May 16, 2012 - BORG-WARNER CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (8), pp 74A–74A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60140a778. Publication Date: August 1958...
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE New Company Newsletter. First is­ sue of a new company newsletter is de­ voted to a discussion of three-dimen­ sional drawings and a bibliography of 93 references on microscopy, crystal­ lography, x-ray diffraction, mass spec­ trometry, and miscellaneous physical methods. Walter C. McCrone As­ sociates ("The Crystal-Front," Vol. 1, No. 1). l-l Indulin. Bulletin gives data on indulin as a surfactant, extender, dispers­ ant, reinforcent, binder, sequestering agent, emulsificr, emulsion stabilizer, and protective colloid. Illustrations, charts, tables. Twenty pages. West Virginia Pulp and Paper Co. (Tech. Bull. No. 100). L-2

shopping for a non-overload linear amplifier? Our new Detectolab* DA8 is an off-the-shelf in­ strument which we've been told is an extremely welcome addition to the field of general spectro­ scopy . . . or even as our friend Sherman succinctly puts i t . . . specific spectroscopy. Higher amplifier gain, resolution, linearity and overload factor are but a few features which set this instrument above currently available models. Overload factor is 4000 times with 7 microsec­ ond recovery rate, making the D A 8 especially ap­ plicable for use with larger radiation detectors. Additionally, amplifier gain is 70,000, either posi­ tive or negative output pulse to 135 ν and linearity better t h a n 0 . 1 % . Resolution is 1.0 microsecond. T h e Detectolab DA8 permits ready observance of low energy x-rays in the presence of energetic gamma radiation a n d is available with pre-amp a n d pulse height selector. A new technical bulletin excruciatingly describes all aspects of the D A 8 . Yours for the asking.






*Borg-Warner Corporation Trademark

3 3 0 0 N E W P O R T B O U L E V A R D , P . O . BOX 1 6 7 9 , SANTA ANA, C A L I F O R N I A EXPORT SALES: B O R G - W A R N E R I NTER Ν ATI ON AL CO R P., C H IC A GO, I LLI NOI S For further information, circle number 74 A on Readers' Service Card, page 77 λ 74 A



Semi-Conductor Rectifiers. Com­ pany's line of germanium, silicon, and selenium semi-conductor rectifiers is de­ scribed in four-page bulletin. Current and voltage ratings are shown on a chart. Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co. (Bull. No. 12B8897). L-3 Natural




Illustrated data sheet gives informa­ tion on use of gas chromatography for continuous analysis of gas streams in natural gasoline plants. Beckman/ Process Instruments Div. (Applica­ tion Data Sheet GC-420S). L-4 Chromatogram



House publication describes and gives specifications for the company's Actigraph II radio chromatogram scan­ ning system. Four pages, illustrated. Nuclear-Chicago Corp. (The Nucleus, Jan. 1958). L-5 Centrifuges. Catalog shows new centifuges with keyboard control center. Seven models available. All feature a ball-bearing motor lubricated for life. Chicago Surgical & Electrical Co. (Bulletin 320). L-6 Double-beam


Brochure describes in 20 pages of text and pictures a major addition—the Infracord spectrophotometer—to firm's line of infrared analytical instruments. Booklet also tells what infrared is, how it is used to identify unknowns, and how it is used for qualitative and quan­ titative analysis and product control. Perkin-Elmer Corp. L-7 Optics, Electronic, Scientific Instru­ ments. Folder shows 19 pieces of equipment, such as electron micro­ scopes, fluorometers, and monochro-