Biodegradation of cis-1,2-Dichloroethene in Simulated Underground

Zhuobiao Ni , Pauline van Gaans , Martijn Smit , Huub Rijnaarts , Tim Grotenhuis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2016 100, 3767-3780 ...
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Biodegradation of cis-1,2-Dichloroethene in Simulated Underground Thermal Energy Storage Systems Zhuobiao Ni,*,†,∥ Pauline van Gaans,‡ Martijn Smit,†,§ Huub Rijnaarts,† and Tim Grotenhuis† †

Sub-Department of Environmental Technology, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 17, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands Wetsus, Eoropean Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology, P.O. Box 1113, 8900 CC Leeuwarden, The Netherlands ‡ Deltares, Soil and Groundwater Systems, P.O. Box 85467, 3508 AL Utrecht, The Netherlands ∥

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Underground thermal energy storage (UTES) use has showed a sharp rise in numbers in the last decades, with aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) and borehole thermal energy storage (BTES) most widely used. In many urban areas with contaminated aquifers, there exists a desire for sustainable heating and cooling with UTES and a need for remediation. We investigated the potential synergy between UTES and bioremediation with batch experiments to simulate the effects of changing temperature and liquid exchange that occur in ATES systems, and of only temperature change occurring in BTES systems on cis-DCE reductive dechlorination. Compared to the natural situation (NS) at a constant temperature of 10 °C, both UTES systems with 25/5 °C for warm and cold well performed significantly better in cis-DCE (cis-1,2-dichloroethene) removal. The overall removal efficiency under mimicked ATES and BTES conditions were respectively 13 and 8.6 times higher than in NS. Inoculation with Dehalococcoides revealed that their initial presence is a determining factor for the dechlorination process. Temperature was the dominating factor when Dehalococcoides abundance was sufficient. Stimulated biodegradation was shown to be most effective in the mimicked ATES warm well because of the combined effect of suitable temperature, sustaining biomass growth, and regular cis-DCE supply.

INTRODUCTION Since the 1970s, the use of underground thermal energy storage (UTES) for energy conservation has developed and proved to be a sustainable energy technique that is beneficial to the reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.1−3 Among different UTES systems, aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) and borehole thermal energy storage (BTES) are considered the most common and cost-effective UTES systems,1,4 which have been widely applied throughout Europe and North America.3 To meet the EU’s ambitions 2020 greenhouse gas reduction targets,5 the subsurface is increasingly being used as a source of or storage medium for sustainable energy, such as UTES. For instance in The Netherlands, the number of ATES systems increased from five in 1990 to over 1300 in 2010,6−8 and the potential number is estimated to be 20 000 in 2020;9 the number of BTES boreholes is even larger and has strongly grown as well (from 24 in 1996 to approximately 18 000 in 2006).10,11 ATES systems use the groundwater aquifer as source or sink for thermal energy, which is transferred between a building and the circulated groundwater using a heat exchanger, sometimes combined with a heat pump.1,12 The groundwater flow and the thermal energy exchange process are opposite in summer and winter. In BTES, groundwater is recirculated within a closed loop made of highly heat-conductive material. Depending on the temperature above ground, water inside the BTES loops © 2015 American Chemical Society

and the immediate subsurface around it act as heat sink (summer) or heat source (winter).13 Many studies have paid attention to the design, operation, application and efficiency of both ATES1,2,4,8,14,15 and BTES1,2,16,17 systems, including case studies,4,17,18 laboratory experiments and field measurements,8,19 and modeling.8,15,20 The main impacts of ATES and BTES on subsurface conditions can be summarized by two aspects: groundwater displacement and temperature change. The open loop system ATES involves large volumes of displaced groundwater1,15 and wells with either high and low temperatures, typically ranging from 20 to 25 °C12,21,22 for warm wells and 5−7 °C4,8,23 for cold wells. In practice the temperature of warm well is often around 15 °C.14 Closed BTES systems have a fluctuating temperature impact on the subsurface due to the seasonal operation.1,13 The operation and performance of UTES systems have been well investigated. Few of these have focused on the potential environmental effect or risk,11,18,23,24 and none have closely investigated the impacts of periodic variation of groundwater conditions and fluctuation of temperature. For example the interaction between UTES systems and biochemical processes, Received: Revised: Accepted: Published: 13519

