
Oct 26, 2017 - The article reflects on the experiences and efforts undertaken to increase .... Personal contact has been the key to making this work...
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Chapter 10

Increasing Diversity in the Chemical Sciences: Experiences and Lessons Downloaded by UNIV OF FLORIDA on December 11, 2017 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date (Web): October 26, 2017 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2017-1256.ch010

Luis A. Colón* Department of Chemistry, University at Buffalo, State University of New York, 578 Natural Sciences Complex, Buffalo, New York 14260-3000, United States *Email: [email protected]

This article is based on the lecture given at the 251st meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Diego, California. The lecture was part of the symposium entitled “How to Foster Diversity in the Chemical Sciences; Lessons Learned and Taught from the Stories of the Recipients of the Stanley C. Israel Award.” The article reflects on the experiences and efforts undertaken to increase participation of underrepresented students in the chemical sciences during my tenure at the University at Buffalo. Obviously, most of the writings are in retrospect, which has allowed me to take a broader view of where we were when I first started at Buffalo, where we are now, and what I learned in the process.

Introduction In the early 1990s, while at UMASS Lowell finishing my PhD studies, my PhD research advisor, Eugene F. Barry, encouraged me to explore different views about postdoctoral studies and the pursuit of an academic career; he suggested a meeting with one of his dear colleagues: Stanley C. Israel. At the time, Stanley C. Israel took time out of his busy schedule to meet with me, a graduate student outside of his field, and gave me some advice about what a postdoctoral opportunity may bring. I never imagined that 20 years later I would receive an award bearing Israel’s name (i.e., The ACS Stanley C. Israel Regional Award for Promotion of Diversity in Chemical Sciences)! The personal dedication and the one-on-one mentoring approach accompanied with the awareness of the diverse © 2017 American Chemical Society Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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world we live in, resonated with me back then and it has continued to be vibrant during my entire professional career. And the light continues to shine! Gathering a group of individuals who have been awarded the Stanley C. Israel award reflects and recognizes the impact and legacy of Israel to the chemistry community. It was very satisfying to participate in the symposium at the 2016 ACS Spring meeting since I had the opportunity to meet Stanley Israel personally. Sharing my experiences with the audience, which included Stanley’s wife Sonja F. Israel, was indeed very gratifying. The main aspects of my presentation will follow. I must admit, however, that what follows is in retrospect; at the time I was going through what I now see as interventions, came to me naturally and perhaps without a clear understanding of purpose and consequence, which I now fully understand.

Something To Ponder Mentoring, guidance, advice, encouragement, coaching; we each may call it somewhat differently. The truth of the matter is that there is always a human touch to “pass on” experiences from one individual to another, as we encourage growth and development for advancement. At the most basic level, it is a survival/ preservation instinct that may even come naturally. There is a strong desire to make the world that surrounds us a better place to live; one way to do that is by facilitating learning, providing opportunities and guidance, and passing on our experiences to those who will follow our footsteps and/or break new grounds for others. This is a life-long endeavor – Isn’t this what perhaps mentoring is all about?

Awakening I joined the Department of Chemistry at The University at Buffalo (UB) as a new and eager Assistant Professor in the fall of 1993. UB is considered by many the flagship research institution in the State University of New York (SUNY) public system. At the time of my arrival at UB, the Department of Chemistry had 26 faculty members and approximately 125 graduate students. Interestingly, the faculty only had one female and I was the very first Hispanic member of the faculty at the time. In my very first academic year in the UB Department of Chemistry (1993-94), the lack of graduate degrees earned by Hispanics and African Americans was very evident, none! This brings me to a quote by Paul Walter (1998 American Chemical Society President, 1984-86 American Association of University Professors President) (1): “If a proportion of Blacks and Hispanics among chemists doesn’t keep up with the proportion of these groups in the general population, who’s going to do chemistry in the future.” - Paul Walters That experience in the first year as a faculty member in a major research and PhD-granting institution was revealing; it was a very clear indication, at least from 116 Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

my own backyard perspective, that the earning of advanced degrees in chemistry did not mirror the diversity of the country’s population. More importantly, it made me realize that something had to be done, even though I may have not noticed it at that very instant. Early in my career, then, I became interested in activities that increased participation and opportunity for underrepresented groups as a way to increase diversity in my own chemistry graduate program. Ultimately, this has contributed to a larger picture: diversity in the science and engineering workforce in the United States.

