Biocompatible, Detachable, and Free-Standing Polyelectrolyte

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Biomacromolecules 2010, 11, 2788–2796

Biocompatible, Detachable, and Free-Standing Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films Adam L. Larkin, Richey M. Davis, and Padmavathy Rajagopalan* Department of Chemical Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 Received July 28, 2010; Revised Manuscript Received August 20, 2010

Self-assembled polyelectrolyte multilayers have gained tremendous popularity over the past decade and have been incorporated in diverse applications. However, the fabrication of detachable and free-standing polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMs) has proven to be difficult. We report the design of detachable, free-standing, and biocompatible PEMs comprised of hyaluronic acid (anionic PE) and chitosan (cationic PE). These PEMs can be detached from an underlying inert substrate without any postprocessing steps. Our approach enables the fabrication of detachable PEMs from a wide range of polyelectrolytes. Cross-linked PEMs exhibited greater than 95% weight retention when maintained in phosphate buffered saline at 37 °C over a seven day period. The PEM thickness was approximately 3 µm for dried films and increased 2-fold under hydration. A unique feature of the detachable, free-standing PEMs is their optical transparency in the 400-900 nm range under hydrated conditions. The Young’s modulus of the cross-linked films ranged from 300-400 MPa, rendering these detachable free-standing multilayers ideal for biomaterial applications. BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts adhered on the PEMs and colonized the entire surface over a six day period. The cellular responses, as well as the physical properties, demonstrate that the detachable PEM films exhibit tremendous potential for applications in biomaterials and tissue engineering.

Introduction Polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMs) have gained tremendous popularity due to the ease and versatility in assembling such films.1–7 Due to the precise control that can be exerted over film properties, PEMs have been investigated for a multitude of different uses including drug delivery, nanofluidic devices, modulating cellular adhesion, antibacterial coatings, and hepatic tissue engineering.8–20 To date, most PEMs that have been assembled are adherent on an underlying substrate and cannot be detached. In a majority of the reports in the literature, the substrate on which the PEM is deposited is designed to interact via ionic bonding with the cationic or anionic polyelectrolyte (PE). Therefore, the self-assembled multilayer cannot be detached without significantly rupturing or degrading the film. This prevents the use of PEMs in applications that necessitate free-standing films such as biomaterials,21 biomimetic membranes,22 scaffolds for tissue engineering,23 and drug delivery.24 Because PEMs can be assembled from virtually any combination of oppositely charged PEs, are inherently versatile, and exhibit several properties that are applicable to diverse research foci, there is a critical need to design robust, stable, nondegrading, free-standing detachable films. In addition, to enhance the use of detachable PEMs as biomaterials, they must be designed to be compatible with live cells. Despite their myriad applications, fabricating free-standing, self-assembled multilayers has proven to be difficult.25–37 Approaches used to design detachable PEMs include the presence of sacrificial layers, the dissolution of initial layers in the self-assembled multilayer, and the neutralization of charged layers.25–33 Some potential disadvantages of these approaches are the changes, both chemical and physical, that the films undergo during the postprocessing steps to separate the film * To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: 540-231-4851. Fax: 540-231-5022. E-mail:

from the underlying substrate. These include the introduction of defects, increasing surface roughness, and tears into the PEMs. More recently, the use of hydrophobic substrates to assemble free-standing PEMs was reported.34,35 In this study, free-standing films comprised of poly(ethylene oxide) and poly(acrylic acid) were deposited on hydrophobic substrates such as Teflon and poly(propylene). Due to the weak van der Waal’s interactions between the polymer multilayers and the substrate, as well as hydrogen-bonding mediated between poly(ethylene oxide) and poly(acrylic acid), the films could be peeled easily and were observed to be free of defects. Free-standing nanoporous films have also been assembled using a combination of spin-coating and hydrophobic substrates.36,37 However, these reports have not investigated properties of the PEMs that are critical in their use as biomaterials, such as long-term stability in aqueous solutions, optical transparency, and cellular response. Detachable and free-standing PEMs exhibit significant potential for use in tissue engineering applications, specifically, in the design of scaffolds and biomimetic membranes.10,38 Because we can modify the chemical and physical properties of the PEMs prior to bringing them in contact with cells, detachable PEMs can be used with a wide range of reaction chemistries. We report a simple and versatile approach for the fabrication of novel, biocompatible, free-standing PEMs obtained through the sequential and alternate deposition of anionic (hyaluronic acid, HA) and cationic (chitosan) PEs on an inert, hydrophobic poly(propylene) substrate. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the fabrication of detachable and free-standing PEMs that are biocompatible, composed purely of polyelectrolytes, optically transparent, stable in aqueous solutions, and do not require postassembly modifications to enable detachment. These PEMs are biocompatible because they are comprised of chitosan and HA, which are PEs derived from polysaccharides, used in cell and tissue engineering applications.39–46 HA is found in the basal membrane of connective tissues and has been used

10.1021/bm100867h  2010 American Chemical Society Published on Web 09/03/2010

Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films

as a surface to support cell cultures.40–42 Chitosan is obtained from the shells of crustaceans and has been used in cell-based applications due to its compatibility with a variety of cell types.43–46 In the present study, detachable and free-standing PEMs comprised of HA and chitosan were obtained ranging in thickness from 1.8 to 3.6 µm. The long-term stability of the PEMs under physiologically relevant conditions was monitored to determine their efficacy in biological applications. The physical and chemical properties of the PEMs were systematically investigated to obtain comprehensive information on the surface and bulk chemical composition of the PEMs, their surface topography, and their mechanical properties. Measurement of the optical properties of the PEMs in the 400-900 nm range demonstrated their transparency. The interactions between cells and the free-standing detachable PEMs were determined through a combination of studies such as cell viability, proliferation, and cytoskeletal organization.

Materials and Methods Chitosan (Mw ≈ 350 kDa), bovine serum albumin, and glutaraldehyde (GA) were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). Hyaluronic acid (HA, Mw ≈ 750 kDa), and acetic acid were obtained from Fluka (St. Louis, MO). Phosphate buffered saline (PBS; 137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 10 mM Na2HPO4, 1.76 mM KH2PO4), Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) and penicillin-streptomycin (PennStrep) were obtained from Invitrogen Life Technologies (Carlsbad, CA). Bovine calf serum (BCS) was obtained from Hyclone (Logan, UT). Unless noted otherwise, all other chemicals were obtained and used as received from Fisher Scientific (Pittsburgh, PA). Fabrication of Detachable and Free-Standing PEMs. HA and chitosan were used as the anionic and cationic polyelectrolytes (PEs) to assemble the detachable polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMs). HA solutions were prepared in 18 MΩ cm Picopure water (Hydro, Raleigh NC) and chitosan solutions were prepared in 1% v/v acetic acid. Solution concentrations ranged from 1 to 5 mM (based on repeat unit molecular weight of the polymer, that is, 340.3 g mol-1 and 874.7 g mol-1 for chitosan and HA, respectively). The solutions were filtered through 0.45 µm polyethersulfone filters (Nalgene, Rochester NY). The pH of HA and chitosan solutions was maintained at 4.0 and 5.0 respectively. HA-chitosan PEM films were assembled on inert, hydrophobic poly(propylene) (PP, McMaster-Carr, Princeton, NJ) substrates using a robotic deposition system (NanoStrata, Gainesville, FL). The PP substrates were cleaned by sonication in acetone. The hydrophobicity was determined using static water contact angle measurements (KSV Instruments, Helsinki, Finland). Clean PP substrates exhibited an average water contact angle of 103.2 ( 2.8° (averaged over fifteen measurements per sample). To vary PEM properties, the deposition time per PE was varied from 10 to 20 min. PEMs were assembled by first depositing an anionic PE (HA) followed by the cationic PE (chitosan). The desired number of bilayers, ranging from 20-50, was obtained through the sequential and alternate deposition of PE layers. A bilayer (BL) is defined as one cationic and one anionic PE. The PEM assemblies were rinsed for 4 min in a water bath adjusted to pH 4.5 between PE depositions. The typical assembly time for a 50 BL HA-chitosan film was 40 h. Prior to PEM detachment, the films were dried overnight in air and peeled from the underlying hydrophobic substrate using tweezers. Films reported as detachable peeled with ease and were found to be free of defects. Films which exhibited delamination and stress-cracking, with little to no control over detachability, were noted as detachable but not reproducible or robust. Films that did not detach from their substrate were noted as nondetachable. To promote the stability of the PEMs in solution, the films were lightly cross-linked before detachment by exposure to a solution containing 8% w/v GA.47,48 The exposure time to the cross-linker was

