. D. Tnoneuns. Ird. En#. Chem.. 16, 190-1 (1924).-5 dctures showing Dalton m l l d n g manh-6re gas, some of his &mic symb~ls. statue. and some personal effect% Short legend, and an a n d o t e . Popular: h i s l a i r d . 20 min. Some early chemical symbols. E. H. Surra. I d Eng. Chcn..

16, 4 0 6 8 ( 1 9 2 4 ) . 4 pictwer of 3ymbolr used in the Middle Ages. Populor: hidoricol. 20 mi". The elpanlion of chemistry. E. E. S ~ o s s o n . Ind.. Eng. Cham.. 16, 441-50 (1924).-Historical application of cbemical tools: vegetable oils for Diesel engines, the Phoenician alphabet, Venetian glass and salted Bsh, fall of the Hanseatic League when herring deserted the carbon dioxide laden Baltic Sea, rubber; physiological tools: adrenalin, soil bacteria, inmlin, sex hormones; muscle fatiguc. Popular: hinorical, produrlr, pmpcrlics, biologicd. I hr. 20 min. Some highlights of last year. D. H. K n ~ s s ~ a sInd. . Ens. Chem.. 16. 895-1001 (1924).-A review of 1924: insulin. vitamin D. chlorine diuics, iodine; as for ripening fruit, ~ i t h oxygen in torches; nitrogen, potarh, and phosphate fenilirerr: motor fuels, quartz glass, liquid chlorine, bleaching powders, synfhttic menthol, artificial silk, nitrocellulose, lacquers, mcrcury vapor 5 boiler, synthetic phenol, rubber, tear gas, tantalum: frauds. pictures. Popular: Prodrrrr, proprrri~r. Chcmicnl. 2 hrs. 20 mi". The fifth estate. A. D. L r m ~ . Ind. Eng. Chmm.. 16. 1105-10 (1924).-A philorophical study of the opinions of great rdcntirfs who wondered, questioned. generalized, and had the capacity t o apply. Populor: hirlaricd, lillir chemistry. 2 h n . Cmraeion of iron. W. R. WRITN=Y. Ind. Eng. Chcm. 17, 385-9 (1925)-Chemical corrosioo rather than erosion of soft iron, sfcam turbine bucket$, and ship pro~ellors. 9 dcfures. 1 fipure. Chsmical: Alcohol and humsnphyddogy. F. G. BSNSDICT. I d Eng. Chrm.. 17, 423-6 (1925).-Alwhol as a food. permissible amount-i, physiological and psychological tents, use and mirvre of alcohol. Popular: propnlicr, fillla chcmisry, biological. I hr. 20 m m . The hand-writing an the wdl. A. D. Limn. Ind. Ens. Chcm., 17, 857-8 (1925).-Examples of industrial sueeerres and failures because of the presence or abamce of a masulting chemical engineer. 1 oortrait. Pooulor: 4rodudr. rcaomics. 20 mi". The twilight lone of matter. A. FZNDLAY. Ind. E w . Chem., 17. 891-4 (1925).-Colloid c h e m i r ~ y . Evidence for mlloidnl partielen, adsorption, protective action as in smooth ice cream, biological importance of diffusion and emulsions. Populor: prod%CIS. 9roprriic3, biologirol. Chcmicol: Dlarcsrrn. I hr. I 0 mix. Dust explosions in industrial plants. H. R. B a o w ~ . I d Eng. Chcm., 17. 902-4 (1925).-Precautions for handling dusty material. Types of erpiosive dusts. 3 picture.. Papular: *ro*n,irr. I h,. Twelve months of progress. D. H. Kncsrrsaa. Ind. Enp. C h m . , 17, 995-1001 (1925).-A review of 1925. Court decisions, tetraethyl lead health hazard, bromine from sea, chemical warfare. new dyer and mcdicinalr, ralvcotr, hydrocynoic nrid furmgntinu. carlaon monoxklr pni*nning, helium and romyrr..rd air sicn#urn for B~mcr,rwfinz. -. lncnuer . dcvdoomento. niuoren Cufion. arcfir acid, growing rubber in the United States, industrial power, new eiemeots, and frauds. Pooulor: droducrr, ~ r o ~ e r t i r r2 . h r r 20