June 25, 2015 October 21, 2015 October 26, 2015 October 26, 2015 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03068 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 13519−13527


Environmental Science & Technology

complete degradation of cis-DCE via VC to ethene. Furthermore, Dehalococcoides is the only microorganism that metabolically converts cis-DCE and VC to ethene.25 The dechlorination activity is of importance for combining UTES and enhanced natural attenuation, especially in the cold zone of an ATES system where the temperature is even lower than natural groundwater temperature. Research shows that low temperature could severely hamper the microbial dechlorination processes, particularly for cis-DCE.49−51 However, such negative effect in the cold well might be compensated by periodic transfer of Dehalococcoides from the warm zone where temperature is favorable for Dehalococcoides growth. A preliminary batch experiment was performed prior to and as a basis for the main experiments in this study, which showed that at 5 °C temperature, dechlorination of cis-DCE to ethene can be achieved providing that Dehalococcoides abundance is sufficiently high. Therefore, the mobility of Dehalococcoides is also addressed and discussed with respect to the main experiments, since bioremediation in combination with ATES may be affected by such mobility.

mineral dissolution/precipitation, (in)organic compound redistribution, and microorganism behavior have yet to be sufficiently studied. Utilization of the subsurface for UTES may coincide or interfere with other activities. Thus, research is required that focuses on such aspects by studying the impact of both movement of water with (ATES) and temperature fluctuation (ATES/BTES) to obtain a better and integrated management of subsurface activities and resources. Especially the combination of UTES with groundwater remediation and the impact on the subsurface potential for natural attenuation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) deserve attention, in view of increasing demands for installation of UTES systems in urban aquifers. Aquifer contamination with CVOCs mainly involves tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), cis-1,2dichloroethene (cis-DCE), and vinyl chloride (VC). PCE and TCE are chlorinated solvents often used in dry cleaning and the metal degreasing industry. Together with their degradation products cis-DCE and VC they constitute the most prevalent organic contaminants in the subsurface of urban areas.23,25−30 Because of their physical and chemical properties, which allow them to travel with groundwater and sink to deeper aquifer layers, they are among the most difficult contaminants to be remediated, especially when they exist as dense non aqueousphase liquid (DNAPL).25,31,32 Conventional techniques such as soil excavation, pump-and-treat or soil vapor extraction are mostly inefficient or too costly to properly remediate CVOC contaminants.33,34 Biologically based techniques become more and more attractive, such as monitored natural attenuation (MNA) and enhanced bioremediation.31,35,36 These techniques can in principle remediate to below set target-levels, especially when sufficient time is available. Bioremediation can treat zones with residual contaminations and low permeability and deal with other problems of concentration rebound and incomplete treatment.37 These strengths make biologically based techniques not only attractive but also less expensive than conventional physical or chemical techniques. Groundwater in urban areas is often contaminated with chlorinated ethenes, for example CVOCs are found at over 6000 urban sites in The Netherlands.38 In these areas, there is often a high demand for sustainable energy.39,40 Moreover, considering the rapid increase of UTES systems, interferences between these systems and groundwater contamination are becoming more likely. One of the negative interferences that concerns regulators as well as the general public is the possible spreading of contaminant by ATES, leading to deterioration of groundwater quality. On the other hand, an integrated approach, using UTES systems as a (bio)stimulation tool for natural attenuation of the subsurface, has been proposed for better sustainable utilization of the subsurface.41−43 To this end, the combination between UTES and enhanced bioremediation requires fundamental investigation. Here, we used laboratory batch experiments to investigate the impact of temperature fluctuations, as occurring in both seasonal ATES and BTES systems and the added effect of groundwater exchange, as occurring in ATES systems, on cisDCE biodegradation. cis-DCE was chosen as the target compound because under natural conditions, complete dechlorination of CVOCs is often limited by lack of electron donor or microorganisms, Dehalococcoides in particular, or unsuitable redox conditions,32,44−48 resulting in accumulation of cis-DCE and VC. Thus, the effectiveness of an enhanced bioremediation approach is demonstrated by its potential for

