
Nov 29, 2011 - 225 000 bbld of product worldwide. None of these plants, ..... Carta D. Casula M. F. Corrias A. Falqui A. Navarra G. Pinna G. Mater. Ch...
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Chapter 5

On the Preparation of Low Temperature Iron Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts: Strategies That Work and Those That Do Not P. Julius Pretorius* Saskatchewan Research Council, 125-15 Innovation Blvd., Saskatoon S7N 2X8, Saskatchewan, Canada *Current address: Alberta Innovates Technology Futures, 250 Karl Clark Rd., Edmonton, Alberta T6N 1E4, Canada E-mail: [email protected]

Iron-based Fisher-Tropsch (FeFT) catalysts have a number of advantages over cobalt-based catalysts that make them attractive in the Biomass to Liquids (BTL) arena. This includes their ability to operate optimally with syngas of H2/CO ≤ 1.5. Historically, Low Temperature FeFT (LTFeFT) catalysts have been prepared by precipitating a copper-doped iron (hydr)oxide from a copper-containing iron nitrate solution. A major drawback of this preparation route is the resulting large quantity of nitrate-rich waste water. Recently, an approach utilizing carboxylic acids was proposed to overcome many of the environmental problems associated with the preparation of LTFeFT catalysts. Although promising, no FT performance data for catalysts prepared according to the organic acid method have been reported. We compared the performance of FT catalysts prepared according to the historical procedure and variants thereof with that of catalysts prepared according to the organic acid method. The catalysts prepared via the historical route exhibited superior surface area, pore volume and FT activity compared to those prepared via the carboxylic route. Fundamental principles of aqueous solution chemistry and precipitation theory provide an explanation for these differences.

© 2011 American Chemical Society In Synthetic Liquids Production and Refining; de Klerk, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Introduction A number of factors related to concerns about climate change, dwindling fossil fuel supplies and a general move towards renewable energy sources are fuelling interest in the utilisation of biomass as a feedstock for transportation fuels, fuel additives and chemicals. The main contenders are Biomass to Ethanol (BTE) and Biomass to Liquids (BTL) utilizing the Fischer-Tropsch process. Both processes utilise synthesis gas (syngas, a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide) and catalytic systems to produce the required products. While no commercial syngas to ethanol plants are operational anywhere in the world, a number of Fischer-Tropsch plants produce ca. 225 000 bbld of product worldwide. None of these plants, however, utilise biomass as feedstock. It is generally accepted that this is due to the challenging economic proposition of biomass-based plants. In principle cellulosic biomass is available at a lower feed price than carbon sources like coal, but the low energy density and the dispersed nature of feedstock contribute to the economic challenges associated with BTL operations. In a market-driven environment, BTL must be economically competitive with crude oil. In contrast to Biomass to Ethanol plants, the Fischer-Tropsch process provides greater flexibility with regards to the product slate. Although this flexibility may be somewhat more onerous in the refining of the final product, it does have the major advantage that, unlike ethanol plants, plant profitability is not tied to a single product. This lowers investment risk substantially compared to that associated with an ethanol plant, since the final products can be selected to meet market demands. Although a number of metals may be used as Fischer-Tropsch catalysts, iron- and cobalt-based catalysts find commercial application. Iron-based Fisher-Tropsch (FeFT) catalysts have a number of characteristics that make them attractive in the Biomass to Liquids (BTL) arena. Syngas obtained from biomass gasification typically have an H2/CO ratio of 1 – 1.5. Co-based FT catalysts require an H2/CO ≥ 2 to prevent deactivation due to coke formation. Thus, a process based on a Co catalyst would require a separate WGS plant, thereby adding cost and diminishing the overall thermodynamic efficiency of the process (1). In contrast, Fe-based catalysts operate without problem with low H2 syngas. The original Ruhrchemie method for preparation of Low Temperature FeFT (LT FeFT) catalysts consists of precipitating a copper-doped iron (hydr)oxide from a copper-containing iron nitrate solution. The resulting precipitate is washed to remove unwanted ions followed by the addition of additional promoters (2). The preparation takes place in an aqueous environment and requires large quantities of water. Furthermore, a large quantity of process water containing highly soluble nitrate salts is produced (3). This complicates both the reuse and discharging into the environment of the process water. A promising new approach that circumvents many of the environmental problems associated with the preparation of LTFeFT catalysts was recently proposed (3, 4). Although the preparation methodology appears to be promising, the FT synthesis performance of catalysts needs to be investigated as this has not been reported previously. 112 In Synthetic Liquids Production and Refining; de Klerk, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

In this chapter, the performance of FT catalysts prepared according to organic acid method is compared to catalysts prepared according to the traditional Ruhrchemie and related methods.


