Biomimetic Monolayer Films of Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol

Apr 27, 2015 - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC), 08028 Barcelona, Spain. §. Department of Physical Chemistry, Universitat de Barcelona, ...
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Biomimetic Monolayer Films of Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol Incorporating Plastoquinone Javier Hoyo,†,‡ Ester Guaus,† Juan Torrent-Burgués,*,†,‡ and Fausto Sanz‡,§ †

Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 08222 Terrassa (Barcelona), Spain Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC), 08028 Barcelona, Spain § Department of Physical Chemistry, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, Spain ‡

ABSTRACT: Photosynthetic organisms use light to convert the inorganic matter in organic one. Photosynthetic process consists on several steps, and one of them involves plastoquinone (PQ) that acts as electron and proton shuttle between photosystem II and cytochrome. We prepared membranes that mimic the characteristics and composition of natural photosynthetic membranes and we characterized them using several techniques in order to obtain both the PQ molecules disposition in the membrane and their electrochemical behavior. The selected lipid was monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) that represents the 50% of the lipid content of the thylakoid membrane. Both MGDG and PQ, and the MGDG:PQ mixtures have been studied using surface pressure−area isotherms and the presence of PQ alters the physical state and compactness of the MGDG matrix. Langmuir−Blodgett (LB) films have been obtained by transferring a monolayer that mimics half of the bilayer of a biological membrane. The AFM topographical characterization of the monolayers on mica indicates the presence of differentiated domains, corresponding to different physical states linked to the influence of the PQ content. Moreover, the electrochemical behavior of the monolayers has been studied when transferred on ITO, observing one main electrochemical process that is due to the diving position of PQ molecules in the lipid matrix.

1. INTRODUCTION Artificial lipid bilayers are used to mimic natural membranes. They present multiple chemical and biological applications, being one of the most encouraging the development of artificial photoelectric devices.1−5 The thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts of oxygenic organisms is the site where the photochemical and electron transport reactions of photosynthesis take place. This thylakoid membrane is constituted by a lipid matrix that avoids the free diffusion of ions, maintains the fluidity of the membrane and allows an electrochemical potential difference across it.6 The lipid content of the thylakoid matrix depends on the species and the external conditions. However, a typical organism is composed of monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) ≈ 50% (Scheme 1A), digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG) ≈ 30%, sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol ≈ 5−10%, phosphatidylglycerol ≈ 5−10% and small amounts of other lipids.7,8 MGDG and DGDG have several functions on the thylakoid membrane.9,10 On the other hand, MGDG has been proposed for several non-natural applications, in particular as antialgal, antiviral, antitumor, and anti-inflammatory agent and others.11,12 Prenylquinones such ubiquinone-10, UQ, and plastoquinone-9, PQ (Scheme 1B), are components of the biological membranes being present in a 1−5%13 and they play an important role in bioenergetic processes. PQ is the main electron and proton carrier in the thylakoid membrane between photosystem II and cytochrome. However, it also has other © 2015 American Chemical Society

functions in biological membranes, particularly as an antioxidant.14 Biological and biomimetic membranes should have different domains, which offer a local environment to maintain their functions.15 On the other hand, in order to prepare membranes that can faithfully mimic the natural photosynthesis, the lipid content and the chemical nature of these membranes should be close to the natural ones. In addition, it is also of great importance the redox molecules position in the biomimetic matrix due to it affects the electron transfer process. Focusing the interest in mimic photosynthetic membranes, an important point is the position of the PQ molecules. There is no studies investigating the position of PQ, but the position of the UQ in the lipid matrix of a bilayer has been reported in the literature with contradictory conclusions. However, it seems clear that UQ has two main positions in a lipid layer16 which were called by Sö derhäl and Laaksonen as diving and swimming.17 These diving and swimming positions have been proposed based on the results obtained using several techniques.16,18−29 In the diving position the head and part of the tail of the UQ molecule is placed in parallel to the lipid chains. In the swimming position, the flexible hydrocarbon tail of UQ moves randomly on the midplane of the lipid bilayer, Received: March 6, 2015 Revised: April 20, 2015 Published: April 27, 2015 6170

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b02196 J. Phys. Chem. B 2015, 119, 6170−6178