MATERIALS AND METHODS The ATES warm or cold well was simulated by batch bottles placed in a 25 or 5 °C thermostated environment. Furthermore, periodically exchanging liquid between the two temperatures, while having aquifer material remained inside the bottle, was performed to mimic seasonal change of groundwater flow in ATES. For BTES, change of season was mimicked by switching the entire batch bottles between 25 or 5 °C. In real UTES systems, the duration of a seasonal operation is around 180 days. Here we simulated this duration based on the period required for a cis-DCE spike to be depleted at 25 °C. The strategy then was to perform a simulated change of season when cis-DCE was degraded in the 25 °C bottle. For ATES the liquid was exchanged between warm and cold bottles followed by a cis-DCE spike, whereas for BTES the entire bottles were exchanged between warm and cold environment followed by a cis-DCE spike. In this setup UTES seasons were simulated in a relatively short period of time (5 to 10 days). Codes used in this studied are defined in Table 1, which gives the overview of experimental batches. The background color of red, blue, and Table 1. Overview of Experimental Batches codea



ATES warm well ATES warm well ATES cold well ATES cold well BTES, starting at condition BTES, starting at condition BTES, starting at condition BTES, starting at condition reference natural situation reference natural situation


Dehalococcoides inoculum

temp (°C)

no. of replicates


yes no yes no yes

25 25 5 5 25

3 2 3 2 3




















Symbol b stands for biotic bottle, symbol c stands for control bottle without inoculum.


DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03068 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 13519−13527


Environmental Science & Technology

Figure 1. Concentration of cis-DCE (squares with straight line), VC (circles with dashed line), and ethene (triangles with dotted line) as a function of time in group A, B, C, and D. Error bars indicate the standard deviation of the triplicates. When error bars are not visible, they are smaller than symbol size.

gray for figures in this study represent temperature level of 25, 5, and 10 °C, respectively. Basic Material. Aquifer material, anaerobic waters, and anaerobic mineral medium used in this experiment were the same as those in our previous study on limiting factors for PCE dechlorination.30 A 400 mg/L cis-DCE stock was prepared by dissolving 72 μL of pure cis-DCE (≥97%, Aldrich) into 230 mL of anaerobic deionized water. Sodium lactate powder (≥99% purity, Aldrich) was used to prepare a 225 g/L stock solution as electron donor. A mixed culture of active dechlorinating bacteria, which contained “Dehalococcoides” (>108 cells/mL liquid), was obtained from Bioclear (The Netherlands) as inoculum in the experiment. Experimental Setup. All bottles were prepared in an aerobic hood filled with 95% N2 and 5% H2, using the same procedures as in our previous batch (125 mL serum bottle) experiment30 on anaerobic reductive dechlorination of PCE. All biotic bottles initially had received 2.5 mL of cis-DCE stock (equals to approximately 10.5 μmol of cis-DCE per bottle), and contained 20 mM lactate and 10% inoculum in the final liquid volume. Control bottles had the same recipe except for the inoculum (Table 1). At the end of preparation each bottle had in total approximately 20 g of wet aquifer material and 50 mL of liquid phase, and headspace was exchanged with 98% N2 and 2% CO2. All bottles were shaken at a speed of 150 rpm. To simulate the periodic groundwater displacement by ATES, 40 mL of liquid (80% of total liquid) was exchanged between the AW and equivalent AC bottle, once the concentration of cis-DCE in the AW bottle was below the level of detection. The liquid exchange procedure was as follows: (1) each bottle’s stopper was penetrated by a needle with valve connected to a 50 mL syringe; (2) bottles together with syringe were put up side down to settle for about 2 h to achieve a clear liquid layer; (3) while the bottles were still upside down, 40 mL of liquid was extracted from each AW and