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Ruhrchemie Preparation Catalyst precursors were prepared according to the method described by Dry (2, 5). A heated Na2CO3 (Sigma-Aldrich) solution was titrated with a heated solution containing Fe(NO3)3.9H2O (Sigma-Aldrich) and Cu(NO3)2.2.5H2O (Sigma-Aldrich). The resulting precipitate was filtered and washed to remove residual Na+ and NO3-. Potassium waterglass (Zaccil 30) was added to the washed filter cake. The final potassium level was adjusted to the required value by washing the filter cake with acidified deionized water. The filter cake was dried at 110°C for 18 hours followed by calcination at 400°C for 4 hours . Modified Ruhrchemie Preparation In this preparation, a solution containing Fe(NO3)3.9H2O (Sigma-Aldrich) and Cu(NO3)2.2.5H2O (Sigma-Aldrich) was titrated with a Na2CO3 (Sigma-Aldrich) solution. The effect of solution temperature was investigated at ambient and elevated temperature. The resulting precipitate was filtered and washed to remove residual Na+ and NO3-. Potassium waterglass (Zaccil 30) was added to the washed filter cake. The final potassium level was adjusted to the required value by washing the filter cake with acidified deionized water. The filter cake was dried at 110°C for 18 hours followed by calcination at 400°C for 4 hours. Goethite Method (6) Catalyst precursors were prepared by the slow addition of an acidified solution consisting of Fe(NO3)3.9H2O (Sigma-Aldrich) and Cu(NO3)2.2.5H2O (Sigma-Aldrich) to a KOH solution. The mixture was sparged with air throughout the addition. The resulting yellow precipitate was aged for 36 hours at 70°C. After 36 hours, the precipitate was filtered and washed to remove residual Na+ and NO3-. Potassium waterglass (Zaccil 30) was added to the washed filter cake. The potassium level was adjusted to the required level by washing the filter cake with acidified deionized water. The filter cake was dried at 110°C for 18 hours followed by calcination at 400°C for 4 hours. Organic Acid Preparation Catalyst precursors were prepared according to the methodology described Hu et al. (4) To a volume of deionized water in a three-necked flask, formic acid (Sigma-Aldrich) and metallic Fe powder (Höganäs Ancorsteel 1000C) were added to ensure an Fe/CHOOH molar ratio of 2. The mixture was continuously stirred at 600 rpm using an overhead stirrer. Air was continuously passed through the 113 In Synthetic Liquids Production and Refining; de Klerk, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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system to assist in the dissolution of metallic iron and oxidation of ferrous species. The three-necked flask was equipped with a condensor to prevent evaporation. After 24 hours, the resulting precipitate was filtered and washed. An appropriate amount of Cu(NO3)2.2.5H2O (Sigma-Aldrich) was dissolved in a minimal quantity of deionised water. The solution was added to the filter cake and mixed thoroughly. An aliquot of potassium waterglass was added to the copper-promoted slurry. The final potassium level was adjusted to the required value by washing the filter cake with an aliquot of acidified deionized water. The filter cake was dried at 110°C for 18 hours followed by calcination at 400°C for 4 hours.

Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis All synthesis reactions were conducted in a 1000dm3 Parr Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR). H2 and CO flow into the reactor was controlled by separate mass flow controllers (Brooks). Ar was used as an inert tracer. The reactor system was equipped with two knock-out pots operating at 180°C and 6°C respectively. Reactor tail gas was analyzed with gas chromatographs equipped with Thermal Conductivity and Flame Ionization detectors. TCD results were used to calculate CO conversion and CO2 and CH4 selectivities. Liquid hydrocarbon products drained from the cold pot were analyzed on the FID. Prior to synthesis, the catalyst was activated in-situ for 16 hours (H2/CO = 1.5, GHSV = 7000 cm3ng-1h-1, P = 12 bar, T = 250°C) (7). For FT synthesis, the reactor was operated at H2/CO = 1 to 1.8, P = 20 bar, T = 240°C and GHSV = 3000 to 5000 cm3ng-1h-1. Durasyn 164 (Ineos) was used as the initial slurry medium.