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varied from 1 to 2 min to vary the degree of cross-linking. The PEM films were subsequently air-dried and stored at room temperature until further use. Film Stability. Detachable HA-chitosan PEM films were placed in PBS at 37 °C and monitored over a 7 day period. On day 7, the PEMs were dried under vacuum at 50 °C for 24 h. The weight of the detachable PEMs was measured prior to and subsequent to exposure to PBS to determine the extent of degradation or loss in weight. Films were rinsed with DI water prior to being dried and weighed. Profilometry. A Veeco Dektak 150 (Veeco Metrology, Santa Barbara CA) profiler was used to determine the dry and hydrated thickness of the detachable PEMs. Scan lengths for each sample were maintained at 1000 µm. The thickness values reported were averaged over 7 to 15 measurements per sample. For measurements under hydrated conditions, PEMs were maintained in PBS for 24 h, the excess water was wicked from the sample and measurements were performed within five minutes to prevent dehydration. Optical Properties. The optical transmission in the 400-900 nm range was measured on a UV/vis spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer Lambda 25, Downers Grove IL). Optical transparency was measured for both dry and hydrated HA-chitosan films. For hydrated PEM measurements, PEMs were maintained in PBS for 24 h prior to measurement, the excess water was wicked from the sample and measurements were performed within 5 min to prevent dehydration. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The surface topography of the detachable PEMs was measured on an AFM (Veeco Multimode AFM, Santa Barbara CA). Surface roughness of dry unmodified and crosslinked PEMs was determined using silicon nitride DNP tips with a spring constant of 0.12 N/m (Veeco, Santa Barbara CA) in contact mode at a scanning rate of 2 Hz. Surface features, specifically, peak to valley heights were measured using Nanoscope software (Veeco). Nanoindentation. The Young’s modulus of unmodified and crosslinked PEMs was measured using a nanoindenter (Triboindenter, Hysitron Inc., Minneapolis, MN) equipped with a 90° cono-spherical indenter tip. The tip was nonimaging with a radius of approximately 10 µm. The nanoindenter was operated under a controlled load while sensing tip displacement. The measured tip drift rate was observed to be less than 0.40 nm/s. Indentation tests were performed on the HA side of the detachable films for both cross-linked and unmodified films. The PEMs were fixed to an aluminum substrate with carbon tape. For each film, nine indentations were performed with a peak load of 300 µN. Measurements were performed under ambient conditions. Force is denoted as P and displacement by h. Force-displacement (P-h) curves were generated by nanoindentation using a programmed load function. The load function was increased linearly from 0 to 300 µN over 10 s then decreased back to 0 µN. The retraction of the tip from the material was used to calculate the mechanical properties of the sample according the method proposed by Oliver and Pharr.49 The reduced modulus, Er, and sample hardness, H, were defined by the following equations.