AC bottle by syringes; (4) valves were closed and syringes were exchanged between AW and AC bottle; and (5) 40 mL of liquid from AW bottles was then injected into AC bottles and vice versa. The needle with valve would be left in the stopper after the first liquid exchange event to perform the same procedures more conveniently and to minimize evaporation of CVOCs. With each liquid exchange event, an additional 2.5 mL of cis-DCE stock was spiked into both AW and AC bottles. Similarly, batches of the BTES warm group (BW) and BTES cold group (BC) started at temperatures of 25 and 5 °C respectively. To simulate the fluctuating temperature of BTES, BW, and BC bottles would be relocated from 25 to 5 °C and vice versa, once the cis-DCE was fully degraded in the bottle that was kept at 25 °C. Thus, both BW and BC batches had alternating temperature conditions over the duration of the experiment, the coding only indicates the starting temperature. Batches simulating NS were always incubated at 10 °C and only received one cis-DCE spiking at the start. Preliminary Experiment. The primary purpose of the preliminary tests was to investigate if reductive dechlorination could occur even under low temperature conditions, provided that Dehalococcoides concentration was sufficiently high. Four groups of bottles coded with A, B, C, and D were tested prior to the UTES simulation experiments with the following conditions: group A and B were at 5 °C with 1% and 20% inoculum respectively; group C and D were at 10 °C with 1% and 20% inoculum, respectively. All bottles received one time of cis-DCE spiking. The preparation procedures were the same as stated in the previous subsection; each group comprised a triplicate set of bottles. Analytical Methods. A headspace sample was collected using a 100 μL glass syringe (Hamilton) and needle. The quantification of CVOCs and ethene was performed by direct splitless injection on an HP6890 series GC equipped with a CP PoraBond Q column (25 m × 0.53 mm × 10 μm) and Flame 13521

DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03068 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 13519−13527


Environmental Science & Technology

Figure 2. Concentration of cis-DCE (squares with straight line), VC (circles with dashed line), and ethene (triangles with dotted line) as a function of time in ATES groups (left) and BTES groups (right). Areas of red and blue color represent the duration of bottles that stayed at 25 and 5 °C respectively. Vertical dotted lines indicate exchange of liquid (ATES) or exchange of environment (BTES). Black arrows indicate spiking of cis-DCE. Error bars indicate the standard deviation of the triplicates. When error bars are not visible, they are smaller than symbol size.

After the second liquid exchange event on day 19, no extra cis-DCE spiking was performed because of the relatively high remaining amount of cis-DCE in ACb bottles from day 13 to day 18. So the initial cis-DCE concentration on day 20 after the second liquid exchange event was somewhat smaller than in other periods. On day 25, ethene nearly exceeded the maximum detection level, an extra headspace exchange was performed to remove all gas compounds, followed by a restart of the experiment for AWb bottles. This was also done for the BCb bottles that were at 25 °C. At the end of the experiment, day 46, all CVOCs were completely converted into ethene in AWb bottles (Figure 2, AWb). However, no evidence of reductive dechlorination was observed in ACb bottles during the entire experimental period (Figure 2, ACb). The lack of cis-DCE degradation shown in this case agrees with the pattern of cis-DCE accumulation observed in previous studies.49,53 After each liquid exchange a small increase of VC and ethene concentration was measured in the ACb bottles, which was due to the exchange liquid entering from the AWb bottles where VC and ethene were still present. However, within the ACb bottles their concentration remained at the same level within each spiking period. At the end of the experiment, the CVOCs concentration in ACb remained at the same level as that after the last spiking. Even though about 80% of liquid was removed in AWb, the dechlorination activity always rapidly increased when new cisDCE was added. This would not be expected if the dechlorinating bacteria would preferentially be present in, and hence exchanged with, the liquid phase. Therefore, the fact that after each liquid exchange cis-DCE dechlorination was enhanced in AWb while dechlorination remained inactive in ACb (Figure 2,ATES) is most probably attributed to the immobility of dechlorinating bacteria. Compared to other microorganisms, such as Geobacter, Dehalococcoides is much less