....... Artifldpl sUk. M. G. L u m Ind. Eng. Chcm., 17, 1031-42 (1925).-History; kinds of artificial silk: nitrocellulose, cuprammonium, acetate, and vircore; properties and uses. 5 pictures, 1 graph. Populor: raw m o i n i d r , proccrsrs, pvoduds, propniicr. C h m i c d : c p r a l i a s . 2 hrr. Screening smoke.. H. W. WnLaea. Ind. Eng. Chcm., 17, l O 6 l a (1925).-Prooerties of smoke screens: theoretical eauations for . . clovd travel; formation by uplosion, heat and pressure. Materials wed: white phosphorus, sulfur trioxide, titanium tetrachloride, silicon tetrachloride, ammonia and water, crude oil, other mixtures: tactical lue of smoke. 5 pictures. Populor: hirfaical. row molrriolr, firoduclr, profirrlirs. 1 hr. 30 min. Perkin Medal Award to R. B. Moore. Ind. Eng. Chcm., 18.203-11 (1926).-R. E. Mooas Commercial pradvction of helium. History, production from natural gas, repurification, use in eirship*. 1 ponrait, 2 figurer. 1 graph. Popxlnr: hidoricol, row m o l n i d s.. .oroducir. ~ n e i n r n i n dsrirn. 2 hrr. 20 mix. - s :rouiemrnr . . The romance of carbon. A. D. L~.lms. Ind. Eng. Chmm.. 18, 44a-51 (1926).Soot, charcoal, graphite, famous diamonds, orides of carbon, carbonate deoosit.. carbon in or.anic chemirtrv: s o m e of ~ n e r g y a swai, gas, &hait, and petm~e&. ~ r r e l l e n i 3 pictures. PoPulor: hi9arico1, row m o l n i d s , prodrc~r,propnlics. economics, nomponicrmuirrd. Chemirnl: rcsmrch. 2 h n . 40 min. Industry &Ids a new tool-X-rays. D. H. KILLBPPB~.Ind. Eng Chem., 18, 577-80 ( 1 9 2 6 ) . S t u d y of carting.. of atomic and molecular structure; industrial applications a t M. I. T. as in strains in metals, resistance to abrarionr, tungsten filaments, and ceramicr. 5 pictures. Popuiar: propnrics. Chcmicol: rcrco~ch. 1 hv. 20



The relation of light to Life and heath. W. A. Parczc. Ind. Enn. Chcm.. 18, 679-85 (1926).-Chlomphyll and hemoglobin, e6ect of light a n bane formation, calcium metabdiem, lighf-activated codliver oil. sunlight in modern life. 8 pictures, 2 graphs. Populor: ~ o p n i i c s . Chcmicoi: rarearch. Bioiaaicd. 2 hrr. 20 mi". Fifty year. of chemical advance. Ind. Eng. Cham.. 18, 892-960 lI926).-A series of articles bv avthoritiesin the fields of m e t a l l u r ~ ~

matie chemicalr, tanning, @.roleum, cottonseed products, fertilizers, glars, gar. paint and varnish, synthetic medicinals, ceramics, rtandardization and evaluation of medicinals, compressed gares, artificial leather, industrial catalysis. 39 pictures. 2 figures, and 1 graph. Popular: raw malniols, prorcsscs, producrr, Dropcrlicr. Chcmicd: research. Sdrdians. Progress of a yeer-a chemicd review. D. H. K r ~ ~ s a a . I~ .d Eng. Cham., 18, 1041-0 (1926).-Research funds. rodety meefingn; illinium, =tomi" hydrogen, chemotherapy; carbon dioxide ice. ethylene glycol, calcium cyanide, phenol syntheses, rubber aceelerators and anti-oxidants, light and electroplated alloys, potash, ammonia, rayon; political and economic chemistry. Populor: produdr, prapcrrirs. Chcmicol: rcscnrch. 2 h n . Synthetic rersvs natural products. R. A o ~ v s . Ind. Enp. Chcm., 1s. 1182-0 (1926).-Histmica1 background, dyes, nitrogen firation, alloys, medicinals, artificial silk, rubber, methyl alcohol. Populor: historicd, raw motniolr, produdr, popnriar. Chemical: research. I h ~40 . min.