Results and Discussion Table I shows the elemental composition, surface areas and pore volumes of calcined catalyst precursors. The catalyst composition aimed for was 5 g Cu/100 g Fe and 5 g K/ 100 g Fe, with tolerances of ±1 g/100 g Fe for each element. It is apparent that preparation methodology influenced the nature of the catalyst precursor. The Ruhrchemie preparation produced high surface area and pore volume material, in agreement with those reported by Dry (2). The Modified Ruhrchemie preparations produced material with surface areas similar to the standard Ruhrchemie preparation. However, both ambient and elevated temperature preparations produced material of lower pore volume than the standard Ruhrchemie preparation. The Goethite and Formic acid preparations produced material with surface areas and pore volumes significantly lower than those observed for the Ruhrchemie preparations. X-ray diffractograms for the various preparations are shown in Figure 1. The standard Ruhrchemie and Modified Ruhrchemie at ambient temperature methods produced 2-line ferrihydrite, while the Modified Ruhrchemie at elevated temperature produced 6-line ferrihydrite. After calcination, the material produced by the Goethite preparation transformed into hematite. The Formic acid preparation method produced a mixture of phases. Samples P20 and P23 114 In Synthetic Liquids Production and Refining; de Klerk, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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consisted of mixtures of magnetite, maghemite, hematite and metallic iron. Metallic iron is indicative of incomplete dissollution of the starting material. The Fischer-Tropsch performance of catalysts is shown in Figure 2. The catalysts exhibited distinct differences in activity. Catalysts P12, P14 and P25 (Standard Ruhrchemie) and P17 (Modified Ruhrchemie, ambient temperature) exhibited the highest FT activity, followed by P18 (Modified Ruhrchemie, elevated temperature). Catalysts P24 (Goethite method), P20 and P23 (Formic acid) exhibited the lowest activity of all the catalysts investigated. In Figures 3 and 4, observed activities at 100 hours and at the end of run are plotted as functions of calcined precursor specific surface area and pore volume. It is apparent that catalyst activity is positively correlated with these parameters. Because textural properties and iron oxyhydroxide phase depend on preparation conditions, it is fair to expect a dependency of catalyst activity on oxyhydroxide precursor phase (8). In Figures 5 and 6, catalyst precursor phases are superimposed on activity and physical property data.

Table I. Calcined catalyst surface area, pore volume, phase- and elemental composition SA






g/100g Fe

g/100g Fe




























6L Ferrihydrite










Hematite Maghemite Magnetite Iron




Hematite Maghemite Magnetite Iron









a Ruhrchemie.



b Modified Ruhrchemie, ambient temp. Goethite. e Formic acid.

c Modified Ruhrchemie,

115 In Synthetic Liquids Production and Refining; de Klerk, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.


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Figure 1. X-ray diffractograms obtained for calcined catalyst precursors prepared according to the the various preparation procedures. In the bottom figure, a = hematite, b = iron, c = magnetite, d = maghemite. The diffractograms in the top figure are typical of 2- and 6-line ferrihydrite with no other phases present (8). Diffractograms were collected using Co Kα radiation.

116 In Synthetic Liquids Production and Refining; de Klerk, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Figure 2. Fischer-Tropsch activities exhibited by catalysts investigated.

Figure 3. Observed Fischer-Tropsch activities as a function of calcined precursor surface area.

117 In Synthetic Liquids Production and Refining; de Klerk, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Figure 4. Observed Fischer-Tropsch activities as a function of calcined precursor pore volume.

Figure 5. Relationship between Fischer-Tropsch activities, calcined precursor surface area and calcined precursor iron (hydr)oxide phase.

118 In Synthetic Liquids Production and Refining; de Klerk, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Figure 6. Relationship between Fischer-Tropsch activities, calcined precursor pore volume and calcined precursor iron (hydr)oxide phase. It is evident that the best performing catalysts belong to the 2-line ferrihydrite family. Two-line Ferrihydrite is a poorly crystalline nanoparticle with dimensions ranging from 2 – 6 nm (8–11). The positive relationship between catalyst activity, surface area and pore volume agrees with historical results (2, 5, 12). However, it appears that the importance of the 2-line ferrihydrite phase has not always been appreciated as Fischer-Tropsch literature mainly refers to hematite (α-Fe2O3) (5, 13–18), maghemite (γ-Fe2O3) (19) or magnetite (Fe3O4) (20, 21) as the catalyst precursor. We conclude that high surface area, ferrihydrite precursors give rise to the most active catalysts. In the following sections, we will discuss the prerequisites for preparing high surface area 2-line ferrihydrite. The organic acid preparation will then be discussed in terms of these prerequisites.

