bookshelf Air Pollution Experiments for Junior and Senior High School Science Classes. Edited by Donald C. Hunter and Henry C. Wohlers. 64 pages. Air Pollution Control Association, 4400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213. 1969. $1.00 (in quantities of I O or more, 50 cents), paper. Aiming to arouse in secondary school students an acute zwareness of air pollution and its effect oil their lives, as well as an interest in the field of air pollution control as a possible career, the editors include 19 experiments in the publication. Object, suitability and usefulness, theory and background, equipment, and procedures are given for each experiment. Experiment titles include: Effect of air pollution on dyed fabrics: detection and measurement of atmospheric carbon monoxide, and effect of SO, on vegetation. Sludge Dewatering. Manual of Practice 20. 120 pages. Water Pollution Control Federation, 3900 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20016. $3.00, members, $4.00 nonmembers; paper. m
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Circle No. 12 on Readers' Service Card
70 Environmental Science and Technology
Land, People, and Policy. Gordon Edwards. 159 pages. Chandler-Davis Publishing Co., P.O. Box 36, West Trenton, N.J. 08628. 1969. $5.00, hard cover; $3.00. paper. Community Water Supply: Report oE a WHO Expert Committee. World Health Organization Technical Report Series No, 420. 21 pages. World Health Organization, American Public Health Association, Inc., 1740 Bdwy., New York, N.Y. 10019. 60 cents. paper. B A Sulfur-Free Fuel for Power Generation. 559 pages. Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, Va. 22151. 1969. $6.00, paper. Effects of Watershed Changes on Streaniflow. Water Resources Symposium No. 2 . Edited by Walter L. Moore and Carl W. Morgan. xiv 289 pages, University of Texas Press, Austin, Tex. 78712. 1969. $12.50, hard cover.
Indian Creek Reservoir: America's Newest Water Resource. Advanced Waste Treatment Seminar 11. 66 pages. BSP Corp., P.O. Box 8158, San Francisco, Calif. 94128. 1969. $10.00, binder. Glossary-Water and Wastewater Engineering. Revised edition. 387 pages. American Water Works Association. Publication Sales, Two Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1969. Members, $7.00, nonmembers, $10.00; hard cover. Sources, Abundance, and Fate of Gaseous Atmospheric Pollutants. 123 pages. Publications Section, American Petroleum Institute, 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10020. 1969. $2.50, paper. Flood Plain Management: Iowa's Experience. Edited by Menvin D. Dougal. 270 pages. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50010. 1969. $6.95, hard cover. Sewers for Growing America. Norris M. Cohn. 202 pages. Certain-teed Production Corp., 540 Pennsylvania Ave., Fort Washington, Pa. 19034. 1966. $10.00, hard cover. Our Environment Battles Water Pollution. Charles E. Renn. 32 pages. LaMotte Chemical Products Co., Chestertown. Md. 21620. 1969. 50 cents, paper. B Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Power Sources Conference. 18 1 pages. PSC Publications Committee, P.O. Box 891, Red Bank, N.J. 07701. 1969. $15.00. paper. Analysis of Ground Water Use, Replenishment, and Aquifier Characteristics in Bartholomew County, Ind. L. G. Davis, A. K . Turner, and W. N. Melhorn. v 83 pages. Purdue University Water Resources Research Center, Lilly Hall of Life Sciences, Lafayette, Ind. 47907. 1969. Paper.
Absorption of Gases. V. M. Ramm. vii 648 pages. Daniel Davey & Co., 964 Asylum Ave.. Hartford, Conn. 06105. 1968. $20.00, hard cover.
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Circle No. 7 on Readers' Service Card
Volume 4, Number 1, January 1970 71