(1 - υ2t ) 1 (1 - υ2) + ) Er E Et


Pmax A



E and υ are defined as the Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the sample. Et and υt are the Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the indenter tip. These values, Et ) 1140 GPa and υt ) 0.07, were supplied by the manufacturer. In a previous study, where nanoindentation was utilized to determine the properties of dry and rigid poly(allylamine hydrochloride)-poly (styrenesulfonate) PEMs, the Poisson’s ratio υ was assumed to be 0.33 in eq 1.50 The peak indentation load and projected area at the peak indentation load were denoted as Pmax and A, respectively. The experimental stiffness, S, was defined as


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the slope of the retraction curve at the maximum displacement and was related to the reduced modulus by eq 3.


2 dP ) Erβ√A dH √π


Equation 3 was derived for a half-space.51 To prevent substrate effects, each indentation was conducted carefully to ensure that the depth was significantly lower than the overall thickness of the PEM.51,52 Reduced indentation depths prevented stress fields generated during indentation from reaching the underlying substrate.51–53 In our studies, the indentation depth was maintained at approximately 10% of dry PEM thickness for cross-linked films and up to 20% for the unmodified samples. Cohen et al. indented poly(allylamine hydrochloride)/poly(acrylic acid) PEMs of varying thicknesses, ranging from 80 nm to 6 µm.52 The reduced modulus exhibited negligible substrate effects at contact depths up to 40% of the overall film thickness.52 In eq 3, β was a prefactor assumed to be 1.52 Triboscan 8 software (Hysitron) was used to calculate S from the unloading segment of the P-h curves. The area of contact was determined by calibration of the tip with a known fused quartz reference. To determine A, the contact depth, hc, was related to A by the tip calibration function in eq 4.

A ) C0hc2 + C1hc + C2√hc


The values of C0, C1, and C2 were determined empirically using P-h curves generated by the nanoindentation of a fused quartz reference and hc is defined in eq 5.

hc ) hmax - ε

Pmax S


ε is the geometric constant for the indenter tip which was taken as 0.75.50,52 After substitution and rearrangement of eqs 1-5, the Young’s modulus, E, of the sample was related to the Er by eq 6, where B1 and B2 are constants.


B1 1 - B2 Er


Cell Culture. Cross-linked PEMs were rinsed for a total period of 48 h to remove any residual glutaraldehyde. In the first 24 h period, the PEMs were rinsed with PBS and the solution was changed every 4 h. On the second day, the samples were rinsed in fibroblast culture medium and the solution was changed every 4 h. Subsequent to rinsing they were sterilized under germicidal UV radiation for 1 h, and maintained in fibroblast culture medium until used. BALB/c 3T3 mouse embryo fibroblasts (American Type Cell Culture, Manassas VA) were maintained in DMEM supplemented with 10% v/v BCS and 5% v/v Penn-Strep. Fibroblast cultures were maintained in T-75 flasks (BD Biosciences, San Jose CA) at 37 °C in a humidified gas mixture of 95% air/5% CO2. Cell Viability. Fibroblasts cultured on detachable PEMs were rinsed in warm PBS and exposed to a mixture of calcein-AM and ethidium bromide (Live Dead Cytotoxicity kit, Invitrogen Life Technologies). The cells were imaged on a Nikon TE-2000 (Nikon, U.S.A.) inverted microscope equipped with 4×, 10×, 20×, and 40× phase objectives and a motorized stage (Prior Scientific, U.S.A.). Phase-contrast and fluorescent images were collected using a Hamamatsu CCD camera (Hamamatsu City, Japan) and Nikon Elements (Nikon, U.S.A.) software. Fibroblasts that fluoresced red (due to the incorporation of ethidium bromide) were scored as dead and green fluorescent cells (due to the incorporation of calcein-AM) were scored as live.