The Journal of Physical Chemistry B Scheme 1. Molecular Structures of (A) MGDG and (B) PQ

and the corresponding UQ head can move a maximum of ≈1 nm in the lipid chains of both sides of the bilayer.17 On the other hand, it is generally accepted that a large fraction of UQ segregates within a lipid biomimetic membrane forming lipid rich zones and UQ rich pools.13,29−31 Moreover, it has been suggested that the formation of aggregates difficult their squeezing of the monolayer,13 being the UQ fraction in aggregated state increased proportionally to its concentration.29 In this work we use the Langmuir and Langmuir−Blodgett (LB) techniques to prepare biomimetic monolayers of the MGDG:PQ systems. These techniques confer higher control over the membrane structure than other techniques for biomimetic membranes formation, including the vesicle fusion.32 In addition, according with our previous studies performed on the biomimetic system DPPC-UQ,24,32 we consider that the positions and processes that take place in one of the leaflet of the bilayer are comparable with those that take place in the LB monolayer. These monolayers are studied using surface pressure−area per molecule, π−A, isotherms and their data are processed to light their physical states and mixing behavior. These monolayers, once transferred to a solid substrate at several surface pressures (including the natural membranes internal lateral pressure ≈33 mN·m−1)33 will be topographically studied using atomic force microscopy (AFM) to observe the influence of PQ in the MGDG matrix. Finally, we use the cyclic voltammetric technique for studying the electrochemical behavior of the monolayers once transferred to indium−tin oxide (ITO), which has good optical and electrical properties, so converting ITO in a good candidate for studying artificial photosynthesis and other energy producing devices.34

and spread at the air|liquid interface using a high precision Hamilton microsyringe. LB monolayers were transferred to mica surface at defined surface pressure values. Barrier closing rates were fixed at 50 cm2·min−1 (8.8 Å2·molec−1·min−1) for isotherm registration and at 25 cm2·min−1 (4.4 Å2·molec−1· min−1) for LB film transfer. No noticeable influence of these compression rates was observed on the isotherm shape. Isotherm recording was carried out adding the solution to the subphase and waiting 15 min for perfect spreading and solvent evaporation. LB film transfer was conducted dipping the freshly cleaved mica or freshly cleaned ITO through the air|liquid interface on the subphase before adding the solution, and 5 min were lagged after pressure set point was achieved. Transfer speed was set at 5 mm·min−1 linear velocity. Experiments were conducted at 21 ± 1 °C and repeated a minimum of three times for reproducibility control. 2.2.2. AFM Characterization. The AFM topographic images of LB films were acquired in air tapping mode using a Multimode AFM controlled by Nanoscope IV electronics (Veeco, Santa Barbara, CA) under ambient conditions. Triangular AFM probes with silicon nitride cantilevers and silicon tips were used (SNL-10, Bruker) which have a nominal spring constant of 0.35 N·m−1 and a resonant frequency of 50 kHz. Images were acquired at 1.5 Hz line frequency and at minimum vertical force to reduce sample damage. AFM images were obtained from at least two different samples, prepared on different days, and by scanning several macroscopically separated areas on each sample. 2.2.3. Electrochemical Characterization. The voltammetric measurements were performed in a conventional threeelectrode cell using an Autolab Potentiostat-Galvanostat PGSTAT-12 (Ecochemie, NL). Working electrodes were freshly cleaned ITO slides (10 mm × 25 mm) cleaned once with ethanol and three times with Milli-Q grade water. Counter electrode was a platinum wire in spiral geometry and the reference electrode was an Ag|AgCl|3 M KCl microelectrode (DRIREF-2SH, World Precision Instruments). This reference electrode was mounted in a Lugging capillary containing KCl solution at the same cell concentration. All reported potentials were referred to this electrode. The electrochemical cell contained 0.150 M KCl as supporting electrolyte at pH 7.4 adjusted with the KH2PO4/K2HPO4 buffer solution. All solutions were freshly prepared with Milli-Q grade water deaerated with a flow of Ar gas for 15 min prior to the cyclic voltammetry experiments, which were conducted at 21 ± 1 °C. Voltammetric experiments were carried out at several scan rates, scanning toward cathodic potentials in a homemade glass cell with a reaction area of 33 mm2.

