Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment

Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, 152. Stanford University, 101 . Texas Tech University, 380. The National Institute for Environmental. Studies, 459...
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Downloaded by on January 10, 2018 | Publication Date: April 27, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0393.ix001

Author Index Adewuyi, Yusuf G., 504,529 Anderson, Larry G., 437 Andreae, M. O. 352 Aneja, Viney P., 2 Ayers, G. P., 352 Baker, L. A., 79 Barbash, Jack E., 101 Barnes, I., 464,477 Bastian, V., 477 Bates, Timothy S., 367 Bayer, Charlene, 58 Becker, K. H., 464,477 Berresheim, H., 352 Black, Marilyn, 58 Brezonik, P. L., 79 Calhoun, Julie A., 367 Cooper, David J., 31,330 Cooper, William J., 2,31,140 Dacey, John W. H., 152 Dasgupta, Purnendu K., 380 Davidovits, Paul, 504 de Mello, William Z., 31 Dunnette, D. A., 72 Elliott, Scott, 314 Fischer, Ulrich, 262 Fletcher, Ian, 489 Gardner, James A., 504 Gates, Paul M., 437 Gillett, R. W., 352 Guenther, A., 14 Haines, Bruce, 58 Hatakeyama, Shiro, 459 Hershey, J. Peter, 282 Hwang, Hoon, 380 Hynes, A. J., 424 Javor, Barbara, 243 Jourdain, J. L., 464 Keller, Maureen D., 167 Kiene, Ronald P., 202,222

Kolb, Charles E., 504 Lamb, B., 14 Laverdet, G., 464 Le Bras, G., 464 Liss, P. S., 183 Lu, Eric, 314 Malin, G., 183 Martin, D., 464,477 Matrai, Patricia A., 140,243 Millero, Frank J., 282 Milne, P. J., 518 Mopper, Kenneth, 231 Mouvier, G., 464 Nold, Charles R., 437 O'Brien, John, 243 Parlier, P., 464 Ping, Liu, 380 Plane, John M. C, 404 Ravishankara, A. R., 450 Reinhard, Martin, 101 Rennenberg, Heinz, 44 Rowland, F. Sherwood, 314 Russell D. Vetter, 243 Saltzman, Eric S., 31330,518 Sherman, L. A., 79 Taylor, Barrie F., 202,222 Turner, S. M., 183 Tyndall, G. S., 450 Urban, N. R., 79 Vairavamurthy, Appathurai, 231 Van Doren, Jane M., 504 Wakeham, Stuart G., 152 Watson, Lyn R., 504 Westberg, H., 14 Wine, P. H., 424 Worsnop, Douglas R., 504 Zahniser, Mark S., 504 Zhang, Genfa, 380 Zika, Rod G., 31,518

Affiliation Index Aerodyne Research Inc., 504 Bergische Universitat, 464,477 Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, 167 Boston College, 504 Central Electricity Research Laboratories, 489

Centre de Recherche sur la Chimie de la Combustion et des Haute Temperatures, 464 Commonwealth Scientiflque and Industrial Research Organization, 352 Florida International University, 231,140 560

Saltzman and Cooper; Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



Downloaded by on January 10, 2018 | Publication Date: April 27, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0393.ix001

Fraunhofer Institute for Atmospheric Environmental Research, 44 Georgia Institute of Technology, 58352,424 Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry, 352 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 367,450 North Carolina State University, 2 Portland State University, 72 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 243 Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, 152 Stanford University, 101 . Texas Tech University, 380 The National Institute for Environmental Studies, 459

Universitaet Oldenberg, 262 Universite'de Paris VII, 464 University of California, 314 University of Colorado-Boulder, 450 University of Colorado-Denver, 437 University of East Anglia, 183 University of Georgia, 58,202,222 University of Illinois, 529 University of Miami, 31,140,202,222,231,243, 282330,404 University of Minnesota, 79 University of Washington, 367 Washington State University, 14 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 152

Subject Index A Absolute hardness, definition, 102 Absorption, experimental system used in time-resolved absorption measurements, 51932QT Acetate, substrate for sulfate-reducing bacteria in marine sediments, 229 Acrylate accumulation in sediment slurries, 225,226f effect of concentration on metabolism in sediment slurries, 225,227/ experimental procedures, 223 fermentation rates, 225,229 metabolism in mitochondria, 222,224/ metabolism in sediment slurries, 225,226f production route from dimethylsulfoniopropionate, 222,224/ Acrylic acid, broad-spectrum bactericide, 153 Adenosine-5 '-phosphosulfate, structure, 263,264/* Adenylsulfate reductase, catalysis of sulfite oxidation to sulfate, 275-277 Aerobic catabolism, formation of dimethyl sulfide, 212,213/214 Alkaline thiols, mechanism for coppercatalyzed aerobic coupling, 543-544 Alkylation, effect on sulfur nucleophilicity, 127-128 5-Alkylcysteinase, formation of dimethyl sulfide, 210-211 Anaerobic catabolism, formation of dimethyl sulfide, 211-212 Anaerobic sulfide oxidation Chlorobium species, 268,269/* Chromatiaceae, 266,267/268 Ectothiorhodospiraceae, 268 Pelodictyon species, 268,26S|f

Anaerobic thiosulfate oxidation, equation, 265

Anoxyphotobacteria habitats, 262-263 sulfides as photosynthetic electron donors, 266 Anthropogenic sulfur emissions biogenic emission inventories, 23,25; importance in remote atmosphere, 367 source of atmospheric sulfur, 374 Atmospheric aerosol sulfate, source of sulfur in remote atmosphere, 375 Atmospheric chemistry, biogenic sulfur compounds, 553-554 Atmospheric flux, dimethyl sulfide, 198 Atmospheric reactions, CH_S radicals, 450-457 Atmospheric sulfur cycle, importance of organosulfur compounds, 464 Atmospheric sulfur oxidation, implications, 516 Atmospherically important heterogeneous process, example, 504 Autoxidation, dimethyl sulfoxide, 535

B dimethyl sulfide production, 176 Bimane-HPLC method, measurement of complex mixtures of biogenic sulfur compounds, 246-247 Bimane-thiol derivatives, HPLC separation, 247 Bimane-thiol reactions, chemistry, 247 Biogenic reduced sulfur compounds, importance of oxidation in atmospheric chemistry, 459


Saltzman and Cooper; Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.