raw maninls, produ&, propnlira, cconomirs. chnnicol: rcwrch. 1 h,. lo min. Solid carbon dioridenew commersid refrigerant. D. H. K ~ L L ~ R F Ind. ~ . Enp. Chcm.. 19. 192-5 (19271.-Previous efforts, manufacturing process, transportation data, 2 pictures. Popular: pmductr, propnlirs. Engincning: prorrrrrr, muipmmr design. 1 hr. 20 mi". Chromium plating-a new aid to industry. D. H. K r ~ ~ s r r e a . Ind. En#. Chcm.. 19, 773-6 (1927).-Properties of chromium. conditions of plating, use for decoration and as wear and corrosion resistant. Popular: proccrscs, produdl, propertier. 1 hr. I0 mi%. Ovtlets for ammonia-present and prospective. V. N. MoaRrs. Ind. Eng. Chcm., 19, 9 1 2 7 (1927).--Oxidation to nitric atid; outlets for nitric acid: ammonium, calcium, and potassium nitrate; ovtlets for ammonium sulfate, phosphate, chloride, and compounds of ammonia with carbon dioxide. 1 fiaure. Chemical: produds, popnlirs, research. I hr. 50 min. A year% progress in chemistry. D. H. K I L L E F F B ~Ind. . Em& Chem., 19, 1077-82 (1927).-Rubber, petroleum and fuels, ammonia and methanol nod hydrocarbon syntheses, carbon dioxide uses, light and chromium allays, utilization of ,cellulose waste. reforestation, vitamins, photoelectric cells, prohih>tlon,and political chemistry. Populnr: row mnrainlr, procrrrrr. products, poprnirr. Chamicn1: rcscnrrh. 1 h,. 50 mi". -~ Chemistry's contribution to automotive transportation. Ind. Eng. Chem., 19, 1088-131 (1927).-A series of anicles by authorities on metallurgy, nonferrous metals and alloys, aluminum, rubber, automabile glasees, automobile fmirher, leather, synthetic resins. textiles, electroplating, fuels, lubricants, anti-freeze compounds, roads, rpark-plug inrulation, storage battery, abrasives and grindingp. 8 pictures. 3 6gurco. 1 graph. Popular: praccsras, ploduclr, propcrlicr. Chemical: rcsrorch. Sdcdions. P e r h Medal Award to I. Langmuir. Ind. En#. Chcn., 20, 329-38 (1928).-W. R. W a m s u : Langmulr's work; incandescent lamp, atomic welding arc, study of atom, radio tubes. I. LANouurn: Atomic hydrogen i s m aid to industrial research. Gaoee evolved from lamp filaments, action of hydrogen on tvngstcn filaments, of nitrogen, garPlled lamps; need for better education, valve o f hobble.. 1 mrtrait. Chemical: *ropn,icr, rcrcorch. 2 hrr. 30 min. Chemical control of rentilation s t the Holland Tunnel. S. H. KATZAND H. W. FaHvasr. Ind. Eng. Cham.. 20,504-70 (1928).Method of ventilating tunnel. Carbon monoxide: recorders, per~

Roger Bacon's gunpowder and his secret aisdom. T. L. Davrs. Ind. Enp. Chcm.. 20, 772-4 (19281.--uotations from Bacon; the philosopher's egg, black powder. Popular: produrrs. 50 mi". Inflvcnce of chemistry on civilization. J. C. I a v m ~ . I d En#. C h ~ m . , 20, 6 8 - 8 (1928).-The chemist at the breakfast table. tablecloth, morning paper, porridge, spwn and plate. fish, tea, sugar: bread and butter. fuels, mornina pipe, 6nal reflections. Populor: produds, rronomirs. 1 hr. 40 m i i . By-pmd~ctsof chemical warfare. A. A. Fsrss. Ind. Enp. Chcm., 20, 1079-84 (1928).-Pmteetion against marine borers at docks. boll weevils barnacles; fumigation, ammonia mask%,tear gases for mobs.. .~rotection aesinn industrial mioi~onina. 7 pictures. ~ o h r pmprrricr. : ch&ico~: rcsearrh. i hr. s o m i n . Chemistry in the food industries. Ind. Eng. Chcm., 20, 1286-327 (1928).-A aeries of articles by authorities in the following industries: canning, beverage, baking, chocolate, preserves, citrus pmductr, Bavoring -tract, shortening, dairy, spice, breakfast fwd, fwd regulatioo, milling. confectionery. 20 pictures. Popular: proccssas, produds, Popwlirs. Chrmicol: rcrcorch. Eneincerinp: aeuipmcnl design. Sdcclionr. The Trona cntecprisrise. C. R. R o s a ~ . r s o ~ . Ind. En#. Chrm.. 21, 520-4 (1929).-Iwlated Searles Lake, why solar evaporation failed,