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Attracting Students to Graduate School in Chemistry In many instances, mentoring during the crucial formative years of a student can be key for success; it can become essential to develop a diverse workforce. For many reasons, this is significantly important for a great number of students from underrepresented groups, who may be prone to encounter numerous challenges (2–5). Therefore, by encouraging students of underrepresented backgrounds, providing opportunity for research and advancement with a commensurate mentoring mechanism can provide a powerful means to attract and increase broader representation in the chemical sciences. One may ask: where and how to start? Perhaps one of the first reactions to these questions is to create awareness; this goes in two directions. In my own experience, I felt that one must create awareness on the established academic environment, as well as on the student population of underrepresented backgrounds. The first one concerns the environment and culture of our own institutions and the academic field of chemistry, while the second concerns reaching out to the intended groups. Departments and/or institutions may have a culture that makes it difficult to initiate new efforts, regardless of the initiative. Even very little changes can be met with skepticism and apprehension. One needs to convince colleagues about the existence of the prevailing situation, that it is not satisfactory, and that it comes to reason that something must be done about it. If colleagues do not join an effort, at least convincing them not to interfere negatively is advancement! Confronting the status quo by individuals in their initial stages of their academic careers is very challenging since the pressures associated with developing a strong research program are prevalent and can be overpowering for a faculty member seeking tenure. Junior faculty must act judiciously in this regard. Despite such, however, there are actions one can take, gaging the degree of engagement accordingly. To my mind, undertakings that brought graduate students to our program are related and in accordance to the scholarly activities expected of a junior faculty; therefore, I was committed. Recruiting During the process of recruiting students into the chemical sciences, one learns very quickly that it is important to establish personal connections and nurture relationships; this is of paramount importance when reaching out to undergraduate institutions that may feed into a graduate program. One can 117 Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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connect to undergraduate students and their institutions by many ways; initially one can offer education regarding graduate school. It is here where awareness on the lack of representation/diversity in the workforce can be initially addressed as well as the opportunities a graduate degree can bring and how to get there. Even today, one may find students who do not know they have the opportunity to get teaching or research assistantships to go to graduate school, without incurring into debt for their education. One can also offer seminars, not just about research but also including other aspects associated with graduate school, such as what kind of jobs are out there for a chemistry PhD graduate, how to approach applying for graduate school in chemistry, and how was graduate school for me; in my particular case since I am a member of a traditionally underrepresented group (i.e., Hispanic). Students identify with the experiences others have had, especially if from similar backgrounds. Among all and from my perspective, however, the most effective approach to get students to think about embracing a graduate degree is to engage them in research. One way to do this is by providing opportunities for a summer research experience that exposes the students to the activities of a graduate program in a major research institution. To recruit students of diverse backgrounds, one must go to where minority students are located and show understanding of their background, provide guidance, and assurance of their potential for success. Initiated in the last few years of the 1990s, an excellent relationship has grown between a small, predominantly Hispanic, liberal art college in the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) System, UPR-Cayey and the UB Department of Chemistry. Identifying and working with a colleague at UPR-Cayey, who is also committed to the advancement of students at the graduate level, has been a tremendous support in attracting Hispanic students to the UB Chemistry Department. It started by facilitating summer research experiences to undergraduates to provide nurturing and mentoring within a strong academic/research environment so students could then experience new ways to grow and advance beyond the undergraduate level. It is always envisioned that the experience would provide a natural and smooth transition into a graduate program that prepared them to be part of the nation’s workforce (academic or industrial). In my experience, the Hispanic culture promotes the family as the primary institution with very close connections. Although it appears it is changing now, a great number of Hispanic students were strongly encouraged to stay close to family instead of pursuing education and career opportunities away from the family comfort; I personally faced it at the time I was considering graduate education. Providing reassurance and facilitating opportunities to undergraduates for a summer outside of their “comfort zone” was the first step to encourage them to fully exploit their potential and search for the opportunities available to them beyond the undergraduate degree. Without these, the students may have opted to follow other career paths. The initial efforts on recruiting students for summer research experiences were centered on research work in my laboratory. After succeeding, colleagues at UB joined in recruiting for the initiative; they eventually took students into their own labs during the summer, and