Fundamentals of Precipitation A requirement for the formation of small, amorphous precipitates is metastable, highly supersaturated solutions (22–25). The steps involved in the formation of a precipitate are nucleation, crystal growth and ripening. During nucleation, ions or molecules interact to form a critical nucleus which is the smallest entity required for the spontaneous formation of a second phase. The size and size distribution of crystallites are determined in the nucleation process. Nucleation is followed by crystal growth via the continuous deposition of substrate on the nuclei. The process of ripening consolidates small crystallites into larger crystals. Thermodynamically, the process of nucleation consists of two components (22). The free energy of nucleation, ΔGj, is the sum of the free energy of bond formation, ΔGbulk and the free energy of generating the interface between the nuceus and the surrounding solvent, ΔGsurf: 119 In Synthetic Liquids Production and Refining; de Klerk, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

ΔGbulk, the free energy gain due to bond formation, may be expressed as

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with j = number of molecular units forming the nucleus, k = Boltzman’s constant, T = temperature and Λ = saturation ratio, given by

with IAP = ion activity product, Ks = solubility product and η = number of ions in the empirical formula of the precipitate. Equation 2 may also be expressed in terms of the volume of the spherical nucleus:

where r = nucleus radius and V = volume of the molecular units constituting the nucleus. In the formation of the interface between the nucleus and the solvent, work is expended. The free energy of surface formation, ΔGsurf for a spherical nucleus is given by

with γ = size-independent interfacial energy between the nucleus and the surrounding solvent. Substituting (3) and (4) into (1), we obtain

From (5) it is apparent that as the nucleus grows, the first term becomes more negative while the second term becomes more positive. At a critical particle size, ΔG reaches a maximum and then decreases with increasing particle size. The point where dΔG/dr = 0 signifies the critical particle size, r*, where spontaneous crystallization commences. By differentiating (5) with respect to r, an expression for r* is obtained:

The nucleation activation energy ΔG* corresponds to the value of ΔG(r*). The importance of the degree of saturation is evident from (5) and (6). A high degree of saturation is required for small critical nucleus size as well as low nucleation activation energy. Low nucleation activation energy is 120 In Synthetic Liquids Production and Refining; de Klerk, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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a prerequisite for fast nucleation to occur, as is evident from (7), the rate of nucleation:

A is the pre-exponential factor, k is the Boltzman’s constant and T is the temperature. With increasing degree of saturation, ΔG* decreases and J increases exponentially. Crystal growth is responsible for increasing particle size by continued deposition of substrate on the nuclei. Different rate laws for crystal growth have been proposed (23). An empirical law often used is given by V = B(Λ – 1)ζ, where B is a constant, Λ is the degree of saturation and ζ is an adjustable parameter. To minimize crystal growth requires that a large number of nuclei be formed fast (i.e. at high initial Λ), to effect a fast decrease of the solution’s degree of saturation, Λ. From this we can conclude that, in order to prevent the formation of crystalline solids, a high degree of initial saturation is required with the concomitant fast and extensive nucleation. Ferrihydrite is the iron (hydr)oxide exhibiting the highest surface area (8, 26). To prepare ferrihydrite, conditions conducive to the fast precipitation of the ferric (hydr)oxide are required. Hence, solution concentration, temperature and rate of reagent addition have to be optimized and carefully controlled. The Chemistry of the Organic Acid Method The organic acid method consists of (i) the dissolution of metallic iron to form ferrous iron, (ii) the oxidation of ferrous iron to ferric iron, (iii) the hydrolysis of ferric iron to form ferric hydroxyl compounds and (iv) the precipitation and crystallization of ferric (hydr)oxides. The following section explores the underlying chemistry in greater detail. The general case for the dissolution of metallic iron in the presence of a nonoxidizing acid is given in (8).

