Book Review of Bad Chemistry - ACS Publications - American

Feb 9, 2011 - overseas, have just learned that you are the father of the child that the young colleague was expecting? ... evaporator, the smell of et...
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Chemical Education Today edited by

Cheryl Baldwin Frech University of Central Oklahoma Edmond, OK 73034-5209

Bad Chemistry by Nora Kelly Poisoned Pen Press: Scottsdale, AZ, 2000. 252 pp. ISBN: 9781890208349. $14.95 (trade paperback). [Originally published in Great Britain by HarperCollins Publishers: 1994.] reviewed by Arthur M. Last

What might cause you, as a university faculty member, to murder a junior female colleague? Could it be that she has been successful in obtaining a major grant to pursue research in a field that you consider to be your own? Perhaps because she was responsible for a flood that resulted in damage to your office? Or maybe because you, a married male professor visiting from overseas, have just learned that you are the father of the child that the young colleague was expecting? These are some of the possibilities that arise in the 1994 novel, Bad Chemistry, by Nora Kelly. The murder victim, Wendy Fowler, was the only female chemist in the Chemistry Department at Cambridge University and was not particularly well liked by some of her male colleagues. But is it likely that any of these colleagues, described by one of the department's own members as “a lot of rather dull men beavering away for modest salaries” would be moved to murder the young woman and leave her body on the floor of the department's coldroom? Readers of this novel are expected to answer “yes” to this question, although it is of course possible that someone from outside the university community was responsible for the crime. For example, when not working on her research, Wendy had been volunteering with the local pregnancy information service (PIS), an organization whose goals did not meet with the total approval of the general public. This, then, is the problem facing the Cambridge police, ably assisted by Scotland Yard's Detective Chief Inspector Edward Gisborne and his girlfriend, historian Gillian Adams. The latter, the principal character in this and other of the author's novels, is on sabbatical leave from the fictional University of the Pacific North-West, supposedly located in Vancouver, Canada. Having been in Cambridge previously, Gillian's long-established friendship with Bee Hamilton, a member of the PIS with which Wendy was involved, provides a convenient link between the crime, Gillian, and the official investigators. Amateur sleuths will have little difficulty in predicting the identity of the murderer as the investigation unfolds. While many readers may consider the plot rather thin, chemists and chemistry students might find some redeeming features in the academic setting, the numerous references to chemistry, and the descriptions of everyday life in a university chemistry department. Thus, whereas the mention of a quartet in an NMR spectrum may have little or no significance to the general reader, its relevance would not be missed by a chemist, particularly in the context of a subplot involving ethyl peroxide. Some, like myself, might wonder about the choice of (E)-2,4-dimethylpent-3-yl r 2011 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.


but-2-enoate as the compound that is found on the floor of the coldroom in which the victim's body was found. Almost anyone who has studied or worked in a university chemistry department will be able to relate to the descriptions of the dayto-day minutiae of life in such departments: the use of a rotary evaporator, the smell of ether in an organic lab, the sight of a glassblower at work, a person marking papers while a laboratory class was in progress, or the presence of dedicated researchers in their laboratories late at night or on a Sunday afternoon. In writing this novel, Kelly draws attention to the problems and prejudices facing women in academia, not only by describing the attitudes of Wendy's male colleagues, but also through the predicament of Gillian's friend, Bee Hamilton, who is unable to obtain a permanent university position and who survives as a “non-university teaching officer”. Although this reviewer is unaware of the author having been involved in any real-life murder investigations, her personal background has been used to provide some verisimilitude to the novel. Like her principal character, Kelly is a historian. She has a Ph.D. in history from Simon Fraser University, located in the greater Vancouver area, which presumably accounts for the chosen location of Gillian Adams's fictional academic home. She has also studied at Cambridge University and is described in some rather dated publicity material as living in Vancouver and Cambridge (1). Her knowledge of Cambridge and its university has been put to good use in both this and an earlier novel, In the Shadow of King's, where King's refers to King's College, part of Cambridge University (2). Readers who have had the opportunity to spend time in Cambridge will recognize many of the streets and buildings referred to throughout Bad Chemistry and, for example, may be able to visualize the location of Wendy's flat (i.e., apartment), near King's College. If you only have the time to read one novel a year, this should not be the one. For a chemical educator, however, its setting in an academic chemistry department might make a second-hand copy an enjoyable diversion on a long-haul flight, a rainy afternoon in the middle of summer or, dare I say it, during a boring faculty meeting. Literature Cited 1. ABC Bookworld Web Page for Nora Kelly. (accessed Jan 2011). 2. Kelly, N. In the Shadow of King's; Poisoned Pen Press: Scottsdale, AZ, 1999. (Originally published in Great Britain by HarperCollins Publishers: 1986.)

