Bickel Recipient of James Flack Norris Award for 1971 The 1971 James Flack Norris Award for outstanding achievement in the teaching of chemistry has been awarded to Charles L. Bickel of The Phillips Exeter Academy. Sponsored by the Northeastern Section of the Americsn Chemical Eociety, the 1971 award will be presented at the annual meeting of the sotion on November 11, 1971. A portion of the citation accompanying the award to Dr. Bickel follows: Innovator, in wllahoration with John 0. Hogg and Elbert P. Little, of an integrated two-year program of physics and chemistry for secondary schwls. Pioneer in a ninth-grade experimental approach to science.. through laboratory work by students. Rasearch initiator and co-worker with his secondary school students and co-author with them of research publications in the J m o ~ ofl the American Chmicol Soeip*y. Co-author of more than thirty textbooks, laboratory manuals, teacher's guides, etc., for secondary schools.. Books I and I1 of "Physics and Chemistry, A Unified Approach;" "Phy~ical Science, A Modern Approach;" and "Chemistry, A Modern Approach," have been particularly well received. Visiting scientist and lecturer for secondary schools in the United Statas, Canada, and Latin America; liaison officer hetween colleges and secondary schools; referee and consultant to the American Chemical Societv and its oublications: consultant to the U. S. Deoartment of State t Corumiiteo in Chemistry and the National Science Foundation; member of the ~dvanoedP l a ~ m e n Examinations of the College Entrance Examinations Board; gentleman, friend, scholar and helpful wnfidant la faculty and students.
Journal of Chemical Educafion