The aqueous Fe(II) species formed in the dissolution process has to be oxidized to form ferric iron, which, in turn, is required for the formation of ferric (hydr)oxides. The oxidation reaction is given by (9) (27)

The rate of the oxidation reaction is given by (10) (28)

From (10) it is evident that conditions characterized by high [Fe2+], high pH and high oxygen partial pressure will favour the oxidation of Fe(II). 121 In Synthetic Liquids Production and Refining; de Klerk, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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The hydrolysis behavior of ferric iron is complex (8, 27, 29). A general reaction scheme for the hydrolysis of Fe(III) may be written as:

The hydrolysis reaction is fast with first order rate constants estimated to be in the order of 104 – 106 s-1 (30). The formation of iron (hydr)oxide solids take place by using the neutral Fe(OH)3 species as a “growth monomer” that attaches to the already formed polynuclear iron species (31).

The rate of (12) is given by (31, 32)

In Figure 7 an example of a typical pH profile observed during the organic acid method is shown. The dissolution of metallic iron and the subsequent oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III) consumes protons, explaining the increase in pH over the first 7 hours of the experiment. During this time, the solution maintained a grey colour due to the suspended metallic iron particles. After 7 hours a gradual colour change to red-brown occurred, which signified the onset of hydrolysis and precipitate formation. The colour change and intensified between 7 and 8 hours. The sharp increase in pH during this time is indicative of an increase of the rate of proton consuming processes, most likely the oxidation of Fe(II) according to reaction (9). The sharp drop in pH from a maximum at 6 after ca. 8.5 hours is most likely due to the dominance of the hydrolysis process, the loss of protons from the system according to reactions (8) and (9), and the buffering of solution pH by the amphoteric iron (hydr)oxide surface sites. A second aspect to note from the data presented in Figure 7 is the slowness of the reaction. If the peak pH of 6 is taken as indicative of the completion of the reaction, it takes more than 8 hours for the reaction to complete. This is not surprising when we consider the chemistry of the system. 122 In Synthetic Liquids Production and Refining; de Klerk, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Figure 7. Progression of the organic acid prepration of iron (hydr)oxides as monitored by solution pH. From experience it is known that the dissolution process (reaction 8) is by nature significantly slower than the subsequent reactions constituting the organic acid method. This is exacerbated further by causing the dissolution process to be proton limited by the utilization of a sub-stoichiometric (i.e. acid:Fe < 2) amount of acid to initiate dissolution. Because the dissolution process is slow compared to the other reactions, we may anticipate that (a) the rate of Fe(II) oxidation to form Fe(III) will be determined by [Fe2+] (cf equation 10), which will (b) lead to low Fe(III) concentrations so that Fe3+ will become a limiting reagent in the fast Fe(III) hydrolysis process, thus implying low concentrations for Fen(OH)x(3n-x) species, and (c) because of the low concentration of Fen(OH)x(3n-x) species, specifically Fe(OH)3, the rate of precipitate formation will be slow (cf equation 13). The limiting influence that the slow supply of Fe(II) has on the Fe(III) formation kinetics (and hence the eventual precipitation kinetics) is further exacerbated by the low pH throughout the process and the poor solubility of O2 in water (cf equation 10). All of these factors suggest that a condition of low S is prevalent in the reaction vessel. Thus, slow precipitate formation resulting in crystalline material of low surface area and pore volume is to be expected.

Conclusions The Fischer-Tropsch synthesis performance of LT FeFT catalysts prepared according to four different methods was investigated. It was found that preparation method influenced the physical properties of catalyst precursors. The traditional Ruhrchemie approach, and its modifications, yielded high surface area and pore volume catalysts. These catalysts belonged to the ferrihydrite family of iron 123 In Synthetic Liquids Production and Refining; de Klerk, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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(hydr)oxides. The Goethite and Organic Acid methods yielded low surface area, low pore volume crystalline iron (hydr)oxides. Catalyst activity was found to be dependant on catalyst precursor surface area, pore volume and (hydr)oxide phase. Catalysts prepared from 2-line ferrihydrite precursors exhibited higher Fischer-Tropsch activity than those prepared from the more crystalline phases of 6-line ferrihydrite, hematite and hematite/maghemite/ magnetite mixtures. The results suggest that the Organic Acid preparation method proposed by Hu et. al (4) may not be appropriate for the production of LT FeFT catalysts. Investigation of the solution chemistry underlying this method shows that, due to low reaction rates and concomitant low saturation levels in the aqueous phase, it is inherently geared towards producing highly crystalline low surface area and pore volume catalyst precursors.

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