in this manner, the program has become a facultydriven effort. This has been important in creating continuity and validating for the sense of commitment between UB and UPR-Cayey. Today, the alliance established 118 Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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between the two institutions can be seen as strategic, creating a favorable climate to enhance student’s education, research experience, and initial exposure/transition to a graduate program. Personal contact has been the key to making this work. I have experienced how the culture highly values close-knit family structures, which may discourage the pursuit of careers away from home; therefore, repeated personal contact is reassuring. Systematically, every year a member of the UB-Chemistry faculty goes to UPR-Cayey to select at least two students to come to UB for the summer research experience. In many instances, I am requested to go as they see me as a Hispanic role model for their students. This approach has brought students to UB Chemistry steadily for the past 15 years. Other departments at the university have learned about this approach and have also started to recruit students at UPRCayey. I personally have lead the coordination and implementation of this strategic initiative, and selected many of the students through the years. After reaching out and selecting the students, it is important to provide encouragement and advice prior to and during their visit to UB. While the students are at UB, they are provided with information on how the graduate education system works and particularly our chemistry graduate program. In addition, we coordinate other enriching activities with other summer programs (e.g., LSAMP, REU). Funding of these activities is always a concern. Initially, funding for the research experience came from my own research funds. My contact was able to provide funds to support traveling arrangements for students and my research funds provided the means for research expenditures and a stipend for the students. I have to admit that at the very beginning I used personal funds to visit the school and establish contacts. Now, my contacts at the home institution has found some financial support to assist with the traveling of the UB Professor to Cayey to deliver a seminar and select the students for the summer. Because our success, the UB Department of Chemistry is also committed and provides funds as needed to assist in the recruiting of students because it is proven that this is an effective recruiting tool for our graduate program. Because of these efforts, our department has been able to attract funding from the NSF-REU program and reach out to a broader student population. Further, other initiatives on campus (i.e., LSAMP) have provided funds to support students during the summer. However, the original program established goes on regardless of the NSF funding. The faculty-driven support and departmental commitments continue, so that each year a UB faculty member visits the home institution and selects students for a summer research experience at UB. A logical progression of a student who has been influenced by the summer research experience is to apply for graduate school. Many of the students participating in an undergraduate research experience have come to our chemistry program. Importantly, because of the very positive experience students have had in the summer experience, they have promoted and advocated for our graduate program once they returned to their institution. This encourages other students to also apply, increasing the number of underrepresented students applying to our graduate program. Further, other institutions and underrepresented students, not just Hispanics, have learned of the positive environment at UB and they get encouraged to apply to the program. 119 Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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Figure 1. Message sent via e-mail by a successful Hispanic UB Chemistry Graduate. Roadblocks Graduate programs have certain requirements for admission and most likely they use traditional metrics that measure cognitive variables (e.g., GRE test). It is important to recognize that traditional admission tests may not be reliable indicators of performance and success of students from underrepresented groups (6, 7). Many students may have also had limited educational opportunities (8), with obstacles such as a low socioeconomic status, high poverty rates, unfavorable urban demographic realities, and lack of resources for educational costs; these may translate into little exposure to graduate possibilities. These issues can pose an initial challenge when trying to bring underrepresented students into a graduate program in chemistry. Although it may be clear to some, it is hard to convince individuals in traditional admission committees to realize that traditional measures may not be a good predictor of success. The use of standardized approaches can obviate that one can work hard and learn, which provides for developing independent thinking and excellent judgment, but we must have the opportunity to develop. A quote by Albert Einstein is perhaps appropriate (9): “The development of general ability for independent thinking and judgment should always be placed foremost.” - Albert Einstein In general, students have unique combinations of abilities, natural interests and strength, as well as challenges but these can be overcome given the opportunity. Admission decisions should not focus on the judging of a student on one particular metric (e.g., GREs). Instead, emphasis can be placed on aspects that can reflect a better assessment of student’s potential; student’s research experience and efficacy can be given more weight during the evaluation process for admission. One can also learn more about a student’s potential from a reference letter, particularly if the letter comes from the student’s undergraduate institution with which a relationship has been developed. Initially, convincing an 120 Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

