Bound to and Activated by the Lewis Acidic - ACS Publications

Sep 16, 2016 - Amidine Production by the Addition of NH3 to Nitrile(s) Bound to and Activated by the Lewis Acidic [Re6(μ3-Se)8]2+ Cluster Core. Willi...
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Amidine Production by the Addition of NH3 to Nitrile(s) Bound to and Activated by the Lewis Acidic [Re6(μ3‑Se)8]2+ Cluster Core William C. Corbin,† Gary S. Nichol,‡ and Zhiping Zheng*,† †

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, United States School of Chemistry, The University of Edinburgh, David Brewster Road, Edinburgh EH9 3FJ, U.K.

S Supporting Information *

supported by the Lewis acidic [Re6(μ3-Se)8]2+ cluster core and with the hope of discovering other synthetically significant chemical transformations, we have recently set out to explore the synthesis of amidines, a family of compounds that are significant in medicinal chemistry,27−29 for CO2/CS2 sequestration,30,31 and as ligands for the synthesis of metallocyclic and heterocyclic complexes,32−39 It is of note that amidines are among the strongest neutral bases, protonation of which leads to the corresponding amidinium salts, which are useful as precursors to stable carbenes40 and as organocatalysts.41 We note that the synthesis of amidines usually involves the multistep Pinner reaction using free nitriles and a strong acid or relies on additions to single-metal-activated nitriles.42 Frequently required are stringent reaction conditions,43 precious metals,44−46 or the use of sensitive starting materials.47 We also note the possible cis and trans additions of a nucleophile to the nitrile CN bond, producing respectively the E and Z isomers of the imino (CN) metal complex; production of both isomers is commonly observed, although the E isomer complex is thermodynamically favored because of less steric hindrance.42 We present herein reactions between NH3 and CH3CN complexes of the [Re6(μ3-Se)8]2+ cluster core,14 [Re6(μ3Se)8(PEt3)5(CH3CN)](BF4)2 (1), trans-[Re6(μ3Se) 8 (PEt 3 ) 4 (CH 3 CN) 2 ](BF 4 ) 2 (2), and cis-[Re 6 (μ 3 Se)8(PEt3)4(CH3CN)2](BF4)2 (3), producing the corresponding acetamidino complexes [Re6(μ3-Se)8(PEt3)5L](BF4)2 [4; L = acetamidine or HNC(NH 2 )(CH 3 )], trans-[Re 6 (μ 3 Se)8(PEt3)4L2](BF4)2 (5), and cis-[Re6(μ3-Se)8(PEt3)4L2](BF4)2 (6; crystallized out as a CH2Cl2 solvate with 1.5 solvent molecules per cluster unit) (Scheme 1 and the Supporting Information). The addition of NH3 to the cluster-bound CH3CN, achieved in an aerobic, room temperature environment, was facile and atom-economical. Briefly, NH3 was bubbled into a CH2Cl2 solution of one of the cluster complexes for 15 min, after which the reaction mixture was sealed and stirred for an additional 24 h. The product was obtained as an orange-yellow crystalline solid in essentially quantitative yield upon removal of the solvent. All three new compounds were characterized by 31P and 1H NMR and elemental analyses (CHN) and structurally determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. As a representative, the spectroscopic characterization and crystallographic analysis of 4 are presented here to highlight the salient changes upon ligand transformation. The NMR spectra of

ABSTRACT: Acetonitrile bound to and activated by the Lewis acidic [Re6(μ3-Se)8]2+ cluster core was transformed into acetamidine in quantitative yield using NH3 as the nucleophile at room temperature. The amidine ligand was removed by treating the cluster−acetamidine complexes with trifluoroacetic acid in CH3CN, affording amidinium trifluoroacetate and the starting acetonitrile complexes.


ewis acid catalysts are important in many chemical transformations. A commonly encountered challenge in their application is their sensitivity toward air and/or moisture, and maintenance of stringent reaction conditions is thus generally required.1−5 Moreover, separation of the catalyst from the product in a homogeneous reaction mixture can sometimes prove difficult, which increases not only the chance of product contamination but also purification costs. Catalysts of aerobic stability and ease of separation are therefore desired. In this context, we and others have developed a cluster-based Lewis acidic platform for synthetically meaningful transformations. Specifically, the octahedral cluster core of [Re6(μ3Se)8]2+, being Lewis acidic because of the 2+ charge, has been found to support a great variety of aerobically stable complexes.6−11 with some of the ligands being activated for further reactions.12−19 In our work, with triethylphosphino (PEt3) ligands occupying and passivating some of the Re sites, cluster-bound acetonitrile (CH3CN) undergoes stereospecific and atom economical nucleophilic addition with methanol and ethanol, affording the corresponding imino ester complexes.20,21 Szczepura and co-workers, on the other hand, reported the addition of N3− to nitrile(s) bound to the same cluster core to produce tetrazolate complexes in a click-chemistry fashion.22,23 We later showed that the nitrile ligand can also be exchanged for organic azides, and subsequent decomposition of the azido cluster complexes upon ultraviolet irradiation produced the corresponding imino complexes in a stereospecific fashion.24,25 Besides the cluster−nitrile complexes, we have also succeeded in the preparation of the carbonyl complexes of the same cluster core. Such cluster carbonyls are similar to the classical organometallic carbonyls in terms of their back-bonding electronic structure, with the cluster-bound CO ligand(s) being activated for further transformations. For example, upon reaction with CH3Li, the corresponding acyl complex of the cluster was obtained.26 No similar hexametal cluster systems have shown such reactivity. In an effort to assess the scope of the reactions © 2016 American Chemical Society