Ionization Detector (FID). The temperature program started at 50 °C, ramped at 17.78 °C/min to 140 °C and was held at 140 °C for 1.5 min. Detection limits for cis-DCE, VC, and ethane were 0.01 μmol/bottle.


Reductive Dechlorination in Preliminary Experiment. Except in group A (low biomass at 5 °C), ethene production was observed in all other groups (Figure 1), even in group B at the low temperature of 5 °C but with a high Dehalococcoides concentration. This indicates at low temperature the reductive dechlorination process was primarily limited by biomass concentration. At the end of the experiment, ethene occupied approximately 19% of the amount of cis-DCE that was biodegraded (Cethene/(CVS + Cethene)) in group B, while less than 5% in group C (low biomass at 10 °C). Remarkably, this percentage increased to 89% in group D (high biomass at 10 °C). From that we can conclude that temperature and biomass are both factors that may limit dechlorination, but whose thresholds are mutually depend. Reductive Dechlorination in Simulated ATES and BTES. The behavior of CVOCs including production of ethene was similar in all those groups that were either at 25 or 5 °C, in the first 10 days. Immediate reductive dechlorination of cisDCE was observed in AWb and BWb bottles, with similar actual and instantaneous degradation rate (Figure 2). In AWb bottles, with subsequent liquid exchanges and more cis-DCE spiking, the actual rate of cis-DCE depletion gradually increased, as the dechlorinating bacteria kept growing at a temperature that was always suitable.52 Notably, complete dechlorination to ethene was achieved in AWb bottles in all but the first two spiking periods (Figure 2, AWb, day 0−12 and day 12−20). 13522

DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03068 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 13519−13527


Environmental Science & Technology

Figure 3. Concentration of cis-DCE (squares with straight line), VC (circles with dashed line), and ethene (triangles with dotted line) as a function of time in ATES controls (left) and BTES controls (right). Area of red and blue color represents the duration of bottles that stayed at 25 and 5 °C, respectively. Vertical dotted lines indicate exchange of liquid (ATES) or exchange of environment (BTES). Black arrows indicate spiking of cis-DCE. Error bars indicate the standard deviation of the triplicates. When error bars are not visible, they are smaller than symbol size.

Figure 4. Concentration of cis-DCE (squares with straight line), VC (circles with dashed line), and ethene (triangles with dotted line) as a function of time in NSb (left) and NSc (right). Black arrows indicate spiking of cis-DCE. Error bars indicate the standard deviation of the triplicates (NSb) and duplicate (NSc). When error bars are not visible, they are smaller than symbol size.

planktonic and largely prefers to attach to sediment or soil,54,55 especially under poor or minimal-growth conditions.56 Another study, upon dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride, showed that dechlorinating bacteria performed 2−5 times better when they are attached to the porous medium.57 In the preliminary experiment, CVOCs biodegradation still occurred in group B at the low temperature of 5 °C but with high biomass concentration, while in ACb no bioconversion at 5 °C occurred because the biomass concentration was too low. Therefore, the results of the ATES batches suggest that liquid exchange barely transferred active Dehalococcoides bacteria from AWb bottles to ACb bottles, but residual CVOCs was transferred. In contrast to the ATES group, both liquid and solid material in BTES bottles were transferred to 5 °C either 25 °C. The Dehalococcoides were always active during all periods at 25 °C and apparently largely remained active when transferred to 5 °C as indicated by the slow but steady degradation from cisDCE to VC during the 5 °C periods. Unfortunately, the cis-