Arthur M. Last teaches chemistry at the University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M8, Canada; arthur.last@ DOI: 10.1021/ed2000318 Published on Web 02/09/2011


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Journal of Chemical Education


Chemical Education Today

discussion on the overarching implications of genetic modification to further human knowledge and survival.

DNA Technology by David E. Newton

Kristin B. Cederquist is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3M2, Canada; [email protected].

ABC-CLIO, LLC: Santa Barbara, CA, 2010. 311 pp. ISBN: 918-1-59884-328-6. $65.00 (hardcover).

DOI: 10.1021/ed200051a Published on Web 02/03/2011

reviewed by Kristin B. Cederquist

Scientific special topics publications are frequently at opposing ends of the spectrum: technical to the point so as to be useful to a limited audience, or general enough such that the scientific background is oversimplified. In this book, David Newton provides a highly integrated look at modern DNA technology and strikes a critical balance between technical knowledge and broader applications and implications of this important and fast-growing field. Background information on DNA, such as structure and functionality, is presented, but not overstated. Simplified structures are given for the layperson. RNA and amino acids, along with the processes of transcription and translation, are briefly mentioned. Thus, the scope of DNA technology is nicely put into context, and readers are introduced to basic concepts before applications are explored. The technologies discussed are divided into the categories of forensic science, genetically modified organisms, “pharming” (combining pharmaceuticals with genetic engineering), genetic testing, gene therapy, and cloning, and these categories are consistent throughout the book. The book's greatest asset is its discourse on the societal, socioeconomic, and ethical perspectives and implications of DNA technology. These are discussed with respect to a number of different areas, such as reproductive and therapeutic cloning, and genetically modified organisms for food and therapeutic production. U.S. and international policies are given special regard in light of these technologies. The information is up-todate and applicable for this point in time. Because of the fastpaced nature of this field, however, it is fathomable that the laws and regulations regarding these technologies, some of which have not yet been established, will be subject to major changes in the near future. Nevertheless, current situations and opinions are well covered, with specific and relevant examples given throughout. Chapters 6 and 7 expand on the information given via exhibition of current regulations and national and international organizations that focus on DNA technology ethics and research. A historical perspective is given in Chapters 4 and 5, which feature a chronological DNA timeline and brief biographical sketches of important persons in biotechnology history, respectively. These, along with further resources given in Chapter 8, serve as appendices for further reading, should readers desire more information on a specific aspect of the DNA technology discussed. Though policies and laws might change, the historical information is immutable and provides a nice depth and perspective into the possible directions that DNA technology could take. Overall, the text is appropriate for those with a wide range of interest on the topic, from the scientifically curious layperson to researchers. General interest readers will be brought up-to-date on current technological trends, and gaps will be filled in the expert's knowledge regarding other areas of DNA technology. All readers can benefit from the interdisciplinary and integrated 384

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 , Kopp, and the Scientific Image and Reality: Kekule Imagination by Alan J. Rocke University of Chicago Press: Chicago, IL, 2010. 401 pp. ISBN: 9780226723327. $45 (cloth). reviewed by Buntrock Robert E.