Cellular Proliferation Studies. Fibroblasts were seeded on PEMs at an initial density of 200000 cells per cm2. Cell proliferation was measured with a nondestructive imaging method. Phase-contrast microscopy was used at 10× magnification to capture images of the cells. For each sample, a minimum of 15 random locations were imaged every 24 h up to six days to analyze the degree of proliferation. Actin Cytoskeletal Imaging. A 0.8% glutaraldehyde (v/v, Electron Microscopy Sciences, Hatfield PA) solution in PBS was used to fix fibroblasts cultured on PEM surfaces 24 h after cell-seeding. Cells were exposed to this solution for approximately 15 min. A 0.1% Triton X-100 (Sigma-Aldrich) solution was added for 5 min to permeabilize the cell membrane. Next, rhodamine phalloidin (Invitrogen Life Technologies) diluted in a 1% (w/v) bovine serum albumin solution in PBS was added and samples were incubated at 37 °C for a 3 h period. Statistical Analysis. Statistical significance and p values for cell proliferation between sample groups were determined by t test analysis with alpha set to 0.05. All data are reported as mean ( standard deviation; n denotes sample size.

Results HA (anionic) and chitosan (cationic), both weak PEs, were sequentially adsorbed on inert, hydrophobic PP substrates to assemble HA-chitosan PEMs that were detachable and freestanding. Negatively charged HA was initially adsorbed to the hydrophobic substrate through van der Waals interactions followed by the adsorption of cationic chitosan. The alternate and sequential deposition of HA and chitosan solutions resulted in the formation of highly interdigitated PE layers bound by electrostatic interactions1 (Figure 1A). The weak nature of the forces between the initial HA layer and the hydrophobic PP substrate, enabled the detachment of the PEMs.34,35 The ease of detachment as well as the quality of HA-chitosan PEMs were investigated as a function of the number of bilayers and the deposition conditions. The parameters that were investigated were the deposition time per PE as well the concentration of the PE solutions (Table 1). At lower numbers of bilayers (ranging from 20-25), the PEMs were not detachable, resulting in significantly ruptured films. PEMs comprised of 30 bilayers or more resulted in free-standing films. However, at lower values of PE deposition time (10 min), these films were not free of defects or tears. Free standing PEMs comprised of 30 or 50 bilayers were obtained only when the PE deposition time was maintained at 20 min per PE layer and at 1 mM PE solution concentration. Under these conditions, the average thickness of air-dried films was found to be 1804 ( 199 nm (n ) 13, 30 bilayers) or 3561 ( 272 nm (n ) 15, 50 bilayers). When the free-standing PEMs were assembled from 30 bilayers, they were not very robust and were difficult to handle in subsequent experimentation. In contrast, detachable PEMs comprised of 50 bilayers were easy to handle and, therefore, used in further studies (Figure 1B,C; please refer to the video provided in the Supporting Information). An important feature of the free-standing PEMs, which is essential for biological applications, is their stability when exposed to aqueous solutions. When PEMs comprised of 50 bilayers were placed in PBS, they rapidly disintegrated and exhibited greater than 90% loss in weight within 5 min. To improve their stability, the films were cross-linked with glutaraldehyde (GA). This approach offered a simple route to covalently cross-link amine groups in the HA-chitosan PEMs.47,48,54 The PEMs were cross-linked upon exposure to a GA solution (8% w/v) for 1 and 2 min periods prior to detachment. Cross-linking with GA did not affect detachability under any of the conditions listed in Table 1. PEMs that were

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Figure 1. (A) Schematic for the fabrication of detachable, free-standing HA-chitosan PEMs. (B) Detachable 50BL chitosan-HA PEM. (C) Detachable 50BL chitosan-HA PEM. Table 1. Deposition Conditions Varied in the Fabrication of Detachable, Free-Standing HA-Chitosan PEMs and the Quality of the Resultant PEMs number of bilayers

PE deposition time (min)

[PE] mM


20 25 30 50 50 50 50 50

20 20 20 10 10 10 15 20

1 1 1 1 2.5 5 1 1

no no yes, not robust no yes, not robust yes, not robust yes, not robust yes, robust

neither robust nor detachable when unmodified exhibited identical behavior upon cross-linking. When the cross-linked PEMs were placed in PBS at 37 °C, the weight loss over a seven-day period was observed to be less than 8% (Figure 2). Specifically, the retention in weight was found to be 92.2 ( 5.9% (n ) 3) and 96.0 ( 2.9% (n ) 3) for the 1 and 2 min cross-linked PEMs, respectively. The thickness of the unmodi-

Figure 2. Retention in weight for cross-linked PEMs maintained at 37 °C and in PBS over a seven-day period.