admission committee can be hard, but once the opportunity is provided I have seen how students come and flourish! After seeing the positive results, faculty start to realize all the uncovered potential. We have seen excellent performance of Latinos and other underrepresented minorities in our program despite their relatively lower scores in standardized tests, confirming literature reports (6, 7). In Figure 1, I share an email received a few years ago from one of our PhD graduates who is now a member of the faculty in the Department of Chemistry at Chicago State University.

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The Wall and the Clock Attracting two or more students from the same institution to the graduate program is beneficial–they would have things in common and may share many of the same concerns; the sense of some familiarity makes them feel they are not alone! With time, a community builds and students support each other, the more senior students become mentors for the new arrivals! Guidance from a familiar faculty member provides assurance of their decision to pursue an advance degree. Students join different research groups depending on their interest. Each group has its own culture/environment somewhat dictated by the research advisor. Research advisors have a profound influence on the training of a graduate student, not just on the scientific aspect but also on the attitude towards so many other facets. I have found it very helpful to engage with students in many aspects beyond research during their graduate career. Having an open-door policy and a one-on-one approach has helped to establish a strong connection/relationship with students in my own research group and with others also. This has helped to minimize student-perceived hurdles, providing a more fruitful experience overall – not just academically. I have noticed that students from underrepresented groups appreciate this tremendously. Within the culture of my own research group, there are traditions such as summer picnics, birthday gatherings, celebration of individual accomplishments (e.g., passing oral examinations) and others. These aid students develop a sense of belonging and camaraderie. From all, we have one particular tradition that as I reflect on it, I see how symbolic it is and how much sense of accomplishment it can bring to students: The Wall and the Clock. After a thesis defense by a student, it follows that the student signs his/her name on a designated wall in our laboratory. After the signing “ceremony,” the student is given a decorative clock as a gift. The signing on the wall symbolizes they have left a mark on research during their graduate career journey. Students look forward to leave that “footprint” and join the other fellows who have gone through the same rigor; it also indicates the end of one phase in their pursuits. During difficult times, they come to the lab, see those names on the wall and get encouraged because they want to see their names there also. The clock symbolizes a new time (i.e., phase) in their careers is about to start. They move forward in time to reach other goals and accomplishments. The clock has been engraved with the student’s name. It brings a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when they see for the first time the title of Dr. preceding their engraved name. 121 Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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Some Numbers As of 2016, about 50 undergraduate students have come to UB from UPRCayey to have a summer research experience; two or three come to the Department of Chemistry every year. It is important to note that not just some of these students have come to the UB Chemistry graduate program, but that other students from the same institution have joined our program as well. In the past 15 years, over 15 PhDs and a about a dozen MA degrees in Chemistry have been earned by Hispanics students alone. Moreover, we have built a reputation of providing a very friendly environment for underrepresented students in general to succeed in our graduate program. The bar graph shown in Figure 2 depicts graduate degrees granted (PhDs and Masters) in the Department of Chemistry at UB since 1994 until 2015. It illustrates the number of degrees granted to Native Americans, Hispanics, and African-Americans; the numbers for females and males are also included. Two bars are associated with each group. The light-blue bar refers to the degrees granted in a block of five years (1994 to 1998). The dark-red bar shows the number of degrees granted from 1999 to 2015, about three 5-year blocks all together. During the 1994-1998 five-year period a total of 146 graduate chemistry degrees were granted. Of these, the percentage of graduate degrees earned by Hispanics, African American, and Native Americans in this 5-year period was about 1% for all three groups combined.

Figure 2. Graduate degrees (PhDs and Masters) in Chemistry granted by University at Buffalo since 1994. Data from the UB-Chemistry Graduate Studies Office. During the next 16 years (1999-2015), about 156 degrees were conferred every five years and of these, on average, about seven (4.6%) were earned by African Americans and eight (~5.2%) by Hispanics every five years. It is noted that any recruiting/mentoring efforts orchestrated with the purpose of attracting underrepresented students to our program did not start until 1996-1997. Any influence of such efforts should have not affected outcomes on degrees granted 122 Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

until 1999 (for Masters) or later. These may not be staggering numbers, by some just “a drop in the bucket”; yet, considering that the degrees granted in the 1994-1998 five-year period were only 1% for all underrepresented minority groups combined, we view these numbers as a notable improvement. We do realize that yes, there is much more to be accomplished. However, one step at the time, no matter how small, does bring progress and we feel we are moving forward, considering where we started.

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Final Remarks Reflecting on my own path, I recognize and appreciate the mentoring I received during my formative years as a scientist. I was shaped, in one way or another, by my experiences as a graduate student and postdoctoral associate. I was driven by my interest in the chemistry area and was not deterred by the various challenges and struggles that many individuals from underrepresented groups may face. However, I do recognize that recruiting and retention of students from underrepresented groups can be improved through a concerted mentoring effort. Advisor and mentor are not synonyms. A person committed to mentoring provides support, encouragement, and guidance to students beyond academic and scientific advice, facilitating learning and professional development. A mentor helps building a trusted relationship that goes both ways to share experiences, skills, knowledge, and facilitates exchange of information from one individual to another. At the same time, a mentor must maintain a sense of balance, steer mentees in the right direction and confront them to take responsibilities for their actions. “Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” John C. Crosby (American Politician 1859-1943) Creating a welcoming, inclusive, engaging, and responsible environment built on camaraderie has been key to stimulate the personal and intellectual growth of students, who become confident, inquisitive and competitive individuals in their field of study. Everyone brings something to the table and having different backgrounds leads to approaching problems with a diverse perspective enabling a team effort to solve such problems more effectively. Students learn from a positive, constructive environment and as they pursue their individual career goals (e.g., a tenure-track position, professional advancement, etc.), they will move into positions where they can also become influential in the development of others – they become mentors, increasing the pool needed for directing underrepresented minority individuals through training and advancement. Mentoring is a life-long endeavor that continues to provide reassurance and guidance beyond graduate school as individuals move to academic or other professional careers. As they cope with the new challenges of a professional life, they will seek and welcome encouragement and a few words of wisdom. And we still continue to ponder! 123 Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

Acknowledgments I want to thank all the students who have worked in my research group, from whom I have learned enormously. I also acknowledge the financial support by the USA National Science Foundation (NSF) that has facilitated the research in my laboratory by so many talented students (most recently through award CHE 1508105). Any opinion, findings, and conclusion or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.

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124 Nelson and Cheng; Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.