2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION 2.1. Materials. PQ was provided by ASM Research Chemicals, and MGDG with acyl = stearoyl (18:0) was purchased from Matreya (USA). KH2PO4, KCl and chloroform of analytical grade from Sigma-Aldrich were used in solutions preparation. Water was ultrapure Milli-Q (18.2 MΩ·cm). Mica sheets were purchased from TED PELLA Inc. (CA) and ITO deposited on glass slides were purchased to SOLEMS (France). 2.2. Methods. 2.2.1. Monolayer Formation. Langmuir and Langmuir−Blodgett monolayer formation were carried on a trough (Nima Technology, Cambridge, U.K.) model 1232D1D2 equipped with two movable barriers. The surface pressure was measured using Whatman filter paper grade 1 held by a Wilhelmy balance connected to a microelectronic system registering the surface pressure (π). The subphase used in these experiments was Milli-Q quality water. Previous to the subphase addition, the trough was cleaned twice with chloroform and once with Milli-Q quality water. Residual impurities were cleaned from the air|liquid interface by surface suctioning. The good baseline in the π−A isotherms confirms the interface cleanliness. Solutions of MGDG, PQ and MGDG:PQ were prepared using chloroform

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. π−A Isotherms, Physical States and Mixing Behavior. The π−A isotherms of MGDG, PQ and their mixtures at biological relevant ratios have been referred to the 6171

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

maintain a separation with the pure lipid one, being the separation lower in the case of the saturated lipid. This observation indicates that unsaturated MGDG maintains a larger extent of PQ content in its matrix than the saturated MGDG, which can be linked with the more fluid phase of the unsaturated MGDG35 compared with our saturated MGDG. All the Cs−1 curves for the MGDG:PQ mixtures present a similar behavior, showing the same kink point at π ≈ 2 mN· m−1, and accordingly to the values presented by Vitovic et al.41 indicates the phase change from liquid expanded (LE) to liquid condensed (LC) and the main PQ expulsion from the lipid matrix. The extent of this rejection and the specific surface pressure at which takes place depends on the initial PQ content. At π > 2 mN·m−1 the Cs−1 values presented by the MGDG:PQ 20:1 and 10:1 mixtures, the ones with the lowest PQ presence, are similar to that shown by pure MGDG. Cs max−1 values are close to the border value proposed by Vitovic et al.41 for the solid (S) state. However, this close value suggests the possibility that the monolayer is still in the LC state (this possibility is discussed in section 3.2). On the other hand, the behavior shown by the Cs−1 curve of MGDG:PQ 5:1 mixture resembles the Cs−1 curves of the 20:1 and 10:1 mixtures but with marked lower Cs−1 values. According to the phase rule, maintaining constant both the temperature and the external pressure, the number of freedom degrees F of the monolayer system is given by eq 242,43

MGDG area per molecule and represented in Figure 1. Inset of Figure 1 represents the inverse of the compressibility modulus (Cs−1) curves corresponding to the described π−A isotherms and calculated according to eq 1.

⎛ dπ ⎞ Cs−1 = −A⎜ ⎟ ⎝ dA ⎠T


Figure 1. π−A isotherms for MGDG, PQ and MGDG:PQ mixtures at 21 ± 1 °C on water subphase. Inset: Inverse of the compressibility modulus vs surface pressure for MGDG, PQ, and MGDG:PQ mixtures on water subphase.

F = C B + CS − PB − PS + 1

The isotherms show that MGDG and MGDG:PQ mixtures form stable monolayers and the mixtures present a different behavior according to the PQ content in the mixture. The isotherm can be divided in two zones by the kink point at ≈2 mN·m−1 (local minimum point in the Cs−1 curve or inflection point in the π−A isotherms). Below the kink point surface pressure, the high content of PQ (see MGDG:PQ 5:1 system) hindrances in a quite larger extension of the MGDG monolayer packing than the low PQ content (see MGDG:PQ 20:1 and 10:1 mixtures). Above the kink point, the MGDG:PQ mixture isotherms tend to meet each other at high surface pressure. On the other hand, the mixture isotherms only meet the pure MGDG isotherm at the collapse, indicating the presence of PQ in the MGDG matrix, even at high surface pressures. The collapse pressure of a mixed monolayer of different components is related to the miscibility of its components, being dependent on the film composition in a miscible system.35,36 Our MGDG:PQ mixtures collapse at lower surface pressures than that of pure MGDG, indicating a certain miscibility of the PQ in the MGDG matrix. Both values of that the lift-off area and the kink point area, increase when the PQ content in the MGDG:PQ mixture is increased, which is due to the distorting effect of PQ in the MGDG matrix.37 This phenomenon was also observed either by Kruk et al.38 using PQ and unsaturated MGDG and by Bilewicz et al.39 using UQ and C18SH/C18OH. The presence of PQ in the initial zone hindrances the packing of the MGDG headgroups, and therefore, the hydrophobic interactions between the MGDG chains are also reduced, as it was reported in the case of UQ inserted in phospholipids.40 After the main rejection of PQ (kink point), the monolayer compactness is suddenly enhanced. The behavior of MGDG:PQ π−A isotherms using saturated MGDG is similar to that reported using unsaturated MGDG38 in which case the MGDG:PQ mixtures π−A isotherms