DCE spiking for BWb was not on day 14 as planned but on day 17 (Figure 2, BWb). However, as bioconversion was limited in BWb bottles that were at 5 °C, this late cis-DCE spiking did not affect the experiment. Thereafter, all cis-DCE spiking for BTES bottles was performed in due time (Figure 2, BTES). When the temperature was switched to 25 °C again in BWb/ BCb bottles, faster decline of cis-DCE and increase of ethene were observed immediately (Figure 2, BTES), indicating that Dehalococcoides were capable of surviving at temperatures as low as 5 °C and became active again once the temperature was suitable.49,53 Unlike the sediment in AWb bottles, BWb/BCb sediments stayed at 25 °C for some periods during which growth conditions for Dehalococcoides were similar as in AWb bottles, followed by a period at 5 °C, during which the growth of Dehalococcoides was less optimal, leading to lower dechlorination performance compared to AWb bottles. In summary (Figure 2), reductive dechlorination during periods at 25 °C occurred at higher rates in AWb than in BWb/BCb 13523

DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03068 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 13519−13527


Environmental Science & Technology Table 2. Performance and Related Condition of Each Experimental Group group ATES BTES NS


total added cis-DCE (μmol)a

Residual CVOCs (μmol)b


52.5 42 42 42 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5

0 10.3 8.5 3.2 1.9 10.4 9.3 10.1 1.2

46 46 60 60 60 41 41 41 41

overall removal rate (μmol/day)c 1.83 0 0.56 0.65 0.14 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.23

1.83 1.21

temp (°C)

biomass concentration (%)

25 5 13.3d 16.7d 10 5 5 10 10

10 10 10 10 10 1 20 1 20


Theoretical value based on total cis-DCE supply, calculated with the spiking times and stock concentration. bMeasured concentration of cis-DCE and VC together at the end of experiment. cOverall average removal rate, calculated as the difference between the theoretical values and the measured concentrations over experimental days. dAverage temperature of BWb and BCb group during the experiment.

bottles; reductive dechlorination during periods at 5 °C still occurred at low rates in BWb/BCb bottles, but not in ACb bottles. In the control batches without inoculum, VC production was detected from day 25 onward in AWc bottles and, probably because of the longer duration of the high temperature period, only in the BCc bottles and not in the BWc bottles (Figure 3). The appearance of VC in ACc bottles on day 34 onward was again due to liquid exchange from AWc bottles, where cis-DCE was degraded to VC in the period between day 25 and 32 (Figure 3, ATES). As the aquifer material comes from an aquifer layer contaminated with CVOCs, especially cis-DCE and VC,30 the presence of intrinsic dechlorinating bacteria is a possible explanation for the dechlorination from cis-DCE to VC in AWc and BCc bottles without inoculum. However, the abundance of intrinsic dechlorinating bacteria was insufficient due to the Fe(III) reducing condition in the aquifer layer,30 resulting in slow and incomplete dechlorination process.58 Consequently, further dechlorination to ethene did not occur in AWc and BCc bottles. Reductive Dechlorination in NS. At the end of the experiment, nearly all cis-DCE was degraded in NSb bottles, with approximately 1.50 μmol residual VC (Figure 4). In the presence of Dehalococcoides and sufficient electron donor, the reductive dechlorination was not yet complete after 60 days experiment, but cis-DCE degradation and ethene production were evident at a normal groundwater temperature of 10 °C. Such finding is in line with a lactate and Dehalococcoides culture study at 10 °C.49 However, in NSc the cis-DCE concentration remained at the same level throughout the experiment and no VC or ethene was detected. Hence, in can be concluded that the presence of Dehalococcoides is the main limiting factor for the occurrence of reductive dechlorination in the aquifer material tested here. Performance on cis-DCE Removal. Table 2 summarizes the performance on cis-DCE dechlorination in all biotic groups, including those in the preliminary experiment. The AWb batches, which received 52.5 μmol of cis-DCE spiking in total (Table 2), achieved complete reductive dechlorination, that is, not only a 100% removal of cis-DCE, but also all intermediate VC being biodegraded to ethene. The ACb bottles received 42 μmol cis-DCE spiking in total and had 10.3 μmol remaining at the end of experiment (Table 2). Such removal from ACb was attributed to the cis-DCE transfer by liquid exchange toward AWb, where dechlorination occurred. As discussed above, a biomass concentration of 10% liquid phase was too low at 5 °C

