the equation kl = ki’ (1 b[LiC104]), with b equal to 16 and 11, respectively. In these cases, k” exceeds k& substantially, k l / k t being 4.1 and 3.9, respectively, with no added salt, decreasing sharply during the early salt additions and subsequently only slowly. Where lithium perchlorate displays the unusually large salt effect it is evidently eliminating a definite substantial portion of, but not all, ion-pair return. Our interpretation is that two varieties of ionpair coexist in these cases of acetolysis: (i) the previously2 discussed “intimate” or “internal” type consisting of a pair of ions in contact, with no inter-
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posed solvent molecules; and (ii) the “external” or “solvent-separated’’ type, the usual conception of a pair of solvated ions held together by coulombic attraction in a solvent of low dielectric constant. In acetolysis some systems return essentially only from the first of these ion-pair stages (internal return2). Others return also from the second of these stages and here, lithium perchlorate can be specifically effective in preventing such return. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY USIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Los ANGELES 24, CALIFORNIA
Biochemie. Naturforschung und Medizin in Deutschland Les Proteines : Rapports et Discussions. Seuvieme Conseil 1939-1946. Edited by RICHARD KUHN,Kaiser-Wilhelmde Chimie tenu a 1’Universite de Bruxelles du 6 au 14 Institut fur Medizineische Forschung, Heidelberg. VerAvril 1953. By Institut International de Chimie Solvay. lag Chemie, G .m.b.H., Weinheirn/Bergstr., Germany. R. STOOPS,Editeur, 76-78 Rue Coudenberg, Brussels, 1953. Vol. 11, 241 pp. Vol. 111, 201 pp. Vol. IV, 318 Belgium. 1953. 350 pp. 17.5 X 24.5 cm. Price, 700 Belgian Francs. pp. 15 X 22 cm. Price, D M 15, -, D M 13, -, and D M 17, -,respectively. The Proceedings of the Ninth Solvay Conference, held These volumes encompass practically every aspect of a t Brussels in April, 1953, have now been recorded in this German biochemical endeavor from 1939-1946. Most of valuable book on proteins. The inherent interest of the the references may be found in American literature such as book is enhanced by its prompt publication, only a few ,, “Advances in. . . . series, “Vitamins and Hormones,” months after the conference. I t deserves close attention etc. However, “Biochemie” presents a complete and suc- from all who are seriously concerned with modern protein cinct aggregate of the German investigations, some of which chemistry. The emphasis throughout is on proteins as are. from journals not appearing in American libraries or chemical substances and-in the last two papers-on sysreviews. tems involving enzyme proteins; there is no attempt to disParticularly noteworthy in volume I1 are the chapters on cuss the intermediary metabolism of proteins or their role in “Pflanzliche Giftstoffe” and “Tierische Gifte” by B. R4t- nutrition. kop and H . Behringer, respectively. Although “BioK. 0. Pedersen opens with a paper on the molecular chemie der Tumoren” by H . Lettre, “Blastokoline” by F. weights of proteins, with special emphasis on recent developMoewus, “Immunchemie” by H. Schmidt and 0. Westphal ments in ultracentrifuge studies, and a critical examination and “Serologie” by H . Schmidt are comprehensive, the of the sources of some discrepancies in published measurecontents have since been thoroughly covered by American ments. An extensive table of recent molecular weight articles. Other chapters on “Radioactive Tracers” by K . values derived from sedimentation and diffusion is included. Starke and “Electron Microscopy” by G. Bergold seem Linus Pauling discusses the configuration of polypeptide primitive in the light of present knowledge. chains in proteins. This is in many ways the best exposiThe contents of volume I11 are unusually well written and tion yet published by Pauling of the structure of the a-helix, informative. “Aminosauren, Peptide und Proteine” by Th. the pleated sheets and other related configurations of polyn’ieland, “Polysaccharide” and “Lignin” by K . Freuden- peptide chains. The great importance of these configuraberg, and “Sterine und verwandte Naturstoffe” by H . tions for the understanding of protein structure now apLettre present thorough coverage of these multifaceted sub- pears indubitable. Sir Lawrence Bragg follows with a brief jects. “Garungsferrnente” by 0. Warburg and “Ferhut valuable discussion of rccent developments, and curmente der hiologischen Oxydation” by F. Lyrien are not rent thinking, in the work of the group concerned with X-ray only reviews but carefully woven stories of progress in those study of proteins a t Cambridge. I t is perhaps appropriate fields. “Siissrnandel-Emulsion und verwaridte Carbohy- to remark here that major developments have occurred in drasen” by B. Helferich is an autobibliography. the Cambridge lahoratories during the last six months--unfortunately too late to be recorded here. J. D . Watson I n volume I T , U. Westphal’s presentation of “Hormone” is scholarly, but studies on pituitary hormones and adrenoand F. H . C. Crick provide a short note on the stereochemicortical steroids have advanced so rapidly since 1946 that cal structure of deoxyribose nucleic acid-one of the most much of the information is either pass6 or strictly of his- important of recent developments in biochemistry, which torical value. Although “Vitamine” by G. Wendt falls has been expounded a t greater length elsewhere. A. C. within the latter category, some of the references, especially Chibnall gives a critical discussion of the chemical constituto enzyme-vitamin interrelationships, are still refreshing tion of the proteins, with special emphasis on the developenough to be of interest. The same is true of “Wuchsment of new approaches to the problem of determining the stoffe” by E. F. Moller and F. Weygand. K . Scharrer’s sequence of amino acid residues in peptide chains. R . L . treatment of “Agrikulturchemie” read ;;uch like an ab- M . Synge discusses electrophoresis, chromatography and stract of “Bodenkunde u . Pflanzenernahr. related physical methods in relation to protein chemistry, In general, the photomicrographs, charts arid chemical in a highly suggestive paper which deserves close attention formulas are clearly reproduced and lucid. Certainly these from all who are interested in this field. V. Desreux and volumes represent excellent reference compilations for both E. Fredericq discuss fractionation and purification of prothe novice and experienced investigator. tcins. The discussion is relatively brief, considering the vastness of the field, and quite properly lays major cmphasis DEPARTMENT OF RADIATION BIOLOGY LEONARD R. AXELROD on some of the newest developments in techniques of fracU NIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER ROCHESTER, SEW YORK tionation. M . L. Anson gives a provocative discussion of