where CB is the number of components in the bulk, CS is the number of components confined to the surface, PB is the number of bulk phases, and PS is the number of monolayer phases in equilibrium with each other. In our MGDG:PQ experiments, at the air|water interface, CB = 2 (air and water), CS = 2 (MGDG and PQ), and PB = 2 (gas and liquid); thus, F = 3 − PS. According to that, homogeneous mixed films achieve the collapse equilibrium with PS = 2 (condensed and collapsed state), so the system will have 1 degree of freedom. According to our results, the collapse pressure is practically fixed, discarding the experimental deviations, for MGDG:PQ mixtures. This indicates zero degrees of freedom and therefore, following the previous reasoning, PS = 3. Therefore, at the collapse equilibrium of the mixtures isotherms coexist MGDG (LC), MGDG (collapse) and expelled PQ. The same statements can be also applied to the phase change zone at the kink point π ≈ 2 mN·m−1, where π is practically fixed, also indicating zero degrees of freedom. Thus, PS = 3, which indicates that three phases coexist: MGDG:PQ (LE), MGDG:PQ (LC), and expelled PQ. The representation of the mean area per molecule vs the molar fraction at selected pressures gives idea about the ideality of a mixture at these surface pressures (eq 3). On the other hand, the representation of the ΔGmix vs PQ molar fraction gives idea about the stability of the mixture (eqs 4−6). AE = A12 − (x1A1 + x 2A 2 ) G E = NA




AE dπ



ΔGmix = ΔGid + GE


ΔGid = RT (x1 ln x1 + x 2 ln x 2)

(6) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b02196 J. Phys. Chem. B 2015, 119, 6170−6178


The Journal of Physical Chemistry B In eqs 3−6, AE is the excess area, A12 the mean area per molecule for the mixture, A1 and A2 the area per molecule for the individual components, x1 and x2 the molar fraction of each component, GE is the excess free energy of mixing and ΔGmix the free energy of mixing. On the other hand, NA is the Avogadro’s number, R the gas constant, and T the absolute temperature. Figure 2A plots the area per molecule vs the PQ molar fraction, represented for MGDG:PQ mixtures at several surface

an increase of the molecular area, as has been proposed for others systems.38,44 3.2. AFM. The AFM topographic images of MGDG monolayers transferred at several surface pressures to mica were studied in a previous paper of our group.37 The main conclusions were that the images present different tonalities of brown (light and dark) and all of these tonalities correspond to zones with different heights of the MGDG monolayer, being the measurements of the relative heights referred to the dark zones 15 ± 1 and 19 ± 1 Å. We correlate these values with LC1, corresponding to molecules in the beginning of the LC state (medium brown), and LC2, molecules at the most ordered state of the LC state (light brown), both referred to the LE state (dark brown). This information indicated that the monolayer, once transferred to the mica surface, presents zones with a different tilting of the MGDG molecules that, in addition, can indicate a different physical state. In order to compare pure MGDG and the selected MGDG:PQ mixtures, Figure 3 shows their AFM topographic

Figure 2. (A) Plot of the mean area per molecule vs the molar fraction for MGDG, PQ and MGDG:PQ mixtures at several surface pressures before the main PQ expulsion. Discontinuous straight line represents the ideal behavior for each surface pressure. (B) Plot of the mixing energy vs the molar fraction for MGDG, PQ and MGDG:PQ mixtures at several surface pressures before the main PQ expulsion.

