lop of each other in compact, convenient polystyrene containers. And if any. fLC plate reaches you in less-than-pertect condition, well replace it,unc...
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We can put that in writing, right o n our TLC plates. .1 ' . ρ • ,-srmits the use o f all Most pre-coatea thin-layer chromatograpny plates ! • polar solvents, stains are so loose and powdery that just the slightest touch will • • i i ' Ι ι; available w i t h a l u ­ remove their coating. That's most definitely not the case m i n u m o x i d e , cetiulose p o w d e r and silica coatings, w i t h with C. Merck (Parmstrfdi) pre-coated piates for TLC. or w i t h o u t fluorescent indicators, in sizes ranging f r o m Their coating is completely smooth, homogenous, 5x10 c m . to 20x20 c m . Prices are the l o w e s t o f any p r e and truly abrasion-resistant. They never flake or scratch. c o a t e d system c u r r e n t l y o f f e r e d . M a y w e send y o u a You can even write on them (as we have done above) free sample and m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n ? without disturbing the coaling. That's why they can be Just w r i t e : TLC D i v i s i o n , B r i n k m a n n Instruments, packed and shipped directly on lop of each other in CarUiague'Road, W e s t b u r y , N e w York 11590. compact, convenient polystyrene containers. And if any TLC. plate reaches you in less-than-pertect condition, E. MERCK, DARMSTADT, DIVISION we'll replace it, unconditionally. B R I N K M A N N INSTRUMENTS The unique organic binder in H. Merck (Darmstadt)