Received: July 9, 2016 Published: September 16, 2016 9505

DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b01643 Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 9505−9508


Inorganic Chemistry

Scheme 1. Synthesis of Amidine Complexes with Crystal Structures Shown along the C3 Axis of the Cluster Corea


Atom labeling is provided for complex 4. Counterions, solvent molecules, and phosphine ethyl groups are omitted for clarity. Anisotropic displacement ellipsoids are shown at the 50% probability level.

unambiguously establishes the planarity of the acetamidino ligand. The neutrality of ligand L is corroborated by the presence of two BF4− anions in the structure of compound 4. The N1−C31 bond distance at 1.288 Å is typical of an NC bond, while the length of C31−N2 at 1.330 Å falls between the typical length of an N−C single bond (1.47 Å) and that of a double bond (1.29 Å), thus suggesting significant double-bond character of the formal amine bond and extensive π conjugation within the N1−C31− N2 connection. This conclusion is also supported by the planar structure of the ligand; because of this planarity, the chemical environments of the two amine H atoms are considerably different, as alluded to above. The positions of the amine H atoms in the crystal structure also provide an inclination to the possible mechanistic pathway that this reaction follows. In our previous work of alcohol addition to cluster-bound CH3CN to generate imino ester complexes of the cluster, product preference for the Z isomer with the alkoxyl group and cluster unit on the same side of the CN bond over the E isomer was established based on NMR data and further supported by crystallographic studies.20 We hypothesized that this preference originates from kinetic control due to the formation of a bifurcated hydrogen bond involving the alcohol OH and the two Se atoms on one corner of the cluster. The structure of complex 4 is consistent with such a mechanistic proposal: Both the N−H2A---Se4 distance at 2.753 Å and that of N−H2A---Se8 at 2.916 Å are perfectly set for hydrogen-bonding interactions (Figure 2). Similar structural parameters are found in the structures of complexes 5 and 6 with two trans- and cis-disposed L ligands, respectively (Scheme 1). With transformation of the organic ligand(s) complete, our endeavors turned to removing the amidino ligand and

the crude reaction product, shown in Figure 1, indicate a very clean reaction. The 31P resonances show upfield shifts with

Figure 1. 31P (left) and 1H (right) NMR spectra of 1 and 4. *: CDHCl2.

respect to those of 1, with the signal of the 4 equiv PEt3 ligands being more shifted than that of the sole PEt3 that is trans to the L ligand. These observations suggest that the newly formed ligand L is more electron-rich than CH3CN, which is consistent with the fact that the cis-PEt3 ligands are in closer proximity to L and are therefore electronically affected more than the trans-PEt3 ligands. In 1H NMR, the resonance at 2.92 ppm of the cluster-bound CH3CN is replaced by a singlet at 2.37 ppm upon reaction. In addition, three new singlets at 7.12, 6.44, and 5.00 ppm appear, corresponding respectively to the imine and amine H atoms; the presence of three separate peaks indicates that the amine H atoms are inequivalent. This conclusion is consistent with the crystal structure of 4 (Scheme 1, top right), which 9506

DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b01643 Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 9505−9508


Inorganic Chemistry Author Contributions

The manuscript was written through contributions of all authors. All authors have given approval to the final version of the manuscript. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported, in part, by National Science Foundation Grants CHE-0750530 and CHE-1152609.

Figure 2. Crystal structure of 4 showing ligand planarity and hydrogen bonding between the −NH2 group and two Se atoms on the edge of the cluster core. N−H2A---Se4 = 2.753 Å and N−H2A---Se8 = 2.916 Å. Color code: cyan, Re; orange, Se; purple, N; gray, C; white, H.

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regenerating the starting CH3CN−cluster complex with the hope of completing a formal cycle and recycling the cluster-based potential catalyst. We succeeded in our efforts by treating the amidine−cluster complex 4 with excess trifluoroacetic acid in CH3CN. The regenerated CH3CN complex 1 was separated from acetamidinium trifluoroacetate by a straightforward extraction using CH2Cl2 as the organic phase. The identity of these two products was verified by multinuclear NMR (1H and 31 P NMR for 4 and 1H and 19F NMR for acetamidinium trifluoroacetate) in comparison with the respective literature references. Analogous removal of the amidino ligand and reformation of the corresponding CH3CN−cluster complexes were also attempted by using 5 and 6, with both reactions showing complete conversion. These results clearly point to chemical transformations at multiple sites on the same cluster core and the potential of achieving high catalytic efficiency. It is also of note that reacting the recovered CH3CN−cluster complexes with NH 3 yielded the same results as the independently prepared nitrile species. In summary, CH3CN bound and activated by the Lewis acidic cluster core of [Re6(μ3-Se)8]2+ can react with NH3 and be facilely converted to acetamidine in quantitative yield. The reaction produced exclusively the Z isomer of the amidine−cluster complexes. The newly formed ligand can be removed in the form of an amidinium salt by treating the cluster complexes with an organic acid containing a noncoordinating anion such as trifluoroacetic acid in CH3CN, regenerating the starting and potentially catalytic CH3CN−cluster complexes.


S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b01643. Experimental details, multinuclear NMR spectra, and crystallographic data with refinement details (PDF) X-ray crystallographic information for CCDC 1034324 (4) (CIF) X-ray crystallographic information for CCDC 1034325 (5) (CIF) X-ray crystallographic information for CCDC 1034326 (6) (CIF)



Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. 9507

DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b01643 Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 9505−9508


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