Biosynthesis of ubiquinones by malarial parasites. I. Isolation of 14C

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Biosynthesis of Ubiquinones by Malarial Parasites. I. Isolation of [ '*C]Ubiquinones from Cultures of Rhesus Monkey Blood Infected with Plasmodium knowlesi" Frederick S. Skelton,? Kenneth D. Lunan, Karl Folkers,? Jerome V. Schnell, Wasim A. Siddiqui. and Quentin M. Geiman

It has been demonstrated that Plasmodium knowlesi biosynthesizes [ 14C]ubiquinones-8, -9, and perhaps -7 from [ 4C]p-hydroxybenzoic acid by the isolation of these ubiquinones from parasitized (P. knowlesi) rhesus monkey blood cells cultured in ABSTRACT:


he occurrence of ubiquinones-8 and -9 (I, n = 8 and 9, respectively) in duck blood infected with Plasmodium lophurae, in contrast to only ubiquinone-10 (I, n = 10) in normal duck blood, has been reported (Rietz et al., 1967). A similar analysis (F. S. Skelton, P. J. Rietz, and K. Folkers, 1968, unpublished data) performed on rhesus monkey blood infected with either Plasmodium knowlesi or Plasmodium cynomolgi

synthetic medium containing [14C]p-hydroxybenzoic acid. Only [14C]ubiquinone-10was isolated from control cultures of unparasitized rhesus monkey blood cells and was shown to be associated with the leucocytes.

also showed only ubiquinone-10 in the normal blood and ubiquinones-8 and -9 in the infected blood. 0

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* From the Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California 94025 (F. S. S., K. D. L., and I