to dechlorinate cis-DCE within the experimental simulated seasonal time-periods. Therefore, the actual cis-DCE removal rate in ACb was always zero and the overall average removal rate (1.83 μmol/day) in ATES condition (AWb and ACb) was entirely contributed by the AWb group. The two groups in the BTES case had similar removal rates which were 0.56 and 0.65 μmol/day respectively, resulting in an overall removal rate of 1.21 μmol/day under BTES condition (BWb and BCb) (Table 2). The small difference between BWb and BCb was because the average temperature over the experimental period for BCb was somewhat higher than for BWb, due to the duration of the second period (Figure 2). In the NSb group, the removal rate was 0.14 μmol/day. In general the overall removal rates for ATES, BTES, and NS, are approximately in a ratio of 13:8.6:1. Such ratio remains about similar when mass balance of CVOCs is included (Table S1). Interesting comparisons could be derived according to the performances of ACb and NSb together with the four pretested groups. Group ACb and A both had no removal while group B, at the same temperature (5 °C) but with 2 times higher biomass concentration compated to ACb and 20 times higher compared to A, had a removal rate of 0.03 μmol/day (Table 2). Similar comparison can be made between group NSb and C. Sufficient biomass concentration was required to initiate reductive dechlorination. The removal rate was about 8 times higher in D than in B (in these two groups, biomass concentrations were the same, temperature differed by 5 °C), while there was less than 2 times difference between D and NSb (in these two groups, temperature was the same, biomass concentration differed by a factor of 2). In summary, regarding the biotic groups, the overall performance in ATES was approximately 1.5 times and 13 times better than that in BTES and NS respectively. As in the ATES and BTES bottles, the environment was approximately half the time at 25 °C and half at 5 °C, the average system temperature could be estimated as 15 °C.59 Therefore, the net increase in rate with ATES fluctuating conditions (with ΔT = 20 °C and compared to a reference groundwater temperature of 11 °C) by a factor 1.5 as stated by Hartog59 could be an underestimate. Instead, this study revealed a significant improvement by either ATES or BTES. The high removal rate in the ATES is most probably caused by the sustaining enhancement of bacterial growth in the ATES warm well, which was regularly supplied with cis-DCE. If the biomass is attached, a situation comparable to a fed batch is realized with an increasing biomass concentration with time. Consequently, although the average increased temperature was only 5 °C 13524

DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03068 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 13519−13527


Environmental Science & Technology

transported with the groundwater, bioaugmentation would be recommended to be performed in the ATES warm wells. Though CVOCs would be transported because of seasonal groundwater pumping in ATES, it is a better decision to place warm wells more close to the contaminated zones in the aquifer. This addresses concerns on the escape of contaminants in the case of high natural groundwater flow. For BTES, the well placement issue and possible contamination spreading are less relevant, as the seasonally fluctuated temperature is the only change in the subsurface condition due to the isolated design of BTES systems. However, unlike ATES, which allows for injection of electron donor or dechlorinating microorganisms via existing wells, extra injection wells are needed to combine BTES with bioremediation, making the treatment more costly. On the basis of our simulation experiments, ATES is a valuable engineered system for enhanced bioremediation at field scale for dissolved CVOCs plumes. In the case of DNAPL source zones, more research is needed to understand the biodegradation capacity in the warm ATES well. In addition, DNAPL characterization and enhanced DNAPL dissolution might be effect by ATES. In short, the combination of the sustainable energy production by UTES with biological groundwater treatment shows, based on laboratory experiments, good perspective especially for the ATES system.