Table 2. Thickness of Dry and Hydrated HA-Chitosan PEMs

dry hydrated

unmodified PEM

cross-linked PEM (1 min)

cross-linked PEM (2 min)

3561 ( 272 nm (n ) 15) N/A

3437 ( 272 nm (n ) 15) 8280 ( 307 nm (n ) 7)

3542 ( 141 nm (n ) 10) 7947 ( 245 nm (n ) 7)

fied and cross-linked PEMs under dry and hydrated conditions was measured using profilometry. Under hydrated conditions, the film thickness was found to increase 2-fold (Table 2). Crosslinking PEMs with glutaraldehyde resulted in no major changes in the bulk composition of the PEM (Figure S1). An imine vibration band near 1635 cm-1 indicated successful cross-linking of amine groups within the PEM.55 XPS studies revealed no significant changes in the surface composition between unmodified and cross-linked PEMs (Table S1). An important property of the detachable HA-chitosan PEMs for incorporating them as biomaterials and in tissue-engineered constructs is their ability to transmit light. When PEMs are used as substrates for cell culture, the transmission of light is critical for imaging and fluorescence microscopy. The transmission of visible light (400-900 nm) under dry and hydrated conditions was measured for unmodified and cross-linked HA-chitosan PEM films (Figure 3). In the dry state, for the unmodified PEMs, the transmission was found to range between 47 to 58%. Due to the rapid degradation of the unmodified films in the presence of aqueous solutions, their optical properties under hydration could not be measured. Similar values were obtained for the dry cross-linked PEMs. In contrast, under hydrated conditions, the detachable PEMs were virtually transparent. For example, a PEM cross-linked for one minute exhibited 51-62% transmission in the dry state and 92-98% under hydrated conditions (Figure 3A). Virtually identical trends were observed for PEMs cross-linked for 2 min (Figure 3B). At lower wavelengths, the small decrease in percent transmission was attributed to scattering (Figure 3A,B).


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greater than 96% viability, demonstrating that the free-standing PEMs were biocompatible and could be incorporated into cell culture applications. Cellular proliferation studies were conducted over a six day period. The cell density on the 1 and 2 min cross-linked PEMs measured 24 h postseeding, was found to be statistically insignificant (p > 0.05). Fibroblasts proliferated on both substrates and their density increased 1.5-1.7-fold over a three day period (Figures 6). The differences between the values for cell density measured three days postseeding and those obtained after 24 h were found to be statistically significant. The p-values for day three in comparison to day one in culture were calculated to be 2.3 × 10-6, and 4.4 × 10-6 for the 1 and 2 min PEMs, respectively. By the fifth day in culture, the cell density increased approximately 4-fold. The p-values for cell density on day five in comparison to day one in culture were calculated to be 1.9 × 10-35 and 1.03 × 10-37 for the 1 and 2 min PEMs, respectively. Comparisons on cell density between the 1 and 2 min PEMs did not reveal significant differences during early time points. The cell density up to the fourth day in culture on the 1 and 2 min cross-linked PEMs was found to be statistically insignificant (p > 0.05). However, on day five, the cell density on the 1 min cross-linked PEM was found to be statistically higher than the 2 min cross-linked substrate (p ) 0.004). By day six in culture, due to extensive cellular proliferation, the entire surface area was covered. The actin cytoskeletal organization was found to be similar for cells cultured on the PEM substrates (Figure 7). Fibroblasts adherent on 1 and 2 min cross-linked PEM exhibited well-defined actin stress fibers in the peripheral as well as the interior regions of the cell. These results suggest that the cells are well adhered on the underlying cross-linked PEM.