Figure 3. AFM images (5 μm × 5 μm) for LB films transferred on mica at 21 °C at π = 15 mN·m−1 for (A) pure MGDG and MGDG:PQ systems (B) 20:1, (C) 10:1, and (D) 5:1.

pressures before the main PQ expulsion (≈ 2 mN·m−1). Thus, Figure 2A shows that MGDG and PQ form nonideal mixtures with positive deviation at π ≤ 2 mN·m−1, which indicates that, at these surface pressures, the interactions between the two components are weaker than the interactions between pure components,44 and also suggesting the possible formation of either enriched domains or aggregates of molecules35,43 at high PQ content. Figure 2B represents the ΔGmix vs PQ molar content at several surface pressures before the main PQ expulsion. The negative values observed for ΔGmix at π ≤ 2 mN·m−1 indicate that the mixed monolayers of MGDG:PQ are more stable than pure components,44 although the low ΔGmix values corroborate the low stability of the mixture. We can explain the formation of nonideal mixtures between PQ and MGDG at low surface pressure, by the difference in the chain length between PQ and MGDG. This permits a free rotation of the PQ residue that protrudes over the MGDG, producing also a motion of the MGDG molecules that induces

images on mica at π = 15 mN·m−1, showing differences according to the PQ content. The selection of π = 15 mN·m−1 has been done to confirm that PQ is still present in the monolayer of the MGDG:PQ mixture. The images A-D show that the size of the dark zones is accorded to the PQ content. In order to explain the topographic behavior of the MGDG:PQ mixtures at several surface pressures, we have selected the 5:1 ratio (Figure 4). MGDG:PQ 5:1 presents two different tonalities of brown (light and dark) and each one corresponds to zones with a different order of the molecules. Moreover, it is interesting to point that at π = 1 mN·m−1 the image presents black zones which corresponds to the mica surface (See inset in Figure 4A). The compression leads to a more compact fashion of the more ordered zones. On the other hand, AFM topographic images performed with the systems MGDG:PQ 10:1 and 20:1 (not shown) indicate a behavior comprised between the pure MGDG and the MGDG:PQ 5:1 (Figure 4). 6173

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b02196 J. Phys. Chem. B 2015, 119, 6170−6178


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Figure 5. Monolayer coverage of the light brown zones on the mica surface for the pure MGDG and the MGDG:PQ mixtures, calculated from AFM images.

The results obtained in Figure 5 for the MGDG:PQ mixtures show the expected trend of more surface covered by the compact state when decreasing the PQ content. Increasing the surface pressure all the MGDG:PQ mixtures increases the ratio of LC zones achieving a nearly flat increase at π = 15 mN·m−1, which indicates that the major content of PQ has been rejected from the lipid matrix. On the other hand, pure MGDG presents a nearly flat increase of the area covered by the more compact phase when increasing the surface pressure. The explanation is the quick transformation of both the LE or LC1 states to LC2, that is, the entire monolayer is in a high ordered state at 15 mN·m−1. The simultaneous presence of two different physical states at a given surface pressure for both the MGDG and the MGDG:PQ mixtures indicates that all cases present a physical state change that implies the coexistence, at low surface pressure, of zones with low and high order of molecules (see Table 1). The pure MGDG system achieves the S state (Table 1) whereas the MGDG:PQ mixtures present LC2 at the most compact state, which is explained by the presence of PQ in the MGDG:PQ mixtures hindrances the packing of the MGDG molecules. At the same surface pressure, the MGDG presents similar or higher ordered state for the light zones than the MGDG:PQ mixtures (See Table 1), which indicates that part of the PQ is in the LC domains. A similar behavior is observed for the dark zones, which also indicates the presence of PQ in the LE state. These observations indicates that PQ is present in both physical states of the MGDG:PQ mixtures and the higher affinity of the PQ for the LE state points the formation of MGDG:PQ domains (LC2 zones) with low PQ content and MGDG:PQ domains with high PQ content (LE zones forming PQ enriched domains). On the other hand, the height observed for the light zones of the MGDG:PQ 20:1 and 10:1, in addition

Figure 4. AFM images (10 μm × 10 μm) for LB films of MGDG:PQ 5:1 system transferred on mica at 21 °C at (A) π = 1 mN·m−1, (B) π = 3 mN·m−1, (C) π = 15 mN·m−1, and (D) π = 33 mN·m−1.