Many of us chemists have friends or relatives who are college educated and intelligent, but who are also chemically unaware. “I took chemistry in college but just didn't get it”, and, “I couldn't get the concept of atoms” are all too common complaints. Unfortunately, this lack of atomic cognition prevented them from enjoying the wonders of chemistry that can be appreciated without a detailed knowledge of atomic theory. As an organic chemist, I have seemingly always been able to visualize many things and concepts and the structural aspects of chemistry have come easier than the mathematical. However, some of my friends specializing in physical chemistry find it easier to think mathematically rather than visually. C'est la vie. Chapter 1 in Image and Reality, “Ether/Or”, provides background on the dawn of chemical science, focusing on the evolution of the structure determination of ethers. Chemists in the early 19th century started to conceptualize atoms and molecules, but the field was revolutionized in the mid-19th century by a group of literal visionaries, including Alexander Williamson, Thomas Graham, August Kekule, and Jacobus van't Hoff. The pioneers in the field (including Hermann Kolbe) regarded any atomic or molecular representations as symbolic only and resisted representations as having abstract characteristics such as chemical structure. However, the nascent field of chemical representation and structure gained acceptance through evolving veracity and utility. Many of these chemistry visionaries were aware of developments in physics that probably helped chemists precede physicists in visual concepts for atomic and molecular structure. Chapter 2, “The Architect of Molecules”, continues the saga, describing the contributions of the chemists listed above, plus Auguste Laurent, William Odling, Hermann Kopp, Adolphe Wurtz, and especially Kekule. For a number of reasons, Kekule is the “star” of this book. His (in)famous dreams inspiring representations of bonding of carbon atoms, especially in resolving the puzzle of ring and aromatic ring structure, are part of the lore of chemistry. Actually, Kekule termed these visualizations “reveries” and he was working extensively on more general topics including valency and bonding in general. Critics of the “dreams” have long scoffed at their veracity; nonetheless, Rocke and others have demonstrated that they are indeed true.


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Chemical Education Today

Subsequent chapters (“The Heuristics of Molecular Representation”; “Molecules as Metaphors”; “Aromatic Apparitions”) describe the further evolution of chemical structure theory and representation with even more contributors, including van't Hoff. Chapter 9, “Kopp's World”, describes this chemist-historian's whimsical and metaphorical publication, “Aus der Molecular-Welt” followed by portions of “Berichte der Durstigen [thirsty] Chemischen Gesellschaft”. Chapter 10 reports on Kekule's presentation of his “dreams” and the resulting furor, while Chapter 11 more broadly discusses mental images and science, plus images in history. Several illustrations, mostly of original, historical molecular drawings and models, are scattered throughout the text. As a chemical information specialist for decades, this reviewer has come to realize what makes chemical information distinct from information on other subjects. In addition to the textual and numerical characteristics and content of other forms of information, chemical information is unique on at least two counts: chemical structure and chemical reactions. The associated graphic and vector aspects of these topics meant that databases capable of storage and retrieval of these concepts lagged behind the progress in the database industry for more general subjects. Fortunately, these aspects of cheminformatics are now well developed. This book is timely in that several articles and books on imagination, imagery, visualization, dreaming, and daydreaming have appeared in the popular press, and the psychological literature now describes extensive research in the area. In the opinion of this reviewer, all of these concepts are on a continuum and Kekule's dream could have been a daydream with no effect on its veracity. Both research and personal experiences demonstrate the value and contribution of these kinds of abstract thought to the creative process in many disciplines. We;chemists, educators, students;owe so much to the visionaries, who a century and a half ago, sowed the seeds of revolutionary concepts to make the wonderful science of chemistry more understandable and communicable. From scribbled notes to chalkboard drawings to computer graphics, we all would have difficulty functioning without the foundations they provided. This book is highly recommended for students, chemists, science historians, and even the interested lay public. Robert Buntrock is a ( semi)retired chemist living in Orono, ME; [email protected]. DOI: 10.1021/ed2000268 Published on Web 02/03/2011

Misconceptions in Chemistry: Addressing Perceptions in Chemical Education by Hans-Dieter Barke, Al Hazari, and Sileshi Yitbarek Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Germany, 2009. 294 pp. ISBN: 978-3540709886. $109 (hardcover). reviewed by Ren ee S. Cole

Misconceptions in Chemistry: Addressing Perceptions in Chemical Education is the translation and expansion of the 2006 book published in German. Designed as a resource to improve r 2011 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.