Figure 3. Optical transmission in the 400-900 nm range for dry 50BL HA-chitosan and hydrated 50BL HA-chitosan PEMs: (A) cross-linked for 1 min; (B) cross-linked for 2 min.

The surface topography of unmodified and cross-linked PEMs was measured because cross-linking can potentially impart roughness to a PEM surface.56–58 It is well-known that surface roughness can play a role in modulating cellular response.10,59,60 The surface topography of the unmodified, and cross-linked freestanding PEMs was investigated using AFM in contact mode. The unmodified PEM surface was smooth with nanoscale surface features that exhibited an average peak to valley height of 5.55 ( 1.02 nm (Figure 4A). The peak to valley height or the average surface roughness increased to 6.17 ( 1.01 nm for a PEM cross-linked for 1 min (Figure 4B) and to 7.84 ( 1.36 nm for a PEM cross-linked for 2 min (Figure 4C). Nanoindentation was used to study the mechanical properties, specifically, the Young’s modulus, of the unmodified and crosslinked PEMs. Each sample was probed at nine different locations and the average modulus was calculated. A set of representative force-displacement curves for unmodified, 1 and 2 min crosslinked PEMs are shown in Figure 5. These trends demonstrate the changes in modulus upon cross-linking. Unmodified PEMs exhibited an average Young’s modulus value of 90.9 ( 38.3 MPa (Table 3). The Young’s modulus values increased to 309.7 ( 42.6 and 477.7 ( 33.3 MPa for 1 and 2 min crosslinked PEMs, respectively. These trends and values were similar to prior studies conducted on PEMs comprised of poly(acrylic acid) and poly(allylamine hydrochloride).52 When BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts were cultured on the detachable PEMs, cell viability remained unaffected. Cells cultured on 1 and 2 min cross-linked PEMs for a period of 24 h exhibited

Discussion Detachable and free-standing chitosan-HA PEMs were fabricated by depositing the multilayers on an inert hydrophobic poly(propylene) surface. This fabrication methodology is simple, versatile, and does not require any postassembly processing, such as, the dissolution of a sacrificial layer to obtain detachable and free-standing films.25–33 This approach enables the construction of detachable PEMs that can incorporate reaction chemistries incompatible with live cells. In the future, such chemical flexibility will make it possible to build into the films several unique features, such as, the ability to finely tune both the chemical and mechanical properties. An additional advantage of these PEMs is that they can be chemically modified to incorporate cell-specific functional groups that offer enormous potential in tailoring them for specific cell types. Free-standing, cross-linked PEMs comprised of 50 bilayers exhibited virtually no degradation when maintained at 37 °C in PBS over a seven day period. These results clearly demonstrate that these PEMs can be used in biological applications that require long-term exposure to aqueous solutions. Furthermore, cross-linking with glutaraldehyde did not result in significant changes in either the bulk or the surface chemistry of the PEMs. A unique feature of the free-standing PEMs is their virtual transparency in the 400-900 nm range under hydrated conditions. Because these free-standing PEMs were designed for applications as biomaterials, optical transparency is a highly desirable property. In the future, this unique property will promote the use of hydrated HA-chitosan PEMs as biomaterial scaffolds. Unmodified and cross-linked PEMs exhibited smooth surfaces, with peak to valley heights less than 10 nm. The values

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Figure 4. AFM images (1 × 1 µm) of a 50BL HA-chitosan PEM: (A) unmodified, (B) cross-linked for 1 min, and (C) cross-linked for 2 min.

of Young’s modulus ranged from 300-400 MPa, rendering these PEMs ideal for culturing different cell types. Furthermore, the mechanical properties can be easily modulated by simply changing the cross-linking conditions or by changing the number

of bilayers. For example, if lower values of Young’s modulus are desirable, then a reduction in the number of bilayers and cross-linking times can be explored. PEMs cross-linked with glutaraldehyde exhibited excellent compatibility with BALB/c


