BOOK SALE - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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"ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY SERIES59 Choose any three ox more of these 33 titles of books from symposia from ACS and other meetings and pay only 1/3 of list price! Until July 31st No. 10 Literature Resources for Chemical Process Industries 582 pages, paperbound (1954)


No. 42 Boron-Nitrogen Chemistry 330 pages, clothbound (1964)

$9.00 $3.00

No. 59 Lignin Structure and Reactions 267 pages, clothbound (1966)

No. 64 Regenerative EMF Cells 309 pages, clothbound (1967)




U S t

S a l e







438 pages, clothbound (1968)



























No. 77 Oxidation of Organic Compounds-Ill $10.00 $3.33

310 pages, clothbound (1968)

No. 79 Adsorption From Aqueous Solution $7.50 $2.50

212 pages, clothbound (1968)

No. 81 Radiation Chemistry-I $10.50 $3.50

616 pages, clothbound (1968)

No. 82 Radiation Chemistry-I I $8.00 $2.67

558 pages, clothbound (1968)

No. 84 Molecular Association in Biological and Related Systems 308 pages, clothbound ( 1968)

$7.00 $2.33

No. 85 Stabilization of Polymers and Stabilizer $10.50 $3.50

Processes 332 pages, clothbound (1968)

No. 86 Pesticidal Formulations Research. Physical and Colloidal Chemical Aspects 212 pages, clothbound (1969)

$10.50 $3.50 $10.00 $3.33

No. 88 Propellants Manufacture, Hazards, and

$8.50 $2.83

No. 89 Isotope Effects in Chemical Processes

Testing 395 pages, clothbound (1969) 278 pages, clothbound (1969)

No. 90 Fuel Cell Systems-11

$17.50 $5.83

446 pages, clothbound (1969)

No. 91 Addition and Condensation

$11.00 $3.67

No. 65 Radiation Preservation of Foods 184 pages, clothbound (1967) No. 69 Fuel Gasification 276 pages, clothbound (1967)


No. 76 Oxidation of Organic Compounds-ll

No. 61 Kekule Centennial 198 pages, clothbound (1966) No. 62 Werner Centennial 661 pages, clothbound (1967)


259 pages, clothbound (1968)

$10.00 $3.33

No. 52 Elastomer Stereospecific Polymerization 155 pages, clothbound (1966)

No. 58 Ion-Molecule Reactions in the Gas Phase 336 pages, clothbound ( 1966)


No. 74 Deoxy Sugars

No. 48 Plasticization and Plasticizer Processes 200 pages, clothbound (1965)

No. 54 Advanced Propellant Chemistry 290 pages, clothbound (1966)


Applications and Implications 283 pages, clothbound (1968) No. 71 Lanthanide/Actinide Chemistry 359 pages, clothbound (1967)

$5.50 $1.83

No. 44 Amino Acids and Serum Proteins 154 pages, clothbound (1964) No. 47 Fuel Cell Systems 360 pages, clothbound (1965)


No. 70 Homogeneous Catalysis—Industrial

$12.00 $4.00

No. 24 Chemical Marketing in the Competitive Sixties 147 pages, paperbound (1959) No. 27 Saline Water Conversion 246 pages, paperbound (1960) No. 34 Polymerization and Polycondensation Processes 260 pages, paperbound (1962)


Polymerization Processes 767 pages, clothbound (1969)

$8.50 $2.83

No. 96 Engineering Plastics and Their Commercial Development 128 pages, clothbound ( 1969)

$10.50 $3.50

American Chemical Society/Special Issues Sales 11 55 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D C . 2 0 0 3 6 To order books, just circle volumes desired and complete entire


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.Total Amount (Payable to American Chemical Society).

Overseas Buyers: 40