The physical states deduced using the Cs−1 curves for pure MGDG are more ordered than those corresponding to MGDG:PQ at the same surface pressures, so that, the different tonalities in AFM images are correlated with a different ordering state but the order that represents each tonality depends on the PQ presence. In order to assign each physical state, we have measured the relative height between light and dark zones, and we have assumed the height of 6 ± 2 Å for the dark brown zones (LE state) referred to the mica surface. The selection of this height value for the dark zones is done based on the height measured between the dark brown zones and the black zones seen at low surface pressure for the MGDG:PQ 5:1 system (inset of Figure 4A). Moreover, the height of 3−6 Å is observed in the literature for the LE state of DPPC monolayers.45,46 Thus, the absolute heights calculated for the film physical states are 22 ± 2 Å for the LC1, 25 ± 2 Å for the LC2 and 27 ± 2 Å for the S. The absolute heights obtained at each surface pressure and also considering the Cs−1 results permit to assign the physical state to each tonality for all the systems (Table 1) where LC1 and LC2 have the meaning explained for pure MGDG. The MGDG and MGDG:PQ mixtures monolayers cover the entire mica surface at all the studied surface pressures, except for the explained case of MGDG:PQ 5:1 at π = 1 mN·m−1. Thus, the AFM images permit obtaining the proportion of each physical state. Figure 5 presents the percentage of the monolayer in light brown, so that, according to Table 1, the proportion of each physical state can be elucidated.

Table 1. Physical States of Each Zone (Dark and Light Brown) Corresponding to the MGDG and MGDG:PQ Systems at Several Surface Pressures MGDG

MGDG:PQ 20:1

MGDG:PQ 10:1


π (mN·m−1)



π (mN·m−1)







6 15 25 40



1 3 15 33








DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b02196 J. Phys. Chem. B 2015, 119, 6170−6178


The Journal of Physical Chemistry B to the proximity to the C−1 s values for LC-S change (Inset of Figure 1), indicate that these mixtures are still in the LC state. 3.3. Electrochemical Behavior. The electrochemical behavior of the ITO-MGDG|electrolyte, ITO-PQ|electrolyte and the ITO-MGDG:PQ|electrolyte systems is studied in this section. In our experiments, three cyclic voltammograms (CVs) are required to obtain the stationary state in the electrochemical response, presenting a good reproducibility from the third scan and at least 15 cycles. Figure 6 presents the CVs at 10 mV·s−1

Figure 7. Cyclic voltammograms of ITO-MGDG:PQ 5:1 and 10:1 LB films transferred at π = 33 mN·m−1 and ITO-PQ system at π = 2 mN· m−1 all of them scanned at 200 mV·s−1. Dashed lines correspond to the deconvolution of Iα and Iβ in the CVs of the ITO-MGDG:PQ 5:1 and 10:1 respectively. All CVs have been performed using 0.150 M of KCl electrochemical cell and a potassium phosphate buffered solution at pH 7.4.

MGDG:PQ systems. Figure 7 also shows, at π = 33 mN·m−1, that the redox peaks separation for process Iβ is larger than that for process Iα, indicating that process Iβ is even more irreversible than process Iα. The current intensity of the redox peaks has been studied for the ITO-MGDG:PQ system at several scan rates (not shown) and it has been obtained that the reduction and the oxidation current intensity are related by a linear dependence with the scan rate. This result indicates that the PQ/PQH2 redox couple is surface confined and that the electron transfer process is not diffusion controlled.48,49 This result also indicates that the PQ molecules have, in the surface environment, enough available protons to accomplish the global redox reaction. Considering that below pH 12 the protonated form of PQH2 is predominant,26,50 the global electron transfer reaction is written as

Figure 6. CV of MGDG, PQ and DGDG:PQ 5:1 and 10:1 LB films transferred at several surface pressures on ITO. All CVs have been performed using 0.150 M of KCl electrochemical cell and a potassium phosphate buffered solution, at pH 7.4 and at a scan rate of 10 mV·s−1.

