Brady, James E.; Humiston, Gerard E

Page 1. General Chemistry Principles and. Structure, Thlrd Edition, SI Version. James E. Brady and Gerard E. Humis- ton, John Wiley & Sons, Somerset, ...
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General Chemistry Principles a n d Structure, Thlrd Edition, SI Version James E. Brady and Gerard E. Humiston, John Wiley & Sons, Somerset, NJ, 1983. xix 826 pp. Figs. and tables. 22 X 26 cm. $30.95.

Introduction to Chemistry, Fourth Edition T. R. Dickson, John Wiley & Sons, Somerset. NJ. 1983. xvii 540 pp. Figs. and tables. 19 X 24 cm. $25.95.

The appearance of an SI version of this respected textbook [see my review in this Joumol, 60. A103 (1983)l is a sign of a healthy sales picture, which for the admirable text under review is altogether deserved. Unfortunately, however, the need for two alternative versions of first-year textbooks refleets a deplorable lack of agreement among chemists over the basic grammar and spelling of our science. At this time no consensus has yet been reached on the names that should be given to the well-defined physical quantities and the symhols for those names, the names given to well-defined units and the symbols for those names. and the rules for the exnre~sion r ~ . . of ~ relations ~ . ~ ~involvine numerical values between such physical quantities and such u n m Thus, student* ufchemi*try at all levels are currently taught an incredible mishmash of names and symbols, depending on the whim of the particular instructor. In this situation we look to editors and textbook authors for the leadershin which will lead us u,a more logical and rational futurr. Agalnst this ix the conservotwn uf the profeszl.r~nte who, after all, ran contnd at least the textbook market by exercising the power not to adapt. Even in this version of the excellent text under review, Professor Heikkinen, a wellpracticed chemical educator, has retained the standard atmosphere (atm) as a convenient synonym for 101,325 N m-2 (101.325 kPa), even though the N m-% (pascal) is used as the SI-derived unit of pressure throughout the text. This popular and serious texthook is highly recommended. J. J. Zuckerman University of Oklahoma Norman. OK 73019

This textbook, intended for a one-term course in chemistry, is supposed to fulfill the needs of two different groups of studentsthose who need a foundation for additional courses in chemistry and those who wish to have only an introductory course. I t is a challenge to teach both groups, and it is a significant challenge to find an appropriate textbook. The author recognizes the need to provide students with an appropriate background in systems of measurement and problem solving. This is handled well through thefactorlabel method in the fust chapter and through the use of three appendices. Chapter two covers the chemical elements (nature of matter, atomic theory, nuclear atom, isotopes, and atomic weights), chapter three covers compounds and formulas, and chapter four looks at atomic structure and the periodic table, including electronic configurations. Subsequent chapters cover chemical bonds, chemical nomenclature, chemical reactions and equations, chemical stoichiometry, gases, water and solutions, solution dynamics and chemical equilibrium, acids, and bases, oxidation and reduction, liquids and solids, nuclear energy, organic chemistry, and biochemistry. In short, most significant topics of general chemistry are considered (though, obviously, in limited detail). At first glance, then it might seem that the book is written for the second student group. Actually, the author has faced the dilemma of what to include and has responded by providing all students w ~ t h an honest view of chemistry as the basic, exciting, relevant central scjenee that it is. There is a lot of material here, hut it is well presented, and the instructor can alter the














order of chapters after the first four without penalty. . A final point: this hookdoes not have that fourth edition the-author-listened-to-every-advisor-around look. I t is a polished, well-written, attractively designed textbook. I t is recommended for those who are faced with the challenge of teaching the course for which it is written. Dean F. Martin University of Sou% Florida Tampa, FL 33620

Practice of Thin Layer Chromatography. S e c o n d Edition Joseph C. Touchstone and MuneN F. Dobbins, John Wiley & Sons, Somerset, NJ, 1983. iii 405 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. $40.00.


The authors present a follow-up volume of their successful first edition which was published in 1978. The book consists of 16 chapters and is intended primarily for praeticing chromatographers. It contains much "how to" information and is full of practical advice. Comparing the second to the first edition, one finds that the majority of the chapters was left e s s e n t i y untouched. In many eases the chapters are identical, including the lists of references. The only significant changes were made in Chapter 4 dealing with sample preparation and application, and Chapter 10 which has been relabelled from "Radioactive Procedures" to "Procedures for Radioactivity." The authors have, however, paid tribute to 2 new developments, revise phase tech(Continued on page A1 14)

Reviewed in this Issue Reviewer

James E. Brady and Gerard E. Humiston, General Chemistry Principles and Structure, Third Edition, SI Version T. R. Discon, Introduction to Chemistry, Fourth Edition Joseph C. Touchstone and Murrell F. Dobbins, Practice Chromatography, Second Edition Titles of Interest Continuing Series

J. J. Zuckerman Dean F. Martin

A113 A113

Wolfgang Bertsch

A113 A114 A114

of Thin Layer

Volume 61

Number 3

March 1984