compared to NS, the improvement in removal rates was more significant than that was shown in Friis et al. (2007),49 in which temperature was the only variable. The Dehalococcoides biomass concentration is shown to be paramount to either initiate or to achieve more complete dechlorination, not only in our study and other laboratory experiments,30,49,58 but also in pilot tests and in situ bioremediation projects.52,60,61 Furthermore, the role of temperature on reductive dechlorination becomes dominant as the growth of dechlorinating bacteria and the corresponding dechlorination activity depend highly on temperature.49,50,62,63

TECHNOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS In this research, we present the first laboratory simulation of the effects of UTES conditions on enhanced cis-DCE reductive dechlorination, mainly focusing on the aspects of fluctuating temperature and groundwater exchange between warm and cold well. From the groundwater contamination point of view, it appears that bioremediation of CVOCs can be promoted in a cost-effective manner using the UTES system, especially using ATES as vehicle for biostimulation. Considering the long duration generally needed for enhanced natural attenuation of CVOCs contamination in groundwater, and the increasing demand for UTES systems, these results are highly relevant in view of integrated resource management for water and energy. Our results support combining sustainable energy use of the subsurface, with faster cleanup of groundwater, which is a precious resource of drinking and industrial water. Our results indicate that by applying ATES in combination with bioremediation, the overall cis-DCE removal performance can be improved approximately 13 times compared to the natural situation. This is due to the movement of cis-DCE by liquid exchange and subsequent growth of biomass in the ATES warm well. The remarkably improved performance in cis-DCE removal in ATES was purely attributed to the highly enhanced biodegradation in the warm well, where a continuously increased CVOCs bioconversion was proceeding with biomass growth and substrate addition. In ATES application, microorganism activity would be reduced under low temperature in the cold zone of an ATES system and dechlorination would be stalled there. However, the remaining CVOCs will be later transported to the warm zone where biodegradation is strongly enhanced. Moreover, implementing more bioaugmentation will further stimulate the bioconversion activity. The results in the ATES lab experiment are meaningful to field application of combining ATES and enhanced bioremediation, because the changes of temperature (for water and sediment) in our mimicked ATES are comparable to field condition. The groundwater temperature changes from warm to cool or the other way around within a minute in the above ground heat exchanger, leading to a constant high temperature in the soil matrix of the ATES warm well. Therefore, considering the strongly enhanced bioremediation in the ATES warm well, complete removal of CVOCs may now become a realistic and promising remediation goal, within the typical lifespan of an ATES system of about 25 years. In BTES, conductive heat transfer from the close loops to the surrounding soil matrix is much slower than in ATES, resulting in more gradual temperature change in the subsurface. This might lead to an overestimated bioremediation performance in our lab BTES experiments. In practice, as the dechlorinating microorganisms appear to be preferably attached to the sediments rather than being


S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03068.

General mass balance of CVOCs in three experimental groups (PDF)


Corresponding Author

*Phone: +31-(0)6-4746-5817. E-mail: [email protected]. Present Address §

M.S.: Eurofins Analytico, P.O. Box 459, 3770 AL Barneveld, The Netherlands Author Contributions

The manuscript was written through contributions of all authors. All authors have given approval to the final version of the manuscript. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was performed in the cooperation framework of Wetsus, European Center of Excellence for sustainable water technology ( Wetsus is cofunded by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, the Province of Fryslân, and the Northern Netherlands Provinces. The authors would like to thank the participants of the research theme “Underground water functions and well management” for the fruitful discussions and their financial support. We are also thankful for the financial support from Deltares and Brabant Water and acknowledge Bioclear for the supply of inoculum and help in sampling of aquifer material. We thank Yueying Zhang for the technical support and Benno Drijver for his input. 13525

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