of the ITO-MGDG (blank) at π = 33 mN·m−1, ITO-PQ system at π = 2 mN·m−1 and ITO-MGDG:PQ 5:1 and 10:1 transferred on ITO at several surface pressures which, in part, are the same that were selected for topographic AFM imaging. The CVs start at several positive potentials at which the PQ has the quinone ring in its oxidized form.47 The potential is first scanned toward cathodic potentials until a final potential, which is determined by the hydrogen evolution, and then, the scan is reversed until the initial potential. Despite the fact that wider potential window has been tested, the results for pure PQ show only one redox process that we will assign as process Iα. ITO-MGDG:PQ 5:1 and 10:1 systems present only one reduction and one oxidation wave (Figure 6). For the ITOMGDG:PQ 5:1 system, the reduction and oxidation waves are shown at surface pressures 3 and 33 mN·m−1, whereas for the system ITO-MGDG:PQ 10:1, they are only observed at π = 33 mN·m−1. The shape and width of the peaks obtained at π = 33 mN·m−1 suggest that each wave convolute more than one redox process (as will be shown later), and then are labeled as processes Iα + Iβ. It is also observed that the double layer capacity of the ITO-MGDG experiments (see blank in Figure 6) is fitted in the capacitive current of the ITO-MGDG:PQ systems. CVs at several scan rates have been performed. Figure 7 shows the CVs of the ITO-MGDG:PQ 5:1 and 10:1 systems at π = 33 mN·m−1 and ITO-PQ system at π = 2 mN·m−1, being all experiments scanned at 200 mV·s−1. The increase of the scan rate allows a larger separation of two reduction peaks in the cathodic scan for the ITO-MGDG:PQ mixtures which, comparing with the response of the ITO-PQ system, are labeled as IRα and IRβ in Figure 7. The deconvolution of the peaks presented in Figure 7 shows that the potential of IRα and IOα peaks is similar regardless being the ITO-PQ or the ITO-

PQ + 2e− + 2H+ → PQH 2


The shape of voltammograms presented in Figures 6 and 7 shows important deviations from an ideal reversible system, according to the theoretical models describing the CV response of a surface confined redox couple.51,52 Main features are that the CV present a nonsymmetrical shape being the reduction peaks sharper than the oxidation ones, and the large separation between the reduction and the oxidation peaks. The different shapes of reduction and oxidation peaks were also observed in our previous studies of the ITO-UQ, ITO−DPPC:UQ,24,32 and ITO-MGDG:UQ53 systems and are explained by the different hydrophilic character of the PQ/PQH2 redox couple. During the reduction scan, the large polarity of PQH2 compared with PQ leads PQH2 to establish better attractive interactions either by dipole−dipole interaction or hydrogen bond with MGDG head groups and ITO. During the oxidation scan, those attractive interactions stabilize PQH2 molecules and make it more difficult to oxidize. The large separation between the reduction and the oxidation peaks shown in Figures 6 and 7, even at low scan rates, indicates that the redox processes behave as irreversible.50 This large separation has also been observed by other authors studying the electrochemical behavior of surface confined UQ and PQ in lipid layers at pH < 12,50,54 and 6175

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry B of other quinones confined in SAMs on gold electrodes.55 It was also observed in our previous studies of the ITO− DPPC:UQ24,32 and ITO-MGDG:UQ52 systems. The large separation for the reduction and oxidation processes arouses from the slow values of the charge transfer rate constants and by the fact that the reduction and oxidation process have different kinetic control at pH below the pKa of the first ionization constant of hydroquinone species.50,56−58 The charge involved in the LB monolayer transferred at each surface pressure is obtained by integrating the area under the reduction or oxidation waves. The surface coverage (Γ) is obtained from the experimental values of charge and considering the global reaction (eq 7) for PQ in confined situation. The calculated surface coverage values for the oxidation processes are ΓO(Iα) = 27 × 10−12 mol·cm−2 for the ITO-PQ system at π = 2 mN·m−1, ΓO(Iα + Iβ)= 1.3 × 10−12 and 23.0 × 10−12 mol·cm−2 for the ITO-MGDG:PQ 5:1 system at π = 3 and 33 mN·m−1, respectively, and ΓO(Iα + Iβ) = 7.5 × 10−12 mol·cm−2 for the ITO-MGDG:PQ 10:1 system at π = 33 mN·m−1. It can be seen that, for the ITO-MGDG:PQ 5:1 system, the ΓO(Iα + Iβ) increases when increasing the surface pressure. We have chosen the surface coverage values for the oxidation processes because they are similar but lower than the results obtained for the reduction scan, which have the undesirable contribution of hydrogen evolution. 3.4. Global Sight of the MGDG:PQ System Transferred on ITO Using the LB Technique. The separation maintained between pure MGDG and the MGDG:PQ mixtures both in π− A isotherms and Cs−1 curves (Figure 1) after the main PQ expulsion indicates that PQ is, even at high surface pressures, present in the matrix of MGDG:PQ and it leads to less compact physical states. The shape of the π−A isotherms, the shape of the Cs−1 curves and the shape of the kink point in the Cs−1 curves, suggest that the system experiences a sudden PQ expulsion followed by a gradual expelling. A complete vision of the PQ positions in the MGDG:PQ monolayer can be obtained considering the thermodynamic description of the physical states (inset of Figure 1), the AFM results (Figures 3-5) and the CVs of Figures 6 and 7. The MGDG:PQ mixtures at low surface pressure present less values of the covered area by the LC physical state when increasing the PQ initial content (Figure 3). At higher surface pressures, pure MGDG presents a most compact state (S state) than the MGDG:PQ mixtures (LC state) at the same surface pressure. These observations indicate that PQ is present in both physical states (LE and LC) of the MGDG:PQ mixtures. The voltammetric study of the ITO-MGDG:PQ 5:1 system at π = 3 mN·m−1 (Figure 6) shows only the redox process Iα, which matches with the voltammetric process presented by the ITOPQ system. At π = 33 mN·m−1, the voltammograms (Figures 6 and 7) show a convolution of the redox waves Iα and Iβ, either for the ITO-MGDG:PQ 5:1 or 10:1 system. At low surface pressures, regardless the MGDG:PQ domains are in LE or LC state (Figure 4B), we assign the process Iα to diving position with the PQ placed in the MGDG matrix and located in direct contact with the electrode surface. The compression of the monolayer induces the compactness of the LC state, so favoring the rejection of part of the PQ in diving position. This rejection can be either vertically to a diving position without ITO-PQ contact or horizontally to the remaining LE zones so enriching them in PQ. Another response is the phase change from LE to LC of the remaining LE zones (Figure 4C). We relate the presence of enriched

