Brinkmann Instruments, Inc.,

Complete custom service. Any time you need a piece of labware that's different from the norm, check the custom section of our. Pyrex Laboratory Ware C...
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SADTLER RESEARCH LABORATORIES 1517 V i n e St. P h i l a d e l p h i a 2 , Pa.

Exhibiting: Standard infrared spectra in three different sizes: regular, midget, and microslide editions, with complete indexing by name, empirical formula, and bands. Included will be the Spec-Finder, a book method of locating infrared spectra by the bands. Three new series are: steroids, near-infrared, and ultraviolet. Représentatives at Exhibit: Philip Sadtler, John Whittaker, F. W. Broo, Alvin May, K. G. Heydon, T. Suzuki. General Product Line: Sadtler Research Laboratories perform sponsored research, difficult organic analyses, and publish standard infrared spectrograms in the range of 0.7 to 3.2 microns, and 2.0 to 15.0 microns and ultraviolet spectra.


Prewound Capillary

PYREX* CHROMATOGRAPH COLUMNS O u r Special A p p a r a t u s Section n o w catalogs P Y R E X capillary c h r o m a t o g r a p h coils already w o u n d in 100, 2 0 0 a n d 3 0 0 foot lengths. 2 " or ZVi" centers. A " O . D . tubing. 0 . 0 1 0 " or 0 . 0 2 0 " I . D . Write for Supplement N o . 8 for specs and prices. Need them longer or thicker? On special order we can m a k e these coils to any length you like or with larger O.D.'s. If you have other special changes y o u ' d like to m a k e , we'll gladly supply quotations. Complete custom service. A n y time y o u need a piece of labware that's different from the n o r m , check t h e c u s t o m section of o u r P Y R E X L a b o r a t o r y W a r e Catalog. If you don't find what you want there, we'll be glad to m a k e t h e item special in small or large quantities. Write Special A p p a r a t u s Section, 69 Crystal Street, Corning, N e w York.


108 A




32, 33

E. H. SARGENT & C O . 4 6 4 7 West Foster A v e . Chicago 3 0 , III.

Exhibiting: New Model SR potentiometric recorder, Model M R laboratory recorder, Model XV recording Polarograph with micro-range extender, Thermonitor controlled constant temperature water bath with thermistor temperature system, Sargent Malmstadt Model SE (spectrophotometric) titra tor, new Sargent constant rate buret, new Sargent analytical Radiant-Wall drying oven. Representatives at Exhibit: Harold Standefer, Richard Duda, Francis Heller, Jack Trommater, Jack Holland. General Product Line: Manufacturer and distributor of scientific laboratory instruments, apparatus, supplies, and reagent chemicals through its divisions in Chicago, Detroit, Dallas, Birmingham, and Springfield, N. J. Development laboratories are maintained at Chicago; manufacturing facilities a t Chicago and Springfield, N. J., and instrument repair facilities at each division. Typical manufactured products include titrators, strip chart recorders, manual and automatic chart recording Polarographs, electrolytic analyzers, microcombustion apparatus, laboratory ovens, variable speed stirrers, and constant temperature water and oil baths.



AUGUST SAUTER OF NEW Y O R K , I N C . 866 W i l l i s A v e . Albertson, Ν. Υ.

Exhibiting: Introducing a series of Sauter Toppan balances, featuring direct reading and built-in weights, from 1 kg. to 4 kg. capacity. The Sauter Monopan, a single pan substitution type analytical balance. The Ultra-Matic series 180 balance for spectroscopy and other minute weighings. Representatives at Exhibit: H. G. Shimp, Jr., G. F . Czemba, K. L. Gensheimer. General Product Line: Balances ranging from micro and semimicro types through all analytical and semi and fully auto­ matic precision models. Fully automatic scales of bench, platform, portable and dormant types from 5 pounds to two ton capacity. Weights and accessories for balances and scales. Sold only through franchised distributors.

FEATURING: • Accuracy to ±0.01°C • Range 0-150°C •

P u m p s to 5 GPM

• Magnetic Temperature Setting • Automatic "water level" s h u t off device • Separate c o n t r o l u n i t protected from fumes • Additional heater may be c o n n e c t e d • Cooling coil • Suitable for open tank or closed c i r c u i t p u m p i n g . SEND FOR COMPLETE DESCRIPTIVE CATALOG

BRINKMANN Brinkmann Instruments, Inc., Cutter Mill Road, Great Neck, L. I., H. V. Circle No. 152 η Reiders' Service Card