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Figure 5. Representative P-h curves for a 50BL HA-chitosan PEM: (A) unmodified, (B) cross-linked for 1 min, and (C) cross-linked for 2 min. Table 3. Peak Load and Young’s Modulus Values for Unmodified and Cross-Linked HA-Chitosan PEMs; n ) 9

peak load (µN) Young’s modulus (MPa)

unmodified PEM

ross-linked PEM (1 min)

cross-linked PEM (2 min)

300 90.9 ( 38.3

300 309.7 ( 42.6

300 477.7 ( 33.3

3T3 fibroblasts and the surfaces were colonized within six days. These results clearly indicate the tremendous potential that detachable chitosan-HA PEMs exhibit for future applications in tissue engineering and biomaterials. In vivo, several tissues and organs exhibit a lattice-like, stratified architecture. However, mimicking such structures in vitro is nontrivial. A major focus in the field of tissue engineering is the use of tissue-like, three-dimensional cellular structures.61–65 However, the assembly of such tissue mimics necessitates the design of biomimetic basement membranes to support each cell layer.10,66 Furthermore, such membranes would have to closely match the physical and chemical environment

Figure 7. Actin cytoskeletal organization imaged 1 day after cellseeding on (A) 1 min and (B) 2 min cross-linked PEM. Scale bar ) 50 µm.

Figure 6. Cellular proliferation measured over a five day period for 1 and 2 min cross-linked PEMs; n ) 3.

within a specific tissue. For example, in previous reports, charged PEs such as chitosan, HA, or DNA were deposited above a layer of live hepatocytes (the primary cell-type found in the liver).12,42 Once the PEM was deposited above live cells, a second layer of endothelial cells was deposited in an effort to design liver tissue mimics. However, the presence of live cells during the deposition limited the ability to modulate the chemical and mechanical properties of the resulting PEM. In contrast, detachable, free-standing, and biocompatible PEMs offer a new

Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films

route in the design of such tissue-specific membranes for the assembly of layered tissue-like structures. Because all the modifications can be performed prior to cellular exposure, the use of harsh, nonphysiological fabrication and reaction conditions, as well as toxic solvents, is feasible. In the future, the introduction of porosity into the PEMs would further advance the role of free-standing PEMs in tissue engineering applications.10 Porosity plays a significant role in controlling the diffusion of gases and nutrients to cells. Basal membranes exhibit porosity from the micro- to the nanoscale.66 In a recent report, it was observed that human corneal epithelial cells exhibited an optimal response only when cultured on porous, supported PEMs with pore diameters measuring approximately 100 nm, similar to the porosity found in vivo.10 A potential route to introduce and control the size of pores would be to use a spin-coating approach.36,37 Future investigations will focus upon tuning the chemistry of the PEMs, the introduction of specific cell-adhesive ligands, varying the mechanical properties, and studying the cellular response when the PEMs are incorporated into layered tissue mimics.

Conclusions We have reported the fabrication of detachable, free-standing, and biocompatible PEMs comprised of chitosan and hyaluronic acid. In this study, the PEMs were assembled on a flat, inert, and hydrophobic substrate. However, PEMs can be assembled on hydrophobic substrates that exhibit a range of geometries and topographies, and this procedure can be extended to design detachable films with varying shapes and structures. The assembly of detachable, biocompatible PEMs offers unprecedented control over film architecture, chemistry, and mechanical properties. A long-term objective of our research is the incorporation of the free-standing PEMs into three-dimensional layered, functional tissue mimics.12,42 In the future, the inherent versatility and simplicity of fabricating free-standing, detachable PEMs with tunable chemical and mechanical properties will be extremely beneficial in the rational design of biomaterials and scaffolds. Acknowledgment. We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the National Science Foundation (DMR-090750, P.R. and R.M.D.), and the MILES-NSF IGERT program at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (P.R. and A.L.L.). Parts of this work were carried out using instruments in the Nanoscale Characterization and Fabrication Laboratory, a Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University facility operated by the Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science. Supporting Information Available. Video, FTIR and XPS results. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at

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