Boiling Water Reactor Profile - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

May 18, 2012 - Boiling Water Reactor Profile. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1957, 49 (5), pp 32A–34A. DOI: 10.1021/i650569a724. Publication Date: May 1957. Copy...
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Industrial use of ozone isn't new. O v e r 50 years ago a n ozone water treating plant was set u p in Nice, France. Even so, today there a r e only a half-dozen commercial a p ­ plications in this country. But for the future, it seems certain that t h e u n i q u e properties of ozone together with cost-cutting new developments will make ozonation just as well known as oxidation. L.J.W.


Boiling Water Reactor Profile

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In a nuclear power generating plant, the reac­ tor serves the same purpose as the boiler in a standard steam power station. Argonne's boiling water re­ actor is now drawing the attention of everyone inter­ ested in just what makes up a nuclear power reactor


Ε Argonne experimental boiling water reactor (EBWR)—first of five reactor projects in A E C ' s civilian power reactor development pro­ g r a m is the first reactor on which all the details are known. I n a nutshell, nuclear energy liberated by a chain reaction heats u r a n i u m metal fuel plates. H e a t is transferred to water t h a t comes in contact with the fuel plates, the water is converted to steam, a n d the steam is used for generating electric­ ity. E B W R generates 5000 kw. of electricity a n d 20,000 kw. of heat. Reactor fuel is a mixture of n a t u r a l a n d slightly enriched u r a n i u m . Light water serves as a moderator a n d coolant. W i t h some variations, a n u m b e r of commercial reactors now being planned will probably look a lot like E B W R . T h e reactor proper is con­ tained in a pressure vessel 7 feet in diameter a n d 23 feet high with 2 3 /s-inch thick steel walls. Inner surfaces in contact with the reactor water or steam a r e stainless steel clad. T h e vessel wall is protected from excessive heat generation by a

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boron-stainless steel thermal shield. Inside this pressure vessel, a core 4 feet in diameter consists of fuel assemblies a n d control rods fitted into a support a n d shroud structure. Core diameter can be increased from 4 to 5 feet a n d fuel elements of dif­ ferent dimensions are provided to change the water-to-uranium ratio in t h e core. T w o enrichments of u r a n i u m , 0.7 a n d 1.4% U 236 , are available to permit the critical size and power distribution pattern of the core to be varied. U p to 148 fuel assemblies—77 5 / 8 inches long by 3 s /4 inches square—can be held within a 5-foot diameter. Cur­ rently, because of the 4-foot core, only 114 assemblies a r e used. Of these, 106 contain enriched u r a n i u m a n d 8 contain normal u r a n i u m . A total of 6.1 tons of u r a n i u m averag­ ing 1.4% U 2 3 5 is now being used. D u m m y assemblies fill out the core. Space between the core a n d the ves­ sel wall is downcomer space for circulating water. Components in the core's active region are m a d e of Zircaloy-2, a metal which does not absorb neu­ trons readily a n d has good corrosion resistance. Outside of the active region stainless steel is used. Fuel plates are uranium-zirco­ nium-niobium alloy sheets, m a n u ­ factured in two thicknesses as well as in two enrichments. T h e u r a n i u m alloy is clad with Zircaloy-2 sheet. T h e six fuel plates are arranged parallel to one another with water channel space between adjacent plates. T h e side plates are also m a d e of Zircaloy sheets, a n d d u m m y fuel assemblies are m a d e of a l u m i n u m nickel alloy sheets t h a t have shown promising corrosion resistance in laboratory tests. T h e y are used in­ stead of zirconium because of lower cost. Should corrosion become ex­ cessive, the dummies can be replaced. T o control t h e rate of change of the nuclear chain reaction, nine control rods are used in the reactor. M a d e of neutron-absorbing metals, the rods, when inserted into the active region of the core, act as a d a m p e r on the reaction. T h e rods can pre­ vent a chain reaction from occurring or stop one that is already in prog­ ress. Pushing the rods u p a n d out of the active region starts the chain reaction a n d raises the power level to the desired point.




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Control rods a r e of two types. Hafnium is the absorbing material in five of the rods, which a r e located in t h e central or most effective positions. T h e other four rods a r e m a d e from stainless steel containing 2 % boron. Rods are inserted into t h e reactor by springs, gravity, a n d pressure within t h e reactor vessel. T h e springs serve to get the rods into motion quickly, a n d develop about 1000 pounds of force. T h e springs are effective for a b o u t 4 inches. An external dash pot decelerates t h e rod in t h e last 5 inches of travel. For normal operation, drive power for the rods is furnished by a 1 /3-hp. electric gear motor. T h e unit is a reciprocating shaft type with all operating parts outside t h e reactor vessel. Connection to t h e control rod is m a d e with a chrome-plated extension rod passing through a pressure breakdown—controlled leakage seal. All moving parts c a n be o b served, serviced, a n d replaced without draining t h e reactor. Should the control rods fail, a saturated boric acid solution is injected a t high pressure. E B W R is effectively shielded a n d insulated n o t only by the water a n d vessel walls, b u t the vessel itself is surrounded by 3 inches of stainless steel wool, 3 inches of air space, a n d a steel cylindrical tank which serves as a n inner shielding. T h e tank is equipped with cooling coils o n its outer side, covered with lead brick a n d with a plaster containing ferroboron. R e m a i n d e r of the space between plaster and wall of shell is filled with magnetite concrete with steel punchings, magnetite concrete alone, •or Brcdinary concrete, depending upon the radiation intensity at the point concerned. Argonne developed t h e design of E B W R , designed a n d fabricated the nuclear core, a n d acted as technical supervisor. Sargent and L u n d y were architect-engineers for the plant, a n d S u m n e r Sollitt was general contractor. Graver T a n k built t h e cont a i n m e n t shell which houses t h e r e actor a n d power units, a n d power equipment (turbine, generator, etc.) is by Allis-Chalmers. T h e reactor pressure vessel was m a d e by Babcock a n d Wilcox, while control panels a n d instruments were supplied a n d installed b y Leeds & N o r t h r u p .