chemistry instruction, the book describes examples of student misconceptions and then suggests teaching and learning strategies to address or prevent the development of the misconceptions. The presentation is not intended to be an exhaustive review of the misconceptions literature; rather, the text focuses on six basic concepts of chemistry. Eight chapters in the book relate to specific areas of misconceptions, each of which begins with a concept cartoon that can be used to assess student conceptions on the topic. The teaching suggestions also include descriptions of “experiments”, which are primarily demonstrations that are intended to address or prevent the misconceptions identified in the chapter. Each chapter concludes with a list of references and articles for further reading, although these citations have a number of errors. The introduction and first two chapters provide an overview and rationale for the book. Chapter 1 presents a series of vignettes that describe how scientific ideas have progressed. The intention is to draw parallels between the beliefs of current students and those of many ancient scientists. This section stands alone and is not tied to the misconceptions. An idea resonating in Chapter 2 conceives of teachers as learning doctors who can “diagnose” and “treat” individual misconceptions. The authors distinguish between preconceptions based on experience and misconceptions introduced through instruction. They review common preconceptions and describe ways these preconceptions can be addressed through instruction. A few school-made misconceptions are summarized to illustrate how this type of misconception comes about. The authors also discuss how scientific language and symbolism can be barriers to student understanding. Each of the final eight chapters is devoted to a particular chemistry concept. Chapter 3 focuses on substances and properties, such as conservation of mass. Some areas of preconceptions, for example, animistic modes of speech and concepts of transformation, are outlined. Each area is described with examples and then teaching and learning suggestions are proposed. Chapter 4 focuses on the particle concept of matter. A diagnostic test for student understanding of matter is introduced, which could be useful for instructors. Unfortunately, many of the “experiments” introduced in this chapter seem likely to cause misconceptions or have very limited relationships to the misconception they are intended to address. Chapter 5 addresses structure-property relationships. The text offers good discussions of the structure and properties of metals and ionic bonding, but nothing on covalent bonding. Some of the models for salt structures presented in this chapter would work well to address the ideas in Chapter 4. Chapter 6 focuses on chemical equilibrium, presenting the material in a way that deviates from the pattern of earlier chapters. An overview is provided of several studies and one project is presented in detail, including a question-by-question analysis of the instrument used in the study. The teaching and learning suggestions focus on reactions and place more emphasis on demonstrations than on how to approach explanations. These demonstrations are repeated again in the “experiments” section. While some good ideas are provided, a lack of enough detail for novice teachers hinders their usefulness. Much of this chapter seems out of place for the intentions of the book. Chapter 7 addresses acid-base reactions. This chapter has good discussions and ideas, including a mixture of demonstrations and experiments, although some need additional explanation or


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Journal of Chemical Education


Chemical Education Today

have language or translation problems. Chapter 8, which addresses redox reactions, is another chapter that is uneven. The material is presented using a different notation for oxidation numbers than is typical in the U.S., although the content of this chapter highlights misconceptions that are reinforced in many homework problems in general chemistry texts. This chapter focuses on the authors' own research rather than summarizing the literature, so it does not provide as broad an overview as many of the other chapters. The explanations presented for potential differences could easily be a source for more misconceptions, but there is a good discussion on how to teach students to distinguish ionic and covalent oxidation-reduction processes. Students could perform some of the experiments described in this chapter. Chapter 9 addresses complex reactions, and again, the focus is on the authors' own research. However, the text provides a good presentation of misconceptions, one of which clarified my own understanding of solid hydrates. The “experiments” mostly focus on color changes. The last chapter focuses on energy. The emphasis is for instructors to focus on energy transformations rather than on consumption. This is consistent with teaching suggestions to demonstrate that energy is not a substance with mass, although some of their mechanistic descriptions could cause additional misconceptions. Misconceptions in Chemistry is a reasonable addition to a library collection for those who teach chemistry or who teach chemistry teachers. There are some great nuggets and ideas in this book, although it falls short of the resource it could be. Renee S. Cole teaches chemistry at the University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO 64093; [email protected]. DOI: 10.1021/ed200035e Published on Web 02/14/2011


Journal of Chemical Education


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