study of phase diagrams to determine working conditions, plnnt practice for potash, borax, and boric acid, living conditions, comparison with Starrfurf beds. 3 pictures, 2 graphs. Chamird: row molniols, procarsas, produnr, rcsrorrh. Enpinrcrinp: cpuipmcn, design. 1 hr. 40 mi". Distillation methods, ancient and modern. G. E a m m AND C. D . I.owau, Ja. Ind. Ens. Chcm., 21, 920-3 (19'29).-Ancient fractionating towers ~ i t h renurers, 01 head temperature, reboiling of eondenrate, preheating liquid, and modern application of there principles. Copiously illurtrated. 10 picturea, 1 figure. Popular. Enginwing: ceuipmrd dcsign. 50 min ~~~... Chemistry in incandescent lamp manufacture. W. J. B n ~ n s r r . Ind. Enp. Chcm., 21, 970-3 (19291.-Tungsten filaments, gases. getters to reduce blackening of the bulb, basing cements, inside fmrtingr, and lamp coatings. 6 pictures. 1 figure. Populor: brmrrrcr...Drobnlirr. Chamicd: rarcnrch. I hr. lo mix. . Chemistry in the telephone industry. R. R. WRLIAXS. Ind. E n g Chrm.. 22. 318-22 l193O).-Research in the Bell Telephone Laboratories on dielectric properties, rubber, textiles, paper, plastics, mpper, carbon, vacuum-tubes, metals, wood preswation. eledmchemical investigations, finishes. 6 pictures. Populor: row molrriolr. 9ropcrlirr. Chcmicd: rescorch. 2 hrs. 20 mi". Chemical industry in the South. Ixd. Enp. Chem., 22, 412-40 (1930).-A series of articles by industrial leaders: statistical ~urvay of Industry and engineering, notable developments, presure-syntheris operations of the du Pont Ammonia Corporation, carbon dioxide and epsom =It, high-bailing mlvents from natural-gas pentanen. enrichment of phosphate rock, wood rosin, relotex and cane-sugar. synthetic-fiber. chemical cotton. 50 pictures. 0 Kzures, 0 graphs. 5 maps. Popular: row molnids, propnlics, prodrclr. procrr$n. rcaomicr. Enginwing: cguipmcnf design. Sdrclians. Ocgmis fluorides as refrigerants. T. M m a ~ s vAND A. L. Hema. Ind. Enn. Chrm.. 22. 542-6 (I93O).-Phvricnl and physiolozicd properties of fluorine and chlorine derivatives of methane: other common refrigeramr. 1 picture, 2 graphs. Chrmird: propnricr, rcrcorch. I h*. Development of the synthetic ammonia industry in the United States. J. E. CRAWB.Ind. E n # Chrm.. 22, 795-9 (1930).American developments, costs, utilization of ammonia, synthetic alcohols. 3 figures, 3 graphs. Popdor: r a w m l n i o l s , producls, economics. 1 hr. 20 mi". Perkin M e d d Award to A. D. Little. Ind. Eng. Chrm., 23, 236-43 (1931).-F. G. Ksuns: accompli~hmenfsof the medalist. A. D. LITTLB:The evalustion of chemical projects. Pinandal considerations, growth of chemical industries, development of a project. secret processes, appraisal of project, present iadustrial situation. 1 portrait. Poprlor: row molniolr, p r o d u ~ r ,rconomirs. rcscorrh. 2 krs 5" ."in . -. ....... Solid carboo dioxide from Mexico. J. W. M ~ a r r ~I d . . Ens. Chrm., 23, 250-8 (1931).-Development of a method for obtaining the natural product; costs. 3 pictures. Popular: rnw malcriols, procmas, produds, cconomirs. I hr. Some recent enginsering applications of rubber. J. R. Hoovea A N D F. L. HAUSHAWBR.I d Eng. Chrm., 23, 462-9 (1931).Use of rvbher in problems of corrosion, abrasion, noise, vibration. ineulation, resilience; electrodeposition; removing the aviation ice-hazard. 19 pictures. Populor: products, pmpr?iicr. EngC ,,caring:- csuipmcn, d c d m 2 hrr 20 mi*. -~ Dietary facts and fads. W. C. Rose. Ind. Eng. C h ~ m . ,23, 711-7 (193l).-Dietary fads; requiremeot. of ao adequate ration including protein, energy, inorganic materials, iodine, vitamins A-G: uisolved problems. popular: propnrirr. ~iologicnf. 2 hrs. 20 mi". Manvfactvre of nitric acid by the oxidation of ammonia. G. B. TmLOa. T. H. CIIL~ON. A N D S. L. HAIIDFOITB. Ind. Eng. Chcm.. 23, 800-5 (193l).-Reactions involved, low-pressure plant; erperimental, pilot and commercial pre~rureplants; alternative proeesser, handling anhydrous ammonia. 12 pictures. 1 figure. Engixcnins: oduonccd, cauolions, proccsscr, eguipmcnl dr