domains with the presence of small LE zones, in Figures 4C and 4D, in circular shape to minimize the surface tension.59 It may indicate that the composition in and out the rounded shape is different. These observations suggest that, when changing from LE to LC, the lateral rejection is favored placing most of the PQ molecules in the diving position in the LE zones. In addition, the fast change from LE to LC physical state entraps the PQ molecules in diving position in the MGDG matrix, favoring the diving position without ITO-PQ contact but close to the ITO surface. Therefore, the diving position comprises two redox waves Iα and Iβ corresponding respectively to the PQ molecules in direct contact and the PQ molecules close to the ITO surface. The difficult deconvolution of these peaks in the ITO-MGDG:PQ system, even at high scan rate, indicates that the formal potentials of both processes are close, suggesting slight changes in the environment that the PQ molecules experience at each position, and being the process Iα favored at low surface pressure. Further compression results in a more compact LC2 state with lower ratio for the areas covered by the LE state (Figure 4D). Therefore, the PQ molecules forming pools in the LE zones are predominant, which we relate with the difficulty on performing topographic images on monolayers transferred at high surface pressures. Figure 8 represents the position of MGDG and PQ molecules of the MGDG:PQ system at the studied surface

Figure 8. Scheme of the position of MGDG and PQ molecules of the MGDG:PQ system at several surface pressures. The labels Iα and Iβ indicate the PQ positions that origin the redox waves Iα and Iβ..

pressures. This Figure explains the different meaning of the light and dark colors observed in the AFM images summarized in Table 1 and the PQ positions that origin the redox waves Iα and Iβ.

4. CONCLUSIONS The results obtained from the different used techniques and their interpretation allow us to assign the position of the PQ molecules in the MGDG matrix. At low surface pressures, regardless the MGDG:PQ domains are in LE or LC state, PQ is located in diving position with the PQ placed in the MGDG matrix in direct contact with the electrode surface (Iα). The compression of the monolayer induces to the compactness of the LC state, so favoring the rejection of part of the PQ in diving position. Additionally, it can be either vertically rejected to the diving position without ITO-PQ contact (Iβ) or horizontally to the remaining LE zones so enriching them in PQ. The compression also induces to the phase change from LE to LC of the remaining LE zones. The lateral rejection is 6176

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

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favored placing most of the PQ molecules in the diving position in the LE zones. The fast change LE to LC physical state entraps the PQ molecules in diving position in the MGDG matrix, favoring the diving position without ITO-PQ contact but close to the ITO surface and forbidding the swimming position. The LB method permits a higher control of the PQ position compared with the vesicle fusion method. So that, the position of PQ in the MGDG matrix can be tuned according to the surface pressure at which the LB film has been transferred, which favors the electron and proton transfer in the desired direction.


Corresponding Author

*(J.T.-B.) E-mail: [email protected]. Telephone: +34 937398043. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank the economic support of the Spanish Government, through the project CTQ2007-68101-C02, and of the Catalonia Autonomic Government, through Project SGR2009-277. J.H. thanks the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya for a Ph.D. grant.


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