May 3, 2012 - BOWSER TECHNICAL REFRIGERATION. Anal. Chem. , 1952, 24 (10), pp 26A–26A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60070a726. Publication Date: October ...
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devices and microconductometric and other electrochemical techniques. Examples of advanced paper-chromatographic techniques were in abun­ dance, by Imperial Chemical Indus­ tries, the Harwell Group, the National Physical Laboratory, Mme. Lacourt, director of the Mierochemistry Depart­ ment of the University of Brussels, and others. Diverse and Timely Exhibits The most striking and useful aspect of these demonstrations was their diver­ sity and timeliness. Some were very elaborate and of a degree of perfection comparable to commercial instruments. Others were temporary laboratory re­ search setups, but in each case, one sensed that he had the privilege of peep­ ing over the research man's shoulder and witnessing the latest developments in the field. A prodigious amount of work went into these demonstrations and all were replete with charts, dia­ grams, flow sheets, and reprints of re­ lated work. The idea is worthy of wider use and is much more effective than formal lec­ tures. In the latter respect, their soporific value is practically nil. Analysts are greatly indebted to Sir Robert Robinson, Sir Wallace Akers, and to the Honorary Secretary, R. C. Chirnside, for the excellence of this meeting and all its attendant attrac­ tions. All of this leaves unspoken and unacknowledged the arduous labors of committee members who assisted them. The fascinating work of Professor Clément Duval, of Paris, on analytical uses of the thermobalance continues in new and enlarged surroundings. Despite the fact that he is in the process of moving, we were given an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest developments. This included a visit to the plant where many of the instruments developed by M. Chevenard are made. The Chevenard thermobalance is but one of these and we hope to devote subsequent pages to the description of some of them as soon as more data and illustrations become available. Despite our own advanced state of instrumental development, it is most instructive to see striking examples of superb European craftsmanship. It is not only in ideas that our science is, and always has been, international. It is, of necessity, a challenge and a liberal education.






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